TEDS Data Dictionary

Variables in the 14 Year Dataset

The table on this page lists all 14 Year variables. This includes all item variables from the 14 Year booklets and web tests, as well as derived variables that are based on 14 Year items.

The table does not include background variables that originate from other sources (either from admin data or from other study datasets). Such variables include IDs, twin sex and zygosity variables, the random variable and general exclusion variables. See the background variables page for details.

Variables are listed in alphabetical order in the table below. The columns of the table are:

  • Dataset variable name.
  • Item or derived variable?
  • Source of data:
    • twin web - from the twin web tests
    • twin booklet - from the child booklet
    • parent booklet - from the parent booklet
    • slq qnr - from the (parent) SLQ questionnaire
    • teacher qnr - from the teacher questionnaire
    • admin - administrative data, logged in the TEDS admin database
  • Dataset variable label
  • Data type:
    • integer - numeric whole numbers
    • decimal - numeric with fractional values
    • string - alphanumeric character strings
  • Variable type:
    • nominal - categorical, with arbitrary values
    • ordinal - categorical, with ordered numeric values
    • quantitative - numerical measurements of some concrete quantity
    • scale value - numerical measurement derived (usually) as a sum or mean of other variables
    In some cases, these distinctions are arbitrary. Binary variables are categorized as ordinal if they are scores (0/1), and nominal otherwise.
  • Coding or range of values - this shows the value coding used for nominal/ordinal variables, or an approximate range of values for quantitative and scale variables.
dataset variable nameitem or derived variable?source of datadataset variable labeldata typevariable typecoding or approximate range of values
n14yearderived-14yr data present, 1Y 0N integernominal0=no, 1=yes
ncact11/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 1: sports (child qnr at 14), see value labels integernominal1=enjoy a lot, 2=enjoy a bit, 3=its OK, 4=dont enjoy it much, 5=dont enjoy at all, 6=never done
ncact1h1/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 1: sports (child qnr at 14) - hours per weekdecimal quantitative0 to 35 (hours per week)
ncact21/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 2: computer games (child qnr at 14), see value labels integernominal1=enjoy a lot, 2=enjoy a bit, 3=its OK, 4=dont enjoy it much, 5=dont enjoy at all, 6=never done
ncact2h1/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 2: computer games (child qnr at 14) - hours per week decimalquantitative0 to 35 (hours per week)
ncact31/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 3: watching TV/DVDs (child qnr at 14), see value labels integernominal1=enjoy a lot, 2=enjoy a bit, 3=its OK, 4=dont enjoy it much, 5=dont enjoy at all, 6=never done
ncact3h1/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 3: watching TV/DVDs (child qnr at 14) - hours per week decimalquantitative0 to 35 (hours per week)
ncact41/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 4: organised groups (child qnr at 14), see value labels integernominal1=enjoy a lot, 2=enjoy a bit, 3=its OK, 4=dont enjoy it much, 5=dont enjoy at all, 6=never done
ncact4h1/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 4: organised groups (child qnr at 14) - hours per week decimalquantitative0 to 15 (hours per week)
ncact51/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 5: outside with friends (child qnr at 14), see value labels integernominal1=enjoy a lot, 2=enjoy a bit, 3=its OK, 4=dont enjoy it much, 5=dont enjoy at all, 6=never done
ncact5h1/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 5: outside with friends (child qnr at 14) - hours per week decimalquantitative0 to 35 (hours per week)
ncact61/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 6: reading (child qnr at 14), see value labels integernominal1=enjoy a lot, 2=enjoy a bit, 3=its OK, 4=dont enjoy it much, 5=dont enjoy at all, 6=never done
ncact6h1/2itemtwin bookletExtra Curricular Activities item 6: reading (child qnr at 14) - hours per week decimalquantitative0 to 30 (hours per week)
ncbmi1/2derivedtwin bookletTwin BMI (child qnr at 14), kilograms per square metredecimalquantitative approx 12 to 35 (kilograms per square metre)
nccha11/2itemtwin bookletChaos item 1, regular routine first thing (Child Qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
nccha1r1/2itemtwin bookletReversed version of child Chaos item 1 (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=quite true, 0=very true
nccha21/2itemtwin bookletChaos item 2, cannot hear yourself think (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
nccha31/2itemtwin bookletChaos item 3, real zoo (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
nccha41/2itemtwin bookletChaos item 4, stay on top (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
nccha4r1/2itemtwin bookletReversed version of child Chaos item 4 (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=quite true, 0=very true
nccha51/2itemtwin bookletChaos item 5, television turned on (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
nccha61/2itemtwin bookletChaos item 6, calm (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
nccha6r1/2itemtwin bookletReversed version of child Chaos item 6 (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=quite true, 0=very true
ncchato1/2derivedtwin bookletChaos at home total scale at 14 (child), 0-12decimalscale value 0 to 12
nccoale1/2itemtwin bookletHope to follow A-level courses (child qnr at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
nccoapp1/2itemtwin bookletHope to follow Apprenticship courses (child qnr at 14), 1Y 0Ninteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
nccodeg1/2itemtwin bookletHope to follow Degree courses (child qnr at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
nccogcs1/2itemtwin bookletHope to follow GCSE courses (child qnr at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
nccon011/2itemtwin bookletConners item 1, make careless mistakes (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon021/2itemtwin bookletConners item 2, trouble keeping attention focussed (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon031/2itemtwin bookletConners item 3, trouble listening (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon041/2itemtwin bookletConners item 4, trouble finishing work (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon051/2itemtwin bookletConners item 5, problems organising (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon061/2itemtwin bookletConners item 6, dont like work where I have to think (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon071/2itemtwin bookletConners item 7, lose things (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon081/2itemtwin bookletConners item 8, distracted (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon091/2itemtwin bookletConners item 9, forgetful (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon101/2itemtwin bookletConners item 10, trouble doing things quietly (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon111/2itemtwin bookletConners item 11, fidget or squirm (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon121/2itemtwin bookletConners item 12, leave my seat (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon131/2itemtwin bookletConners item 13, restless or overactive (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon141/2itemtwin bookletConners item 14, always on the go (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon151/2itemtwin bookletConners item 15, talk too much (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon161/2itemtwin bookletConners item 16, give answers prematurely (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon171/2itemtwin bookletConners item 17, trouble waiting in line (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
nccon181/2itemtwin bookletConners item 18, interrupt others (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ncconhit1/2derivedtwin bookletConners Hyperactivity-Impulsivity scale at 14 (child), 0-27decimal scale value0 to 27
ncconint1/2derivedtwin bookletConners Inattention scale at 14 (child), 0-27decimalscale value 0 to 27
ncconnt1/2derivedtwin bookletConners total scale at 14 (child), 0-54decimalscale value0 to 54
nccooth1/2itemtwin bookletHope to follow Other courses (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=postgraduate degree, 2=overseas qualification, 3=specified career but not qualification
nccovoc1/2itemtwin bookletHope to follow Vocational courses (child qnr at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ncdis11/2itemtwin bookletDiscipline item 1, smacked (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncdis21/2itemtwin bookletDiscipline item 2, shouted (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncdis31/2itemtwin bookletDiscipline item 3, explains (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncdis41/2itemtwin bookletDiscipline item 4, firm (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncdis51/2itemtwin bookletDiscipline item 5, joke (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncdis61/2itemtwin bookletDiscipline item 6, asks someone else (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncdisavot1/2derivedtwin bookletAvoidance Parental Discipline scale at 14 (child), 0-4decimalscale value0 to 4
ncdisnegt1/2derivedtwin bookletNegative Parental Discipline scale at 14 (child), 0-4decimalscale value0 to 4
ncdispost1/2derivedtwin bookletPositive Parental Discipline scale at 14 (child), 0-4decimalscale value0 to 4
ncedpa11/2itemtwin bookletParents think a good education is important (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal1=not true or quite true, 2=very true
ncedpa21/2itemtwin bookletParents think doing my best is important (child qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal1=not true or quite true, 2=very true
ncedpa31/2itemtwin bookletParents are interested in school marks (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal1=not true or quite true, 2=very true
nceng011/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 1: Questions with more than one answer (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng021/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 2: Asks for reasons for answers (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng031/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 3: Encourages questions (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng041/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 4: Learn from classmates (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng051/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 5: Use info to support answers (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng061/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 6: Get away with easy work (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng071/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 7: Makes me really think (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng081/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 8: Friends talk outside of class (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng091/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 9: Friends discuss things learned (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng101/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 10: Friends enjoy activities outside class (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nceng111/2itemtwin bookletEnglish Education item 11: Friends are interested (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncg1/2derivedtwin webG composite scale from child web tests at 14, standardiseddecimalscale value standardised with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
nchtcm1/2itemtwin bookletTwin Height (Child Qnr at 14), cmintegerquantitative130 to 200 (centimetres)
ncipf011/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 1: Makes me feel good about ideas (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf021/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 2: Make each other feel important (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf031/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 3: Sticks up for me (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf041/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 4: Cares about my feelings (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf051/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 5: Listens to me (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf061/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 6: Does not tell secrets (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf071/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 7: Keep promises (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf081/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 8: Tell each other problems (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf091/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 9: Talk about sad things (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipf101/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Friend item 10: Talk when angry (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp011/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 1: Makes me feel good about ideas (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp021/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 2: Make each other feel important (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp031/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 3: Sticks up for me (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp041/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 4: Cares about my feelings (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp051/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 5: Listens to me (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp061/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 6: Does not tell secrets (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp071/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 7: Keep promises (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp081/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 8: Tell each other problems (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp091/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 9: Talk about sad things (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipp101/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Parent item 10: Talk when angry (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt011/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 1: Makes me feel good about ideas (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt021/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 2: Make each other feel important (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt031/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 3: Sticks up for me (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt041/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 4: Cares about my feelings (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt051/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 5: Listens to me (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt061/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 6: Does not tell secrets (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt071/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 7: Keep promises (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt081/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 8: Tell each other problems (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt091/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 9: Talk about sad things (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncipt101/2itemtwin bookletImportant People - Twin item 10: Talk when angry (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=a little true, 2=somewhat true, 3=pretty true, 4=really true
ncmat011/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 1: Questions with more than one answer (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat021/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 2: Asks for reasons for answers (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat031/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 3: Encourages questions (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat041/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 4: Learn from classmates (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat051/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 5: Use info to support answers (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat061/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 6: Talk about solving problems (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat071/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 7: Get away with easy work (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat081/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 8: Makes me really think (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat091/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 9: Friends talk outside of class (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat101/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 10: Friends discuss things learned (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat111/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 11: Friends enjoy activities outside class (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncmat121/2itemtwin bookletMaths Education item 12: Friends are interested (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncpar11/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 1, impatient (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncpar21/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 2, happy (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncpar31/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 3, funny (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncpar41/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 4, leave alone (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncpar51/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 5, angry (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncpar61/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 6, close (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncpar71/2itemtwin bookletParental Feelings item 7, frustrated (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=quite true, 2=very true
ncparnegt1/2derivedtwin bookletNegative Parental Feelings scale at 14 (child), 0-8decimalscale value0 to 8
ncparpost1/2derivedtwin bookletPositive Parental Feelings scale at 14 (child), 0-6decimalscale value0 to 6
ncpart1/2derivedtwin bookletTotal Parental Feelings scale at 14 (child), 0-14decimalscale value0 to 14
ncpub11/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 1, growth spurt (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not yet begun, 1=barely begun, 2=definitely begun, 3=completed
ncpub21/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 2, body hair (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not yet begun, 1=barely begun, 2=definitely begun, 3=completed
ncpub31/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 3, skin change (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not yet begun, 1=barely begun, 2=definitely begun, 3=completed
ncpub41/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 4, breasts (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not yet begun, 1=barely begun, 2=definitely begun, 3=completed
ncpub51/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 5, menstruate (Child Qnr at 14), 1yes 0nointegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ncpub5age1/2derivedtwin bookletAge in years at first period (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 9=9 or less, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (years)
ncpub61/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 6, voice deepen (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not yet begun, 1=barely begun, 2=definitely begun, 3=completed
ncpub71/2itemtwin bookletPuberty item 7, hair on face (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not yet begun, 1=barely begun, 2=definitely begun, 3=completed
ncqage1/2derivedadminAge of twin when child questionnaire returned at 14, yearsdecimalquantitative approx. 12.7 to 15.5 (years)
ncqdata1/2itemtwin bookletTwin booklet data provided by child at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
ncqLLCage1derivedadmin Age of twin when 14 year child questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), monthsinteger quantitativeapprox. 154 to 184 (months)
ncqLLCdate1derivedadmin Date when 14 year child questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string stringdate valueapprox. '2007-11' to '2010-08'
ncqweb1/2itemtwin bookletTwin booklet returned on line at 14, 1Y (web) 0N (paper)integernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ncsci011/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 1: Questions with more than one answer (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci021/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 2: Asks for reasons for answers (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci031/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 3: Encourages questions (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci041/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 4: Learn from classmates (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci051/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 5: Use info to support answers (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci061/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 6: Talk about solving problems (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci071/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 7: Get away with easy work (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci081/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 8: Makes me really think (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci091/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 9: Friends talk outside of class (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci101/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 10: Friends discuss things learned (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci111/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 11: Friends enjoy activities outside class (child qnr at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
ncsci121/2itemtwin bookletScience Education item 12: Friends are interested (child qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=almost never, 1=seldom, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often
nctage1/2derivedadminAge of twin when telephone language test data returned at 14, yearsdecimal quantitativeapprox. 13.8 to 14.8 years
ncvic011/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 1, punched me (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic021/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 2, get me into trouble (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic031/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 3, called me names (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic041/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 4, took something without permission (Child Qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic051/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 5, kicked me (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic061/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 6, turn friends against me (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic071/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 7, made fun of appearance (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic081/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 8, tried to break something (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic091/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 9, hurt me physically (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic101/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 10, refused to talk to me (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic111/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 11, made fun of me (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic121/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 12, stole something (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic131/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 13, beat me up (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic141/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 14, made others not talk to me (Child Qnr at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic151/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 15, swore at me(Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvic161/2itemtwin bookletVictim item 16, damaged some property (Child Qnr at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ncvicph1/2derivedtwin bookletVictimization Physical scale at 14 (child), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
ncvicpr1/2derivedtwin bookletVictimization Property scale at 14 (child), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
ncvicso1/2derivedtwin bookletVictimization Social Manipulation scale at 14 (child), 0-8decimalscale value0 to 8
ncvicve1/2derivedtwin bookletVictimization Verbal scale at 14 (child), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
ncwage1/2derivedtwin webAge of twin when web tests started at 14, yearsdecimalquantitative approx. 13.2 to 14.7 years
ncwconsitemtwin webParent gave on line consent (14 year web), 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
ncwdata1/2derivedtwin webTwin web data available (at least one test) at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ncwLLCage1derivedtwin web Age of twin when 14 year twin web tests started (for use in LLC TRE), monthsinteger quantitativeapprox. 154 to 184 (months)
ncwLLCdate1derivedtwin web Date when 14 year twin web tests started (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string stringdate valueapprox. '2007-11' to '2010-06'
ncwsess1/2itemtwin webNumber of sessions used during web battery (14 year web)integerquantitative approx. 1 to 12
ncwstat1/2itemtwin webWeb battery status (14 year web), see value labelsintegernominal0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=finished
ncwtkg1/2itemtwin bookletTwin Weight (Child Qnr at 14), kgintegerquantitative30 to 90 (kilograms)
npap03r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent APSD item 3 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
npap07r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent APSD item 7 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
npap12r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent APSD item 12 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
npap18r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent APSD item 18 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
npap20r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent APSD item 20 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
npaps011/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 1, blames others (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps021/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 2, illegal activities (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps031/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 3, concerned about school (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps041/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 4, acts without thinking (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps051/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 5, emotions seem shallow (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps061/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 6, lies easily (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps071/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 7, good at keeping promises (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps081/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 8, brags excessively (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps091/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 9, gets bored easily (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps101/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 10, uses or cons other people (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps111/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 11, teases (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps121/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 12, feels bad or guilty (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps131/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 13, dangerous activities (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps141/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 14, can be charming (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps151/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 15, becomes angry (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps161/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 16, better than other people (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps171/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 17, does not plan ahead (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps181/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 18, concerned about feelings (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps191/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 19, does not show feelings (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npaps201/2itemparent bookletAPSD item 20, keeps same friends (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npapsdt1/2derivedparent bookletAPSD total scale at 14 (parent), 0-40decimalscale value0 to 40
npaq011/2itemparent bookletAQ item 1, prefers to do things with others (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq01r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 1 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq021/2itemparent bookletAQ item 2, prefers to do things the same way (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq031/2itemparent bookletAQ item 3, finds it easy to create a picture (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq03r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 3 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq041/2itemparent bookletAQ item 4, gets so strongly absorbed (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq051/2itemparent bookletAQ item 5, notices small sounds (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq061/2itemparent bookletAQ item 6, notices car number plates (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq071/2itemparent bookletAQ item 7, impolite even though thinks polite (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq081/2itemparent bookletAQ item 8, can imagine characters in story (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq08r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 8 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq091/2itemparent bookletAQ item 9, fascinated by dates (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq101/2itemparent bookletAQ item 10, keep track of several conversations (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq10r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 10 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq111/2itemparent bookletAQ item 11, finds social situations easy (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq11r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 11 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq121/2itemparent bookletAQ item 12, tends to notice details (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq131/2itemparent bookletAQ item 13, rather go to a library (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq141/2itemparent bookletAQ item 14, drawn more strongly to people (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq14r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 14 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq151/2itemparent bookletAQ item 15, tends to have very strong interests (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq161/2itemparent bookletAQ item 16, not easy for others to get a word in (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq171/2itemparent bookletAQ item 17, fascinated by numbers (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq181/2itemparent bookletAQ item 18, cannot work out characters intentions (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq191/2itemparent bookletAQ item 19, does not enjoy reading fiction (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq201/2itemparent bookletAQ item 20, finds it hard to make friends (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq211/2itemparent bookletAQ item 21, notices patterns in things (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq221/2itemparent bookletAQ item 22, not upset if routine disturbed (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq22r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 22 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq231/2itemparent bookletAQ item 23, cannot keep conversation going (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq241/2itemparent bookletAQ item 24, can read between the lines (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq24r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 24 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq251/2itemparent bookletAQ item 25, concentrates on the whole picture (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq25r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 25 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq261/2itemparent bookletAQ item 26, does not notice small changes (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq26r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 26 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq271/2itemparent bookletAQ item 27, can tell if listener is bored (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq27r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 27 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq281/2itemparent bookletAQ item 28, enjoys doing things spontaneously (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq28r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 28 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq291/2itemparent bookletAQ item 29, often last to understand joke (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq301/2itemparent bookletAQ item 30, can work out what someone is thinking (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq30r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 30 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq311/2itemparent bookletAQ item 31, keeps going on and on (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq321/2itemparent bookletAQ item 32, likes to collect info about categories (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq331/2itemparent bookletAQ item 33, finds it difficult to imagine (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq341/2itemparent bookletAQ item 34, cannot work out peoples intentions (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq351/2itemparent bookletAQ item 35, anxious in new situations (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq361/2itemparent bookletAQ item 36, enjoys meeting new people (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq36r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 36 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq371/2itemparent bookletAQ item 37, not good at remembering birth dates (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq37r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 37 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaq381/2itemparent bookletAQ item 38, finds it easy to play pretending (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely disagree, 1=slightly disagree, 2=slightly agree, 3=definitely agree
npaq38r1/2itemparent bookletReversed version of parent AQ item 38 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=definitely agree, 1=slightly agree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=definitely disagree
npaqt1/2derivedparent bookletAQ total scale at 14 (parent), 0-114decimalscale value0 to 114
npcalt1/2derivedparent bookletAPSD Callous-Unemotional scale at 14 (parent), 0-12decimalscale value0 to 12
npcha1xitemparent bookletChaos item 1, regular routine first thing (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npcha1xritemparent bookletReversed version of parent Chaos item 1 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=quite true, 0=very true
npcha2xitemparent bookletChaos item 2, cannot hear yourself think (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npcha3xitemparent bookletChaos item 3, stay on top (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npcha3xritemparent bookletReversed version of parent Chaos item 3 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=quite true, 0=very true
npcha4xitemparent bookletChaos item 4, television turned on (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npcha5xitemparent bookletChaos item 5, calm (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
npcha5xritemparent bookletReversed version of parent Chaos item 5 (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=quite true, 0=very true
npchatotderivedparent bookletChaos at home total scale at 14 (parent), 0-10decimalscale value 0 to 10
npcon011/2itemparent bookletConners item 1, always on the go (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon021/2itemparent bookletConners item 2, sustained mental effort (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon031/2itemparent bookletConners item 3, sustaining attention (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon041/2itemparent bookletConners item 4, does not seem to listen (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon051/2itemparent bookletConners item 5, runs about or climbs (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon061/2itemparent bookletConners item 6, does not follow through (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon071/2itemparent bookletConners item 7, difficulty organising (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon081/2itemparent bookletConners item 8, talks excessively (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon091/2itemparent bookletConners item 9, fails to give close attention (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon101/2itemparent bookletConners item 10, waiting in lines (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon111/2itemparent bookletConners item 11, interrupts or intrudes (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon121/2itemparent bookletConners item 12, forgetful in daily activities (parent at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon131/2itemparent bookletConners item 13, fidgets with hands (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon141/2itemparent bookletConners item 14, difficulty playing (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon151/2itemparent bookletConners item 15, loses things (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon161/2itemparent bookletConners item 16, leaves seat (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon171/2itemparent bookletConners item 17, easily distracted (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npcon181/2itemparent bookletConners item 18, blurts out answers (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not at all true, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
npconhit1/2derivedparent bookletConners Hyperactivity-Impulsivity scale at 14 (parent), 0-27decimal scale value0 to 27
npconint1/2derivedparent bookletConners Inattention scale at 14 (parent), 0-27decimalscale value 0 to 27
npconnt1/2derivedparent bookletConners total scale at 14 (parent), 0-54decimalscale value0 to 54
npdis011/2itemparent bookletDiscipline item 1, smack (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npdis021/2itemparent bookletDiscipline item 2, shout (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npdis031/2itemparent bookletDiscipline item 3, explain (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npdis041/2itemparent bookletDiscipline item 4, firm (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npdis051/2itemparent bookletDiscipline item 5, joke (parent at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npdis061/2itemparent bookletDiscipline item 6, ask someone else (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npdisavot1/2derivedparent bookletAvoidance Parental Discipline scale at 14 (parent), 0-4decimalscale value0 to 4
npdisnegt1/2derivedparent bookletNegative Parental Discipline scale at 14 (parent), 0-4decimalscale value0 to 4
npdispost1/2derivedparent bookletPositive Parental Discipline scale at 14 (parent), 0-4decimalscale value0 to 4
npimpt1/2derivedparent bookletAPSD Impulsivity scale at 14 (parent), 0-10decimalscale value 0 to 10
npks3t2a1/2derivedslq qnrEnd of KS3 2-subject Academic achievement mean level (from parent SLQ), 1-9 decimalscale value1 to 9 (NC levels)
npks3t3a1/2derivedslq qnrEnd of KS3 3-subject Academic achievement meal level (from parent SLQ), 1-9 decimalscale value1 to 9 (NC levels)
npks3tall1/2derivedslq qnrEnd of KS3 all-subject Academic achievement mean level (from parent SLQ), 1-9 decimalscale value1 to 9 (NC levels)
npnart1/2derivedparent bookletAPSD Narcissism scale at 14 (parent), 0-14decimalscale value0 to 14
nppar011/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 1, impatient (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
nppar021/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 2, happy (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
nppar031/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 3, amused (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
nppar041/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 4, leave alone (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
nppar051/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 5, angry (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
nppar061/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 6, close (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
nppar071/2itemparent bookletParental Feelings item 7, frustrated (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=rarely or never, 1=sometimes, 2=often
npparnegt1/2derivedparent bookletNegative Parental Feelings scale at 14 (parent), 0-8decimalscale value0 to 8
npparpost1/2derivedparent bookletPositive Parental Feelings scale at 14 (parent), 0-6decimalscale value0 to 6
nppart1/2derivedparent bookletTotal Parental Feelings scale at 14 (parent), 0-14decimalscale value0 to 14
npqagederivedadminAge of twin when parent questionnaire returned at 14, yearsdecimalquantitative approx. 12.7 to 15.5 years
npqdataitemparent bookletParent booklet data exists at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
npqLLCagederivedadmin Age of twin when 14 year parent questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), monthsinteger quantitativeapprox. 154 to 184 (months)
npqLLCdatederivedadmin Date when 14 year parent questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string stringdate valueapprox. '2007-11' to '2010-08'
npqwebitemparent bookletParent booklet returned on line at 14, 1Y (web) 0N (paper)integernominal 0=no, 1=yes
npslagederivedadminAge of twin when parent SLQ questionnaire returned at 14, yearsdecimalquantitative approx. 13.9 to 15 years
npslks3agederivedadminApproximate age of twin when end-of-KS3 teacher assessment was made at 14, yearsdecimal quantitativeapprox. 13.8 to 14.8 years
npslks3LLCagederivedadmin Estimated age of twin when end-of-KS3 teacher assessment was made at 14 (for use in LLC TRE), monthsinteger quantitativeapprox. 166 to 177 (months)
npslks3LLCdatederivedadmin Estimated date when end-of-KS3 teacher assessment was made at 14 (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string stringdate value'2008-06' to '2011-06'
npslLLCagederivedadmin Age of twin when 14 year parent SLQ questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), monthsinteger quantitativeapprox. 167 to 183 (months)
npslLLCdatederivedadmin Date when 14 year parent SLQ questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string stringdate value'2008-07' to '2011-10'
npubtot1/2derivedtwin bookletTwin pubertal scale (child qnr at 14), 1 to 4decimalscale value 1 to 4
npvic011/2itemparent bookletVictim item 1, punched them (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic021/2itemparent bookletVictim item 2, get them into trouble (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic031/2itemparent bookletVictim item 3, called them names (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic041/2itemparent bookletVictim item 4, took something without permission (parent at 14), see value labels integernominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic051/2itemparent bookletVictim item 5, kicked them (parent at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic061/2itemparent bookletVictim item 6, turn friends against them (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic071/2itemparent bookletVictim item 7, made fun of appearance (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic081/2itemparent bookletVictim item 8, tried to break something (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic091/2itemparent bookletVictim item 9, hurt them physically (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic101/2itemparent bookletVictim item 10, refused to talk to them (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic111/2itemparent bookletVictim item 11, made fun of them (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic121/2itemparent bookletVictim item 12, stole something (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic131/2itemparent bookletVictim item 13, beat them up (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic141/2itemparent bookletVictim item 14, made others not talk to them (parent at 14), see value labels integernominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic151/2itemparent bookletVictim item 15, swore at them(parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvic161/2itemparent bookletVictim item 16, damaged some property (parent at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
npvicph1/2derivedparent bookletVictimization Physical scale at 14 (parent), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
npvicpr1/2derivedparent bookletVictimization Property scale at 14 (parent), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
npvicso1/2derivedparent bookletVictimization Social Manipulation scale at 14 (parent), 0-8decimalscale value0 to 8
npvicve1/2derivedparent bookletVictimization Verbal scale at 14 (parent), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
nrvatm1/2derivedtwin webMean item answer time for Ravens test at 14 (seconds)decimalquantitative approx. 0-80 seconds
nrvdata1/2itemtwin webRavens web test data available at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
nrvsess1/2itemtwin webNumber of sessions to complete Ravens web test at 14integerquantitative approx. 1-5 sessions
nrvstat1/2itemtwin webRavens web test status (14 year web), see value labelsintegernominal 0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=successfully completed, 3=completed but compromised by loss of data, 4=completed but compromised by random responding
nrvtime1/2itemtwin webTime taken to complete Ravens web test at 14 (seconds)integerquantitative approx. 0-3000 seconds
nrvtot1/2itemtwin webTotal score for Ravens web test at 14 (0-30)integerscale value0 to 30
nrvtota1/2derivedtwin webAdjusted total score for Ravens web test at 14 (0-30)decimalscale value 0 to 30
nrXYYan1/2 (X is the sub-test C/D/E/F, YY is the item number 01-12) itemtwin webRaven category X item YY answer selected (14yr twin web), see value labelsintegernominal1 to 8 (answer selected) or -1=timed out, -2=discontinued, -4=crashed
nrXYYsc1/2 (X is the sub-test C/D/E/F, YY is the item number 01-12) itemtwin webRaven category X item YY score (14yr twin web), 1right 0wrongintegerordinal0=incorrect, 1=correct
nsameschitemadminTwins attending the same school at age 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
nsametchitemadminTwins taught by the same teacher at age 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
nscatm1/2derivedtwin webMean item answer time for Science test at 14 (seconds)decimalquantitative approx. 0-80 seconds
nscdata1/2itemtwin webScience web test data available at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
nschtp1/2itemadminSchool type at age 14 (cohort 1 only), see value labelsintegernominal 0=unknown, 1=state (non fee paying), 2=private (fee paying)
nscsess1/2itemtwin webNumber of sessions to complete Science web test at 14integerquantitative approx. 1-6 sessions
nscstat1/2itemtwin webScience web test status (14 year web), see value labelsintegernominal 0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=successfully completed, 3=completed but compromised by loss of data, 4=completed but compromised by random responding
nsctime1/2itemtwin webTime taken to complete Science web test at 14 (seconds)integerquantitative approx. 0-4000 seconds
nsctot1/2itemtwin webTotal score for Science web test at 14 (0-48)integerscale value0 to 48
nsctota1/2derivedtwin webAdjusted total score for Science web test at 14 (0-48)decimalscale value 0 to 48
nscXXYan1/2 (XX is the item number 01-24, Y is the item part A/B/C/D if applicable)itemtwin webScience item XXY answer selected (14yr twin web), see value labelsinteger or string nominal1-7 (answer selected if single clickable response), or numeric input, or string showing multiple inputs; all items have -1=timed out, -2=discontinued, -4=crashed
nscXXYsc1/2 (XX is the item number 01-24, Y is the item part A/B/C/D if applicable)itemtwin webScience item XXY score (14yr twin web)integerordinal0=incorrect, 1=correct (most items) or 0/1/2/3/4 (items 6, 10A, 17B)
nslartt1/2itemslq qnrArt teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nsldtt1/2itemslq qnrDT teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslengs1/2itemslq qnrEnglish test (SAT) NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=2 or lower, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8
nslengt1/2itemslq qnrEnglish teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslgeot1/2itemslq qnrGeography teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslhist1/2itemslq qnrHistory teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslhleng1/2itemslq qnrEnglish used at home (SLQ at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
nslhlengu1/2itemslq qnrEnglish: how often used at home (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=all or most of the time, 2=half of the time, 3=less than half of the time
nslhl1n1/2itemslq qnrHome foreign language 1 (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 7=Asian language
nslhl1u1/2itemslq qnrHome foreign language 1 (SLQ at 14): how often used, see value labelsintegerordinal 1=all or most of the time, 2=half of the time, 3=less than half of the time
nslhl2n1/2itemslq qnrHome foreign language 2 (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 7=Asian language
nslhl2u1/2itemslq qnrHome foreign language 2 (SLQ at 14): how often used, see value labelsintegerordinal 1=all or most of the time, 2=half of the time, 3=less than half of the time
nslictt1/2itemslq qnrICT teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslla1n1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 1 teacher assessed (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 9=other
nslla1r1/2derivedslq qnrRecoding of language 1 teacher assessed (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not in cohort 1, 1=in cohort 1 but data not useable, 2=in cohort 1 but no language assessed, 3=in cohort 1 with assessed language already recorded, 4=in cohort 1 with assessed language derived
nslla1t1/2itemslq qnrLanguage 1 teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslla2n1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 2 teacher assessed (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 9=other
nslla2t1/2itemslq qnrLanguage 2 teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslls1a1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 1 studied at school (SLQ at 14): age when started (years)integer quantitative4 to 14 (age in years)
nslls1n1/2derivedslq qnrForeign language 1 studied at school (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 7=Asian language, 8=classical language
nslls1u1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 1 studied at school (SLQ at 14): use out of school, see value labelsinteger ordinal1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=never
nslls2a1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 2 studied at school (SLQ at 14): age when started (years)integer quantitative4 to 14 (age in years)
nslls2n1/2derivedslq qnrForeign language 2 studied at school (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 7=Asian language, 8=classical language
nslls2u1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 2 studied at school (SLQ at 14): use out of school, see value labelsinteger ordinal1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=never
nslls3a1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 3 studied at school (SLQ at 14): age when started (years)integer quantitative4 to 14 (age in years)
nslls3n1/2derivedslq qnrForeign language 3 studied at school (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=Welsh, 3=French, 4=German, 5=Spanish, 6=other modern European, 7=Asian language, 8=classical language
nslls3u1/2itemslq qnrForeign language 3 studied at school (SLQ at 14): use out of school, see value labelsinteger ordinal1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=never
nsllsenga1/2itemslq qnrEnglish studied at school (SLQ at 14): age when started (years)integer quantitative4 to 14 (age in years)
nsllsengu1/2itemslq qnrEnglish studied at school (SLQ at 14): use out of school, see value labelsinteger ordinal1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=never
nslmats1/2itemslq qnrMaths test (SAT) NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=2 or lower, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8
nslmatt1/2itemslq qnrMaths teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslmust1/2itemslq qnrMusic teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslpet1/2itemslq qnrPE teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslqdataitemslq qnrParent SLQ questionnaire data exists at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
nslscis1/2itemslq qnrScience test (SAT) NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 2=2 or lower, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8
nslscit1/2itemslq qnrScience teacher assessment NC level (SLQ at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal1=1 or lower, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8, 9=exceptional performance
nslscla1/2derivedslq qnrMain language used at school (SLQ at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=English, 2=Welsh, 3=other
nt2a1/2derivedteacher qnrTeacher 2-subject Academic achievement mean level at 14 (cohort 1 only), 3-8 decimalscale value3 to 8 (NC levels)
nt3a1/2derivedteacher qnrTeacher 3-subject Academic achievement mean level at 14 (cohort 1 only), 3-8 decimalscale value3 to 8 (NC levels)
ntap03r1/2itemteacher qnrReversed version of teacher APSD item 3 (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
ntap07r1/2itemteacher qnrReversed version of teacher APSD item 7 (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
ntap12r1/2itemteacher qnrReversed version of teacher APSD item 12 (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
ntap18r1/2itemteacher qnrReversed version of teacher APSD item 18 (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
ntap20r1/2itemteacher qnrReversed version of teacher APSD item 20 (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal2=not true, 1=somewhat true, 0=certainly true
ntaps011/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 1, blames others (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps021/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 2, illegal activities (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps031/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 3, concerned about school (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps041/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 4, acts without thinking (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps051/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 5, emotions seem shallow (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps061/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 6, lies easily (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps071/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 7, good at keeping promises (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps081/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 8, brags excessively (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps091/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 9, gets bored easily (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps101/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 10, uses or cons other people (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps111/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 11, teases (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps121/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 12, feels bad or guilty (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps131/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 13, dangerous activities (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps141/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 14, can be charming (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps151/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 15, becomes angry (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps161/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 16, better than other people (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps171/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 17, does not plan ahead (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps181/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 18, concerned about feelings (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps191/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 19, does not show feelings (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntaps201/2itemteacher qnrAPSD item 20, keeps same friends (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true, 1=somewhat true, 2=certainly true
ntapsdt1/2derivedteacher qnrAPSD total scale at 14 (teacher), 0-40decimalscale value0 to 40
ntcalt1/2derivedteacher qnrAPSD Callous-Unemotional scale at 14 (teacher), 0-12decimal scale value0 to 12
ntclsiz1/2itemteacher qnrAverage class size at school (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 1=1-20, 2=21-25, 3=26-30, 4=30+
ntcon011/2itemteacher qnrConners item 1, always on the go (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon021/2itemteacher qnrConners item 2, sustained mental effort (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon031/2itemteacher qnrConners item 3, sustaining attention (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon041/2itemteacher qnrConners item 4, does not seem to listen (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon051/2itemteacher qnrConners item 5, runs about or climbs (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon061/2itemteacher qnrConners item 6, does not follow through (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon071/2itemteacher qnrConners item 7, difficulty organising (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon081/2itemteacher qnrConners item 8, talks excessively (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon091/2itemteacher qnrConners item 9, fails to give close attention (teacher at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon101/2itemteacher qnrConners item 10, waiting in lines (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon111/2itemteacher qnrConners item 11, interrupts or intrudes (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon121/2itemteacher qnrConners item 12, forgetful in daily activities (teacher at 14), see value labels integerordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon131/2itemteacher qnrConners item 13, fidgets with hands (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon141/2itemteacher qnrConners item 14, difficulty playing (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon151/2itemteacher qnrConners item 15, loses things (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon161/2itemteacher qnrConners item 16, leaves seat (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon171/2itemteacher qnrConners item 17, easily distracted (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntcon181/2itemteacher qnrConners item 18, blurts out answers (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal0=not true at all, 1=just a little bit true, 2=pretty much true, 3=very much true
ntconhit1/2derivedteacher qnrConners Hyperactivity-Impulsivity scale at 14 (teacher), 0-27decimal scale value0 to 27
ntconint1/2derivedteacher qnrConners Inattention scale at 14 (teacher), 0-27decimalscale value 0 to 27
ntconnt1/2derivedteacher qnrConners total scale at 14 (teacher), 0-54decimalscale value0 to 54
nteng1/2itemteacher qnrEnglish NC level (teacher reported at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal3=3 or lower, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8 or higher
ntenset1/2itemteacher qnrEnglish class setting at school (teacher at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ntimpt1/2derivedteacher qnrAPSD Impulsivity scale at 14 (teacher), 0-10decimalscale value0 to 10
ntla11/2itemteacher qnrLanguage 1 NC level (teacher reported at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal3=3 or lower, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8 or higher
ntla21/2itemteacher qnrLanguage 2 NC level (teacher reported at 14), see value labelsinteger ordinal3=3 or lower, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8 or higher
ntlang11/2itemteacher qnrForeign Language 1 taught (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=French, 2=German, 3=Spanish, 9=other foreign language
ntlang21/2itemteacher qnrForeign Language 2 taught (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 1=French, 2=German, 3=Spanish, 9=other foreign language
ntmaset1/2itemteacher qnrMathematics class setting at school (teacher at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ntmat1/2itemteacher qnrMaths NC level (teacher reported at 14), see value labelsintegerordinal 3=3 or lower, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8 or higher
ntnart1/2derivedteacher qnrAPSD Narcissism scale at 14 (teacher), 0-14decimalscale value0 to 14
ntottm1/2derivedtwin webTotal web test time for entire battery, if finished (minutes)decimal quantitativeapprox. 0-150 minutes
ntqage1/2derivedadminAge of twin when teacher questionnaire returned at 14, yearsdecimalquantitative approx. 13.5 to 14.7 years
ntqdata1/2itemteacher qnrTeacher questionnaire data exists at 14 (cohort 1 only), 1Y 0Ninteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
ntqLLCage1derivedadmin Age of twin when 14 year teacher questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), monthsinteger quantitativeapprox. 163 to 174 (months)
ntqLLCdate1derivedadmin Date when 14 year teacher questionnaire returned (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string stringdate valueapprox. '2008-03' to '2008-08'
ntschtp1/2itemteacher qnrType of school (teacher at 14), 1=non fee paying 2=fee payinginteger nominal1=non fee paying, 2=fee paying
ntsci1/2itemteacher qnrScience NC level (teacher reported at 14), see value labels integerordinal3=3 or lower, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7, 8=8 or higher
ntscset1/2itemteacher qnrScience class setting at school (teacher at 14), 1Y 0Nintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ntsen1/2itemteacher qnrStatement of SEN (teacher at 12), 1yes 0nointegernominal0=no, 1=yes
ntsenrg1/2itemteacher qnrOn the SEN register (teacher at 14), 1yes 0nointegernominal0=no, 1=yes
ntvic011/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 1, punched them (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic021/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 2, get them into trouble (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic031/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 3, called them names (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic041/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 4, took something without permission (teacher at 14), see value labels integernominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic051/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 5, kicked them (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic061/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 6, turn friends against them (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic071/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 7, made fun of appearance (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic081/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 8, tried to break something (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic091/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 9, hurt them physically (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic101/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 10, refused to talk to them (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic111/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 11, made fun of them (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic121/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 12, stole something (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic131/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 13, beat them up (teacher at 14), see value labelsintegernominal 0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic141/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 14, made others not talk to them (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic151/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 15, swore at them(teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvic161/2itemteacher qnrVictim item 16, damaged some property (teacher at 14), see value labelsinteger nominal0=not at all, 1=once, 2=more than once
ntvicph1/2derivedteacher qnrVictimization Physical scale at 14 (teacher), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
ntvicpr1/2derivedteacher qnrVictimization Property scale at 14 (teacher), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
ntvicso1/2derivedteacher qnrVictimization Social Manipulation scale at 14 (teacher), 0-8decimalscale value0 to 8
ntvicve1/2derivedteacher qnrVictimization Verbal scale at 14 (teacher), 0-8decimalscale value 0 to 8
nvcatm1/2derivedtwin webMean item answer time for Vocabulary test at 14 (seconds)decimalquantitative approx. 0-30 seconds
nvcdata1/2itemtwin webVocabulary web test data available at 14, 1Y 0Nintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
nvcsess1/2itemtwin webNumber of sessions to complete Vocabulary web test at 14integerquantitative approx. 1-5 sessions
nvcstat1/2itemtwin webVocabulary web test status (14 year web), see value labelsintegernominal 0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=successfully completed, 3=completed but compromised by loss of data, 4=completed but compromised by random responding
nvctime1/2itemtwin webTime taken to complete Vocabulary web test at 14 (seconds)integerquantitative approx. 0-1000 seconds
nvctot1/2itemtwin webTotal score for Vocabulary web test at 14 (0-54)integerscale value 0 to 54
nvctota1/2derivedtwin webAdjusted total score for Vocabulary web test at 14 (0-53)decimalscale value 0 to 54
nvcXXan1/2 (XX is the item number, 01-27)itemtwin web Vocabulary item XX answer selected (14yr twin web), see value labels integernominal1 to 4 (answer selected) or -2=discontinued, -4=crashed
nvcXXsc1/2 (XX is the item number, 01-27)itemtwin web Vocabulary item XX score (14yr twin web), 2right 1partly right 0wrong integerordinal0=incorrect, 1=alternative correct response, 2=best correct response (items 1, 2, 6, 9, 10 do not have 1-point responses)
nwaveitemadminWave of data collection for 14yr study, 1=first wave (cohort 1), 2=second wave (cohorts 2/3/4) integernominal1=first wave, 2=second wave