TEDS Data Dictionary

Variables in the 4 Year Dataset

The table on this page lists all 4 Year variables. This includes all item variables from the 4 Year booklets, as well as derived variables that are based on 4 Year items.

The table does not include background variables that originate from other sources (either from admin data or from other study datasets). Such variables include IDs, twin sex and zygosity variables, the random variable and general exclusion variables. See the background variables page for details.

Variables are listed in alphabetical order in the table below. The columns of the table are:

  • Dataset variable name
  • Dataset variable label (in SPSS)
  • Source of data:
    • child - from the child booklet
    • parent - from the parent booklet
  • Item or derived variable? - see item coding for the parent and child booklets (pdfs) for item variables; see also the description of derived variables for more information.
  • Data type:
    • integer - numeric whole numbers
    • decimal - numeric with fractional values
  • Variable type:
    • nominal - categorical, with arbitrary numeric values
    • ordinal - categorical, with ordered numeric values (test items used as scores are treated as being ordinal even if they have a simple 0/1 coding)
    • quantitative - numerical measurements of some concrete quantity such as length or time
    • scale value - numerical measurement derived (usually) as a sum or mean of other variables
  • Coding or range of values - this shows the value coding used for nominal/ordinal variables, or an approximate range of values for quantitative and scale variables.
dataset variable namedataset variable labelsource of data item or derived variable?data typevariable level coding or approximate range of values
dac011/2Active child item 1: playing house (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac021/2Active child item 2: playing with girls (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac031/2Active child item 3: pretends female character (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac041/2Active child item 4: plays male job (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac051/2Active child item 5: fighting (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac061/2Active child item 6: pretends family character (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac071/2Active child item 7: sports/ball games (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac081/2Active child item 8: climbing (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac091/2Active child item 9: playing at baby care (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac101/2Active child item 10: interest in cars (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac111/2Active child item 11: dressing in girlish clothes (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac121/2Active child item 12: guns (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac131/2Active child item 13: jewellery (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac141/2Active child item 14: tool set (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac151/2Active child item 15: dolls (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac161/2Active child item 16: trains (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac171/2Active child item 17: swords (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac181/2Active child item 18: tea set (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac191/2Active child item 19: explore new surroundings (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac201/2Active child item 20: rough play (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac211/2Active child item 21: interest in snakes (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac221/2Active child item 22: avoids dirt (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac231/2Active child item 23: likes pretty things (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dac241/2Active child item 24: avoids risks (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=never, 2=hardly even, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often
dadparc1/2Parent-administered Parca total score (4 Year), 0-1 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 1
dadparn1/2Parent-administered Parca mean score (4 Year), standardisedchildderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dagemdexExclude on moderate twin age rules (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dagestexExclude on strict twin age rules (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dalg2zyZygosity derived from questionnaire only (4 Year), see value labelsparentderivedintegernominal 1=MZ, 2=DZ, 5=indeterminate, 99=inconsistent data
dalgzygZygosity derived from questionnaire and twin sexes (4 Year), see value labelsparentderivedinteger nominal1=MZ, 2=DZ, 5=indeterminate, 99=inconsistent data
dallerg1/2Health item 16: persistent allergy (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dallergy1/2Health item 16 type of allergy (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegernominal 1=nuts, 2=dairy, 3=other food, 4=antibiotic, 5=animals/fur, 6=detergents/chemicals, 7=hay fever/pollen, 9=other
danx021/2Behaviour item 49: slow to warm to strangers (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx041/2Behaviour item 16: checks things are done right (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx051/2Behaviour item 58: asks for reassurance (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx061/2Behaviour item 4: does things over and over (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx071/2Behaviour item 44: shy or timid (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx091/2Behaviour item 25: twitches or mannerisms (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx141/2Behaviour item 33: fussy (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx161/2Behaviour item 37: upset when parent leaves (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx201/2Behaviour item 8: resists sleeping alone (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx211/2Behaviour item 23: fussy about keeping clean (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx221/2Behaviour item 41: afraid of everyday things (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx231/2Behaviour item 53: independent/confident (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
danx23r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 53 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
danxfeart1/2ARBQ fear subscale (4 Year), 0-6 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 6
danxnafft1/2ARBQ negative affect subscale (4 Year), 0-4 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 4
danxncogt1/2ARBQ negative cognition subscale (4 Year), 0-4 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 4
danxocbt1/2ARBQ obsessive-compulsive behaviour subscale (4 Year), 0-8 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 8
danxshyt1/2ARBQ Shyness (social anxiety) subscale (4 Year), 0-6child deriveddecimalscale0 to 6
danxt1/2ARBQ overall total anxiety scale (4 Year), 0-36child deriveddecimalscale0 to 36
dapalon1/2Twins apart: respondent alone with twin (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes, 2=don’t know
dapbedTwins apart: different bed times (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes, 2=don’t know
dapoth1/2Twins apart: others alone with twin (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes, 2=don’t know
dapotherTwins apart: other reason (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes, 2=don’t know
daptothhTwins apart: number of hours per week (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=1 hour, 2=2 hours, 3=3 hours, 4=4 hours, 5=5-6 hours, 6=7-10 hours, 8=over 10 hours
dapwakeTwins apart: wake at different times (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes, 2=don’t know
dasthma1/2Health item 15: prescribed asthma medicine (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dbacmen1/2Health item 20: bacterial meningitis (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dbacmh1/2Health item 20d: bacterial meningitis: haemophilus (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dbacmm1/2Health item 20a: bacterial meningitis: meningococcal (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dbacmo1/2Health item 20e: bacterial meningitis: other (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dbacmp1/2Health item 20b: bacterial meningitis: pneumococcal (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dbacms1/2Health item 20c: bacterial meningitis: group B streptococcus (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dbedfrndHow often twins are put to bed by friends (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often/daily, 2=frequently/weekly, 1=occasionally/monthly, 0=never
dbedoparHow often twins are put to bed by other parent (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal3=often/daily, 2=frequently/weekly, 1=occasionally/monthly, 0=never
dbedorelHow often twins are put to bed by relatives (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often/daily, 2=frequently/weekly, 1=occasionally/monthly, 0=never
dbedothHow often twins are put to bed by others (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often/daily, 2=frequently/weekly, 1=occasionally/monthly, 0=never
dbedprofHow often twins are put to bed by carers (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often/daily, 2=frequently/weekly, 1=occasionally/monthly, 0=never
dbedrmshDo twins share a room with anyone else (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes with each other, 2=yes with each other and someone else, 3=yes with someone else
dbedsh1/2Twin shares bed (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent derivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dbeh011/2Behaviour item 1: fair in games (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh051/2Behaviour item 7: destroys belongings (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh061/2Behaviour item 9: affectionate to family (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh121/2Behaviour item 21: irritable (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh161/2Behaviour item 26: bites nails/fingers (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh241/2Behaviour item 36: wets or soils self (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh261/2Behaviour item 38: stutter or stammer (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh271/2Behaviour item 39: other speech difficulty (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh281/2Behaviour item 40: plays imaginatively (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh301/2Behaviour item 42: inattentive (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh331/2Behaviour item 45: cries easily (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh341/2Behaviour item 46: forceful/determined (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh351/2Behaviour item 47: blames others (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh371/2Behaviour item 51: gives up easily (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh381/2Behaviour item 52: inconsiderate (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh401/2Behaviour item 54: kicks/bites other children (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh411/2Behaviour item 55: kind to animals (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh421/2Behaviour item 56: stares blankly (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbeh431/2Behaviour item 57: tries to stop fights (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dbpamusBeing a parent item 3: amused, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbpamus1/2Being a parent item 3: amused, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbpamusdBeing a parent item 3: amused, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dbpangrBeing a parent item 5: angry, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbpangr1/2Being a parent item 5: angry, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbpangrdBeing a parent item 5: angry, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dbpawayBeing a parent item 4: wish away, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbpaway1/2Being a parent item 4: wish away, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbpawaydBeing a parent item 4: wish away, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dbpclosBeing a parent item 6: feel close, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbpclos1/2Being a parent item 6: feel close, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbpclosdBeing a parent item 6: feel close, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dbpfrusBeing a parent item 7: frustrated, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbpfrus1/2Being a parent item 7: frustrated, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbpfrusdBeing a parent item 7: frustrated, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dbphappBeing a parent item 2: happy relationship, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbphapp1/2Being a parent item 2: happy relationship, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbphappdBeing a parent item 2: happy relationship, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dbpimpaBeing a parent item 1: impatient, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dbpimpa1/2Being a parent item 1: impatient, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dbpimpadBeing a parent item 1: impatient, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dcbmi1/2Twin BMI (4 Year), kilograms per square metre childderiveddecimalquantitativeapprox. 10 to 30 (kilograms per square metre)
dcd011/2Diet item 1: finish dinner (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dcd021/2Diet item 2: eat everything on plate (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dcd031/2Diet item 3: eat only at mealtimes (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dcd041/2Diet item 4: has to be encouraged (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dcd051/2Diet item 5: told off for playing (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dcd061/2Diet item 6: ensure eats enough (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dcd071/2Diet item 7: OK to snack (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=do not agree or disagree, 4=slightly agree, 5=agree
dchatotChaos overall scale (4 Year), standardised parentderiveddecimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dchtcm1/2Child height (4 Year), centimetreschild itemintegerquantitativeapprox. 85 to 120(centimetres)
dcont1/2Overall (SDQ and Behar) Conduct scale (4 Year), 0-20child deriveddecimalscale0 to 20
dcwtkg1/2Child weight (4 Year), kilogramschild itemdecimalquantitativeapprox. 10 to 25 (kilograms)
ddiaothHealth item 25c: mother diabetes at other time (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ddiaproHealth item 25b: mother diabetes while pregnant with other (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
ddiaprtwHealth item 25a: mother diabetes while pregnant with twins (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
ddiaskoDiscipline item 6: ask someone else, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=never, 2, 3=sometimes, 4, 5=usually
ddiasko1/2Discipline item 6: ask someone else, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddiaskodDiscipline item 6: ask someone else, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
ddiblamDiscipline item 7b: which twin blamed more by you (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddiblampDiscipline item 7b: which twin blamed more by partner (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddicritDiscipline item 7c: which twin criticised more by you (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddicritpDiscipline item 7c: which twin criticised more by partner (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddiexplDiscipline item 3: explain or reason, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=never, 2, 3=sometimes, 4, 5=usually
ddiexpl1/2Discipline item 3: explain or reason, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddiexpldDiscipline item 3: explain or reason, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
ddifirmDiscipline item 4: firm and calm, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=never, 2, 3=sometimes, 4, 5=usually
ddifirm1/2Discipline item 4: firm and calm, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddifirmdDiscipline item 4: firm and calm, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
ddijokeDiscipline item 5: make a joke, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=never, 2, 3=sometimes, 4, 5=usually
ddijoke1/2Discipline item 5: make a joke, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddijokedDiscipline item 5: make a joke, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
ddipraiDiscipline item 7a: which twin praised more by you (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddipraipDiscipline item 7a: which twin praised more by partner (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddipuniDiscipline item 7d: which twin punished more by you (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddipunipDiscipline item 7d: which twin punished more by partner (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=1st born much more, 2=1st born a little more, 3=about the same, 4=2nd born a little more, 5=2nd born much more
ddisavo1/2Avoidance parental discipline composite: ask/joke (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddishouDiscipline item 2: shout/tell off, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=never, 2, 3=sometimes, 4, 5=usually
ddishou1/2Discipline item 2: shout/tell off, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddishoudDiscipline item 2: shout/tell off, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
ddismakDiscipline item 1: smack or slap, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=never, 2, 3=sometimes, 4, 5=usually
ddismak1/2Discipline item 1: smack or slap, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddismakdDiscipline item 1: smack or slap, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
ddisneg1/2Negative/harsh parental discipline composite: smack/shout (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddispos1/2Positive parental discipline composite: explain/firm (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddis1/2Parental discipline overall scale (4 Year), standardised parentderiveddecimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
ddrawt1/2Drawing test total score (4 Year), 0-9child derivedintegerscale0 to 9
ddrcheapDress twins similarly: its cheaper (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ddrdiffTell twins apart by their dress (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
ddreasyDress twins similarly: its easy (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ddressDress twins similarly (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegernominal0=no never, 1=yes usually, 2=yes sometimes, 3=no but I coordinate their clothes
ddrgivenDress twins similarly: given matching clothes (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ddrilikeDress twins similarly: like them to match (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ddrotherDress twins similarly: other reason (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
ddrpknowDress twins similarly: people know they are twins (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
ddrtwlikDress twins similarly: they like it (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
demot1/2Overall (SDQ + Behar) Emotion scale (4 Year), 0-12child deriveddecimalscale0 to 12
derisk1/2Twin Environment Risk composite (4 Year), standardised parentderiveddecimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
deriskfFamily Environment Risk composite (4 Year), standardised parentderiveddecimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dexcludmGeneral exclusion combined with moderate twin age rules (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedinteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dexcludsGeneral exclusion combined with strict twin age rules (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedinteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dfamfdiaHealth item 24: family history, father: diabetes mellitus (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitem integernominal0=no, 1=yes
dfamfhbpHealth item 24: family history, father: high blood pressure (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitem integernominal0=no, 1=yes
dfamfhdHealth item 24: family history, father: heart disease (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dfamfwtHealth item 24: family history, father: weight problems (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dfammdiaHealth item 24: family history, mother: diabetes mellitus (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitem integernominal0=no, 1=yes
dfammhbpHealth item 24: family history, mother: high blood pressure (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitem integernominal0=no, 1=yes
dfammhdHealth item 24: family history, mother: heart disease (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dfammwtHealth item 24: family history, mother: weight problems (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dfbmcatFather BMI category (4 Year), see value labels childderivedintegerordinal1=under weight, 2=normal, 3=over weight, 4=obese
dfbmiFather BMI (4 Year), kilograms per square metre childderiveddecimalquantitativeapprox. 18 to 40 (kilograms per square metre)
dfemale1/2Female gender role scale (4 Year), 12-60 childderiveddecimalscale12 to 60
dfhtcmFather height (4 Year), centimetreschild itemintegerquantitativeapprox. 150 to 200 (centimetres)
dfouryr4 Year data present, 1Y 0Nparent, child itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dfwscmFather waist size (4 Year), centimetreschild itemintegerquantitativeapprox. 70 to 130 (centimetres)
dfwtkgFather weight (4 Year), kilogramschild itemdecimalquantitativeapprox. 55 to 130 (kilograms)
dgboardTwin play item 8: board games, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dgboard1/2Twin play item 8: board games, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgboarddTwin play item 8: board games, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgbooksTwin play item 5: childrens books, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=none, 2=1-10, 3=11-50, 4=51-100, 5=101 or more
dgbooks1/2Twin play item 5: childrens books, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgbooksdTwin play item 5: childrens books, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgcoordTwin play item 9: do twins have coordination toys (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal2=always available, 1=usually put away, 0=no or not yet
dgdoughTwin play item 9: do twins have play dough/clay (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal2=always available, 1=usually put away, 0=no or not yet
dgender1/2Gender role total scale (4 Year), 0-100child deriveddecimalscale0 to 100
dgfac11/2Twin play scale 1: books/puzzles/tapes (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgfac21/2Twin play scale 2: games (4 Year), standardised parentderiveddecimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dggfac1zTwin play per-family scale 1: outdoor toys (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dggfac2zTwin play per-family scale 2: indoor toys (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgmessyTwin play item 1: messy play, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dgmessy1/2Twin play item 1: messy play, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgmessydTwin play item 1: messy play, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgmobileTwin play item 9: do twins have hanging mobile (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal2=always available, 1=usually put away, 0=no or not yet
dgmusiTwin play item 3: music player, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dgmusi1/2Twin play item 3: music player, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgmusicTwin play item 3: do twins have music player (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dgmusidTwin play item 3: music player, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgoutdorTwin play item 9: do twins have outdoor toys (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 2=always available, 1=usually put away, 0=no or not yet
dgphysTwin play item 7: physical games, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dgphys1/2Twin play item 7: physical games, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgphysdTwin play item 7: physical games, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgpsamecTwins are in the same class at play group (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes sometimes, 2=yes always
dgpsamenTwins attend the same play group (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes sometimes, 2=yes always
dgpuzzTwin play item 2: puzzles, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=none, 2=1-3, 3=4-6, 4=7-10, 5=11 or more
dgpuzz1/2Twin play item 2: puzzles, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgpuzzdTwin play item 2: puzzles, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgramma1/2Grammar composite score (4 Year), 0-2child derivedintegerscale0, 1 or 2
dgtapesTwin play item 4: childrens recordings, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=none, 2=1-3, 3=4-6, 4=7-10, 5=11 or more
dgtapes1/2Twin play item 4: childrens recordings, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgtapesdTwin play item 4: childrens recordings, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dgtricycTwin play item 9: do twins have tricycles/scooters (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal2=always available, 1=usually put away, 0=no or not yet
dgzooTwin play item 6: taken to zoo, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=no, 2=once, 3=2-3 times, 4=4-5 times, 5=6 or more times
dgzoo1/2Twin play item 6: taken to zoo, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dgzoodTwin play item 6: taken to zoo, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dhache1/2Health item 5: earache (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dhaid1/2Health item 3: prescribed hearing aid (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhand1/2Twin handedness: less stringent classification (4 Year), see value labelschildderivedinteger nominal1=left handed, 2=right handed, 3=mixed handedness
dhands1/2Twin handedness: more stringent classification (4 Year), see value labelschildderivedinteger nominal1=left handed, 2=right handed, 3=mixed handedness
dhcatar1/2Health item 4: catarrh during cold (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dhignor1/2Health item 9: ignore what people saying (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dhmouth1/2Health item 7: mouth breathing (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dhosp1/2Health item 21: admitted to hospital in last year (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhospca1/2Health item 22: hospital casualty in last year (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhospcx1/2Health item 22a: number of times to hospital casualty in last year (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=once, 2=twice, 3=3 or more times
dhospdd1/2Health item 21b: longest stay in hospital in last year (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=1 day, 2=2 days, 3=3-4 days, 4=5 or more days
dhospfaFather needed hospital (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhospmoMother needed hospital (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhospsibSibling needed hospital (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhospx1/2Health item 21a: number of times admitted to hospital (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=once, 2=twice, 3=3 or more times
dhpus1/2Health item 6: pus in ears (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dhsnore1/2Health item 8: snore (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dhsusp1/2Health item 1: hearing problem: ever suspected (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dhtalk1/2Health item 2: talking problem (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dhyp11/2Behaviour item 11: difficulty completing activities (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dhyp21/2Behaviour item 43: difficulty waiting (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dhyp31/2Behaviour item 18: touches things not allowed (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dhypt1/2Overall (SDQ and Behar) Hyperactivity scale (4 Year), 0-20 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 20
dillfaFather seriously ill (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dillfamSerious illness in the family (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dillmoMother seriously ill (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dillsibSibling seriously ill (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
djobchHas respondent job changed (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
djobchpHas partner job changed (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes, 2=do not have a partner
dlangownTwins have their own language (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no never, 1=yes at the moment, 2=yes in the past
dlangswiTwins switch in and out of own language (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dld1/2Health item 18: learning disability (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dlearndif1/2Health item 18 type of learning disability (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegernominal 1=speech-related problem, 2=delayed learning, 3=ASD, 4=other
dleft1/2Twin is left handed: less stringent criteria (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dlifeevLife events composite: count of events (4 Year), 0-5 parentderivedintegerscale0 to 5
dlilamp1/2Twin goes to sleep with: lamp in room (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dliland1/2Twin goes to sleep with: landing light (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dlinigt1/2Twin goes to sleep with: night light (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dlinone1/2Twin goes to sleep with: no light (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dliroom1/2Twin goes to sleep with: room light (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dllang1/2Low language overall (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchild derivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dllpic1/2Low language: low dpictot score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dllslow1/2Low language: slow language development (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dlltalk1/2Low language: limited or no talking (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dllvoc1/2Low language: low dvocab score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dmale1/2Male gender role scale (4 Year), 12-60child deriveddecimalscale12 to 60
dmana1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing arms (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanb1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing body (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanc1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing clothes (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmane1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing eyes (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanea1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing ears (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanf1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing feet (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanh1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing head (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanha1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing hair (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanhan1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing hands (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanl1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing legs (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmanm1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing mouth (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmann1/2Draw-a-man score for drawing nose (4 Year), 0 or 1 childitemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dmant1/2Draw-a-man test total score (4 Year), 0-12 childderivedintegerscale0 to 12
dmbmcatMother BMI category (4 Year), see value labels childderivedintegerordinal1=under weight, 2=normal, 3=over weight, 4=obese
dmbmiMother BMI (4 Year), kilograms per square metre childderiveddecimalquantitativeapprox. 15 to 45 (kilograms per square metre)
dmdanxMaternal depression item 4: anxious or worried (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdblameMaternal depression item 3: blamed myself (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdcryMaternal depression item 9: crying (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdenjoyMaternal depression item 2: enjoy looking forward (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal0=as much as ever, 1=rather less than before, 2=definitely not so much now, 3=hardly/not at all
dmdharmMaternal depression item 10: thoughts of self harm (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdlaughMaternal depression item 1: laugh/see funny side (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal0=as much as ever, 1=rather less than before, 2=definitely not so much now, 3=hardly/not at all
dmdontopMaternal depression item 6: getting on top of me (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdsadMaternal depression item 8: sad or miserable (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdscareMaternal depression item 5: scared or panicky (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmdtotMaternal depression scale (4 Year), 0-30parent deriveddecimalscale0 to 30
dmdunhapMaternal depression item 7: unhappy, difficult sleeping (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal0=no never/not at all, 1=not very much, 2=yes sometimes/quite often, 3=yes often/most of the time
dmhtcmMother height (4 Year), centimetreschild itemintegerquantitativeapprox. 145 to 190 (centimetres)
dmopregIs mother pregnant (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dmstatusRespondent marital status (4 Year), see value labels parentderivedintegernominal1=married to parent of twins, 2=married to other, 3=cohabiting with parent of twins, 4=cohabiting with other, 5=divorced, 6=separated, 7=widowed, 8=unmarried
dmwscmMother waist size (4 Year), centimetreschild itemintegerquantitativeapprox. 55 to 115 (centimetres)
dmwtkgMother weight (4 Year), kilogramschild itemdecimalquantitativeapprox. 40 to 120 (kilograms)
dnapda1/2Twin still wears nappies during day (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 2=always, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dnapnt1/2Twin still wears nappies at night (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 2=always, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dodd011/2Odd One Out item 1 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd01s1/2Odd One Out item 1 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd021/2Odd One Out item 2 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd02s1/2Odd One Out item 2 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd031/2Odd One Out item 3 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd03s1/2Odd One Out item 3 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd041/2Odd One Out item 4 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd04s1/2Odd One Out item 4 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd051/2Odd One Out item 5 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd05s1/2Odd One Out item 5 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd061/2Odd One Out item 6 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd06s1/2Odd One Out item 6 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd071/2Odd One Out item 7 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd07s1/2Odd One Out item 7 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd081/2Odd One Out item 8 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd08s1/2Odd One Out item 8 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd091/2Odd One Out item 9 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd09s1/2Odd One Out item 9 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd101/2Odd One Out item 10 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd10s1/2Odd One Out item 10 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd111/2Odd One Out item 11 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd11s1/2Odd One Out item 11 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd121/2Odd One Out item 12 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd12s1/2Odd One Out item 12 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd131/2Odd One Out item 13 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd13s1/2Odd One Out item 13 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd141/2Odd One Out item 14 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd14s1/2Odd One Out item 14 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd151/2Odd One Out item 15 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dodd15s1/2Odd One Out item 15 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dodd161/2Odd One Out item 16 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
doddre11/2Odd One Out feedback item 1: cannot do/do not like (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
doddre21/2Odd One Out feedback item 2: angry/frustrated (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
doddre31/2Odd One Out feedback item 3: shrug/turn away (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
doddre41/2Odd One Out feedback item 4: wanted to stop (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
doddt1/2Odd one out test total score (4 Year), 0-13 childderivedintegerscale0 to 13
dpar1/2Being a parent overall parental feelings scale (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dparca1/2Parca overall mean score (4 Year), standardised childderiveddecimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dparentParent booklet data present (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dparneg1/2Being a parent twin scale 1: negative feelings (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dparpos1/2Being a parent twin scale 2: positive feelings (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dpbageTwin age in years on completion of parent booklet (4 Year)parentderiveddecimalquantitative approx. 3.9 to 4.9 (years)
dpbLLCageAge of twin when 4 year parent booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), months parentderivedintegerquantitative approx. 47 to 58 (months)
dpbLLCdateDate when 4 year parent booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string parentderivedstringdate value approx. '1997-12' to '2001-03'
dpd011/2Drawing item 1 score (4 Year), 0 or 1child itemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dpd021/2Drawing item 2 score (4 Year), 0 or 1child itemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dpd031/2Drawing item 3 score (4 Year), 0 or 1child itemintegerordinal0, 1 (scores)
dpd041/2Drawing item 4 score (4 Year), 0 or 1 or 2 childitemintegerordinal0, 1, 2 (scores)
dpd04h1/2Drawing item 4 hand used (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1=left, 2=right, 3=both
dpd051/2Drawing item 5 score (4 Year), 0 or 1 or 2 childitemintegerordinal0, 1, 2 (scores)
dpd05h1/2Drawing item 5 hand used (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1=left, 2=right, 3=both
dpd061/2Drawing item 6 score (4 Year), 0 or 1 or 2 childitemintegerordinal0, 1, 2 (scores)
dpd06h1/2Drawing item 6 hand used (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1=left, 2=right, 3=both
dpdrep11/2Drawing feedback item 1: cannot do/do not like (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dpdrep21/2Drawing feedback item 2: angry/frustrated (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dpdrep31/2Drawing feedback item 3: shrug/turn away (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpdrep41/2Drawing feedback item 4: wanted to stop (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpdrink1/2Twin potty training: no drink before bed (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dpdryda1/2Twin dry throughout day (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal 4=always, 2=mostly, 2=sometimes, 1=hardly ever, 0=never
dpdryexpAge when you expect twins to be dry at night (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=2yrs, 2=2.5yrs, 3=3yrs, 4=3.5yrs, 5=4yrs, 6=4.5yrs, 7=5yrs or older
dpdrynt1/2Twin dry throughout night (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal 4=always, 2=mostly, 2=sometimes, 1=hardly ever, 0=never
dpic011/2Picture Vocabulary item 1 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic01s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 1 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic021/2Picture Vocabulary item 2 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic02s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 2 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic031/2Picture Vocabulary item 3 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic03s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 3 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic041/2Picture Vocabulary item 4 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic04s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 4 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic051/2Picture Vocabulary item 5 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic05s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 5 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic061/2Picture Vocabulary item 6 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic06s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 6 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic071/2Picture Vocabulary item 7 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic07s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 7 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpic081/2Picture Vocabulary item 8 response (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegernominal 1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpic08s1/2Picture Vocabulary item 8 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpicre11/2Picture Vocabulary feedback item 1: cannot do/do not like (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditeminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dpicre21/2Picture Vocabulary feedback item 2: angry/frustrated (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dpicre31/2Picture Vocabulary feedback item 3: shrug/turn away (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dpicre41/2Picture Vocabulary feedback item 4: wanted to stop (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dpictot1/2Picture vocabulary total score (4 Year), 0-8 childderivedintegerscale0 to 8
dplaygp1/2Twin attends play group (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dplift1/2Twin potty training: lift without waking (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dpnapp1/2Twin potty training: try without nappies (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dpottrn1/2Trying potty training twin now (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpottrp1/2Tried potty training twin in past (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpotty1/2Twin knows when to use toilet/potty during day (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal3=often, 2=sometimes, 1=occasionally, 0=never
dpparbd1/2Twin potty training: sleep in parent bed (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dpr011/2Parent-report Parca item 1: tell the time (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpr021/2Parent-report Parca item 2: shoe on correct foot (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr031/2Parent-report Parca item 3: understands two (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr041/2Parent-report Parca item 4: knows 20p worth more than 10p (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditeminteger ordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpr051/2Parent-report Parca item 5: plays counting games (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr061/2Parent-report Parca item 6: understands age (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr071/2Parent-report Parca item 7: plants need water (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr081/2Parent-report Parca item 8: seeds grow if planted (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr091/2Parent-report Parca item 9: water runs downhill (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr101/2Parent-report Parca item 10: water level goes up in bath (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditeminteger ordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpr111/2Parent-report Parca item 11: fridge light goes off (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr12a1/2Parent-report Parca item 12a: asks about rainbows (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr12b1/2Parent-report Parca item 12b: asks about dark at night (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr12c1/2Parent-report Parca item 12c: asks why fridge cold (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr12d1/2Parent-report Parca item 12d: asks what makes cars go (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes
dpr12e1/2Parent-report Parca item 12e: asks what makes people ill (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditeminteger ordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpreass1/2Twin potty training: reassure if wet (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dprodia1/2Health item 17e: problems with diabetes (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dproeye1/2Health item 17a: problems with eyesight (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dprofit1/2Health item 17g: problems with fits (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dprohd1/2Health item 17d: problems with headaches (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dprosto1/2Health item 17b: problems with stomachaches (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dprot1/2Overall (SDQ and Behar) Prosocial scale (4 Year), 0-16child deriveddecimalscale0 to 16
dprovom1/2Health item 17c: problems with vomiting (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dprowk1/2Health item 17f: problems with weakness/paralysis (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dprward1/2Twin potty training: offer rewards (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dpuz011/2Puzzle item 1 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz01s1/2Puzzle item 1 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz021/2Puzzle item 2 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz02s1/2Puzzle item 2 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz031/2Puzzle item 3 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz03s1/2Puzzle item 3 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz041/2Puzzle item 4 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz04s1/2Puzzle item 4 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz051/2Puzzle item 5 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz05s1/2Puzzle item 5 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz061/2Puzzle item 6 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz06s1/2Puzzle item 6 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz071/2Puzzle item 7 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz07s1/2Puzzle item 7 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz081/2Puzzle item 8 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz08s1/2Puzzle item 8 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz091/2Puzzle item 9 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz09s1/2Puzzle item 9 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz101/2Puzzle item 10 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz10s1/2Puzzle item 10 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz111/2Puzzle item 11 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz11s1/2Puzzle item 11 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuz121/2Puzzle item 12 response (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegernominal1/2/3/4=picture selected, 5=invalid selection
dpuz12s1/2Puzzle item 12 correct score (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dpuzre11/2Puzzle feedback item 1: cannot do/do not like (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dpuzre21/2Puzzle feedback item 2: angry/frustrated (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpuzre31/2Puzzle feedback item 3: shrug/turn away (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpuzre41/2Puzzle feedback item 4: wanted to stop (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dpuzt1/2Puzzle test total score (4 Year), 0-12child derivedintegerscale0 to 12
dpwake1/2Twin potty training: wake during night (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 3=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
drawg1/2G: overall cognitive ability composite (4 Year), standardisedchildderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dreparc1/2Parent-reported Parca total score (4 Year), 0-12 childderivedintegerscale0 to 12
dright1/2Twin is right handed: less stringent criteria (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsay011/2What Child can Say item 1: how child talks (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 1=not talking yet, 2=talking but cannot understand him/her, 3=talking in one word utterances, 4=talking in two to three word phrases, 5=talking in fairly complete sentences, 6=talking in long and complicated sentences
dsay01a1/2What Child can Say item 1a: not yet talking (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsay021/2What Child can Say item 2: what do you want (4 Year), 1actions 2wordschilditemintegernominal 1=actions, 2=words
dsay031/2What Child can Say item 3: sounds like others same age (4 Year), 1younger 2like otherschilditeminteger nominal1=sounds a little younger than others the same age, 2=sounds like most others the same age
dsayb011/2Books item 1: likes being read to (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb021/2Books item 2: favourite books (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb031/2Books item 3: recite nursery rhyme (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb041/2Books item 4: say alphabet (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb04a1/2Books item 4a: name a letter (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes some letters, 2=yes all letters
dsayb04b1/2Books item 4b: sound of a letter (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes some letters, 2=yes all letters
dsayb051/2Books item 5: sound out words (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb061/2Books item 6: meaning of written word (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb071/2Books item 7: tell a story once read (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb081/2Books item 8: write simple sentences (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb091/2Books item 9: sip/tip/lip sound same (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayb101/2Books item 10: shirt unlike hall/ball (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayc011/2Communication item 1: concerns about speech/language (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsayc021/2Communication item 2: points to show interest (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal2=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dsayc031/2Communication item 3: follows line of gaze (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 2=usually, 1=sometimes, 0=usually not
dsayc041/2Communication item 4: upset by small changes (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal0=no, 1=yes slightly upset, 2=yes surprisingly upset
dsayc051/2Communication item 5: notices small details (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes sometimes, 2=yes very often
dsayc061/2Communication item 6: uses word for a type (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=no, 1=yes sometimes, 2=yes very often
dsayc071/2Communication item 7: uses word for whole object (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal0=no, 1=yes sometimes, 2=yes very often
dsayc081/2Communication item 8: meaningless fluent speech (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal2=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dsayc091/2Communication item 9: echoes what others say (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal2=often, 1=sometimes, 0=never
dsayc101/2Communication item 10: recites rhymes (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 2=yes unusually often, 1=yes sometimes, 0=never
dsayc111/2Communication item 11: language in decline (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1a1/2Communication item 1a: language developing slowly (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1b1/2Communication item 1b: hard to understand (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1c1/2Communication item 1c: not understand others (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1d1/2Communication item 1d: pronounces poorly (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1e1/2Communication item 1e: does not hear well (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1f1/2Communication item 1f: stutters (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1g1/2Communication item 1g: other concern (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayc1h1/2Communication item 1h: seen professional (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl011/2Language item 1: how old (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl021/2Language item 2: birthday (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl031/2Language item 3: past events (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl041/2Language item 4: future events (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl051/2Language item 5: tell story (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl061/2Language item 6: right and left (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl071/2Language item 7: uses -est words (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl081/2Language item 8: today (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchild itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl091/2Language item 9: yesterday (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl101/2Language item 10: accident/on purpose (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl121/2Language item 12: asks what words mean (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl131/2Language item 13: but (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchild itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl141/2Language item 14: before and after (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayl151/2Language item 15: play with language (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayn011/2Numbers item 1: count 1 to 10 (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayn021/2Numbers item 2: write 1 to 10 (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayn031/2Numbers item 3: 5 or 2 bigger (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayn041/2Numbers item 4: simple adding (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsayn051/2Numbers item 5: simple subtraction (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dscnv1/2Non-verbal cognitive ability composite (4 Year), standardisedchildderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dscv1/2Verbal cognitive ability composite (4 Year), standardisedchildderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dsdqbeht1/2SDQ total behaviour problems scale (4 Year), 0-38 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 38
dsdqcon11/2Behaviour item 50: temper tantrums (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqcon21/2Behaviour item 27: obedient (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqcon2r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 27 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
dsdqcon31/2Behaviour item 12: fights other children (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqcon41/2Behaviour item 34: lies or cheats (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqcon51/2Behaviour item 5: steals (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqcont1/2SDQ Conduct scale (4 Year), 0-10child deriveddecimalscale0 to 10
dsdqemo11/2Behaviour item 31: frequent stomachaches or sickness (4 Year), see value labelschilditeminteger ordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqemo21/2Behaviour item 19: worried (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqemo31/2Behaviour item 24: unhappy (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqemo51/2Behaviour item 10: easily scared (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqemot1/2SDQ Emotion scale (4 Year), 0-8child deriveddecimalscale0 to 8
dsdqhyp1/2Behaviour item 2: restless (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqhyp21/2Behaviour item 6: fidgets (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqhyp31/2Behaviour item 14: easily distracted (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqhyp41/2Behaviour item 13: thinks before acting (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqhyp4r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 13 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
dsdqhyp51/2Behaviour item 32: sees tasks through (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqhyp5r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 32 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
dsdqhypt1/2SDQ Hyperactivity scale (4 Year), 0-10child deriveddecimalscale0 to 10
dsdqper11/2Behaviour item 20: solitary (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqper21/2Behaviour item 35: has a good friend (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqper2r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 35 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
dsdqper31/2Behaviour item 15: liked by other children (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqper3r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 15 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
dsdqper41/2Behaviour item 28: bullied (4 Year), see value labels childitemintegerordinal0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqper51/2Behaviour item 29: gets on better with adults (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqpert1/2SDQ Peer problems scale (4 Year), 0-10child deriveddecimalscale0 to 10
dsdqpro11/2Behaviour item 3: considerate (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqpro21/2Behaviour item 48: shares with other children (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqpro2r1/2Reversed version of behaviour item 48 (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=certainly true, 1=sometimes, 2=not true
dsdqpro31/2Behaviour item 22: helps people if hurt (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqpro41/2Behaviour item 30: kind to young children (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqpro51/2Behaviour item 17: volunteers to help (4 Year), see value labelschilditemintegerordinal 0=not true, 1=sometimes true, 2=certainly true
dsdqprot1/2SDQ Prosocial scale (4 Year), 0-10child deriveddecimalscale0 to 10
dseengp1/2Health item 19: seen GP in last year (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dseengx1/2Health item 19a: number of times seen GP in last year (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5-6, 6=7-10, 7=over 10 times
dsept1/2General Separation anxiety scale (4 Year), 0-4 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 4
dsibnewNew siblings living at home (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dskage1/2Health item 13: age when skin problem started (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=0-3 months, 2=4-6 months, 3=7-12 months, 4=1-2 years, 5=2-3 years, 6=over 3 years
dskarms1/2Health item 12d: skin problem on arms (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dskbody1/2Health item 12d: skin problem on whole body (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dskface1/2Health item 12a: skin problem on face (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dskhead1/2Health item 12d: skin problem on head (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dskitch1/2Health item 10: skin problems with itching (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes at the moment, 2=yes previously
dskknee1/2Health item 12b: skin problem on knee/elbow (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dsklegs1/2Health item 12d: skin problem on legs (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsktorso1/2Health item 12d: skin problem on torso (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsktrt1/2Health item 11: skin treatment (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dskwris1/2Health item 12c: skin problem on wrist/ankle (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dslearl1/2Twin sleep problem: waking early (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dslnmar1/2Twin sleep problem: nightmares (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dslprob1/2Twin sleep problem: difficulty getting to sleep (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dslwake1/2Twin sleep problem: frequent waking (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dsurage1/2Health item 23a: age on first operation in last year (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=3 years to 3 years 3 months, 2=3 years and 4-6 months, 3=3 years and 7-9 months, 4=3 years 10 months to 4 years
dsurgga1/2Health item 23b: operation needed general anaesthetic (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes
dsurgry1/2Health item 23: surgical operation in last year (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dtbookTalking to twins item 6: read books, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dtbook1/2Talking to twins item 6: read books, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtbookdTalking to twins item 6: read books, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dteatTalking to twins item 8: choose what to eat, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dteat1/2Talking to twins item 8: choose what to eat, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dteatdTalking to twins item 8: choose what to eat, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dtempzygZygosity difference scale (4 Year), 0-1parent deriveddecimalscale0 to 1
dtfac11/2Talking to twin scale 1: pronunciation/sentences/words (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtfac21/2Talking to twin scale 2: rhymes/books/locations/talk (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimal scaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtlocaTalking to twins item 5: directions/locations, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dtloca1/2Talking to twins item 5: directions/locations, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtlocadTalking to twins item 5: directions/locations, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dtoleft1/2Twin is left handed: more stringent criteria (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dtorigh1/2Twin is right handed: more stringent criteria (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchildderivedintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes
dtpronTalking to twins item 2: correct mispronunciation, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=never or rarely, 2=occasionally, 3=about half the time, 4=quite often, 5=almost always
dtpron1/2Talking to twins item 2: correct mispronunciation, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtprondTalking to twins item 2: correct mispronunciation, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparent itemintegerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dtrhymTalking to twins item 1: rhymes/songs/prayers, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dtrhym1/2Talking to twins item 1: rhymes/songs/prayers, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtrhymdTalking to twins item 1: rhymes/songs/prayers, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dtsentTalking to twins item 3: correct sentences, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=never or rarely, 2=occasionally, 3=about half the time, 4=quite often, 5=almost always
dtsent1/2Talking to twins item 3: correct sentences, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtsentdTalking to twins item 3: correct sentences, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dttalkTalking to twins item 7: talk around house, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=less than once monthly, 2=once or twice monthly, 3=once or twice weekly, 4=several times weekly, 5=almost daily
dttalk1/2Talking to twins item 7: talk around house, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dttalkdTalking to twins item 7: talk around house, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dtvoc1/2Transformed MCDI vocabulary total score (4 Year), 0-48 childderiveddecimalscale0 to 48
dtwbage1/2Twin age in years on completion of twin booklet (4 Year)childderiveddecimal quantitativeapprox. 3.1 to 4.9 (years)
dtwbagediffDifference in twin ages on completion of twin booklets (4 Year), yearschildderived decimalquantitativeapprox. 0 to 0.7 (years)
dtwbLLCage1Age of twin when 4 year twin booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), months childderivedintegerquantitative approx. 47 to 57 (months)
dtwbLLCdate1Date when 4 year twin booklet completed (for use in LLC TRE), yyyy-mm string childderivedstringdate value approx. '1997-12' to '2001-03'
dtwdata1/2Twin booklet data present (4 Year), 1Y 0N childderivedintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dtwordTalking to twins item 4: correct wrong word, elder twin frequency (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=never or rarely, 2=occasionally, 3=about half the time, 4=quite often, 5=almost always
dtword1/2Talking to twins item 4: correct wrong word, twin-specific (4 Year), standardisedparentderived decimalscaleapprox. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dtworddTalking to twins item 4: correct wrong word, younger twin difference (4 Year), see value labelsparentitem integerordinal1=lot more, 2=little more, 3=about equally, 4=little less, 5=lot less
dvc011/2Vocabulary item 1: can say bird (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc021/2Vocabulary item 2: can say finger (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc031/2Vocabulary item 3: can say plant (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc041/2Vocabulary item 4: can say measure (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc051/2Vocabulary item 5: can say tortoise (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc061/2Vocabulary item 6: can say shoulder (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc071/2Vocabulary item 7: can say parent (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc081/2Vocabulary item 8: can say peel (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc091/2Vocabulary item 9: can say ball (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc101/2Vocabulary item 10: can say skeleton (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc111/2Vocabulary item 11: can say hungry (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc121/2Vocabulary item 12: can say dive (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc131/2Vocabulary item 13: can say pencil (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc141/2Vocabulary item 14: can say children (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc151/2Vocabulary item 15: can say furry (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc161/2Vocabulary item 16: can say drip (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc171/2Vocabulary item 17: can say juice (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc181/2Vocabulary item 18: can say doctor (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc191/2Vocabulary item 19: can say polite (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc201/2Vocabulary item 20: can say will (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc211/2Vocabulary item 21: can say tool (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc221/2Vocabulary item 22: can say dentist (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc231/2Vocabulary item 23: can say courage (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc241/2Vocabulary item 24: can say excited (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc251/2Vocabulary item 25: can say envelope (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc261/2Vocabulary item 26: can say hero (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc271/2Vocabulary item 27: can say nuisance (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc281/2Vocabulary item 28: can say healthy (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc291/2Vocabulary item 29: can say tap (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc301/2Vocabulary item 30: can say insect (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc311/2Vocabulary item 31: can say down (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc321/2Vocabulary item 32: can say lucky (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc331/2Vocabulary item 33: can say castle (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc341/2Vocabulary item 34: can say caterpillar (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc351/2Vocabulary item 35: can say under (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc361/2Vocabulary item 36: can say calm (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc371/2Vocabulary item 37: can say stamp (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc381/2Vocabulary item 38: can say vehicle (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc391/2Vocabulary item 39: can say half (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc401/2Vocabulary item 40: can say uncomfortable (4 Year), 1Y 0Nchilditemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc411/2Vocabulary item 41: can say triangle (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc421/2Vocabulary item 42: can say fruit (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc431/2Vocabulary item 43: can say last (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc441/2Vocabulary item 44: can say lonely (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc451/2Vocabulary item 45: can say eye (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc461/2Vocabulary item 46: can say furniture (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc471/2Vocabulary item 47: can say make (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvc481/2Vocabulary item 48: can say shy (4 Year), 1Y 0N childitemintegerordinal0=no, 1=yes
dvocab1/2MCDI vocabulary total score (4 Year), 0-48 childderivedintegerscale0 to 48
dyhbedHome chaos item 1: regular bedtime (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dyhcalmHome chaos item 6: calm atmosphere (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dyhfac1zHome chaos per-family scale 1: chaotic (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dyhfac2zHome chaos per-family scale 2: calm (4 Year), standardisedparentderiveddecimalscale approx. -3 to +3 (standardised)
dyhhearHome chaos item 2: cannot hear yourself think (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dyhontopHome chaos item 4: stay on top of things (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dyhtvHome chaos item 5: television usually on (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dyhzooHome chaos item 3: its a real zoo (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=untrue, 2, 3, 4, 5=true
dzybloodTwin blood groups known (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dzyearsDifferences in ear lobes (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=no difference, 2=only slight difference, 3=clear difference
dzyeyesDifferences in eye colour (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=no difference, 2=only slight difference, 3=clear difference
dzyfacDifferent blood rhesus factors (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegerordinal0=no (same), 1=yes (different)
dzyfindInterested in finding out zygosity (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=very, 2=a little, 3=not really, 4=definitely not
dzygrowLikeness changed as twins grown older (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 1=remainded the same, 2=become less similar, 3=become more similar
dzyhairsDifferences in hair shade (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=no difference, 2=only slight difference, 3=clear difference
dzyhairtDifferences in hair texture (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=no difference, 2=only slight difference, 3=clear difference
dzymistbMistake twins for each other: babysitter/carer (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzymistcMistake twins for each other: parents casual friends (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzymistfMistake twins for each other: parents close friends (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzymistmMistake twins for each other: people meeting first time (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger ordinal1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzymistpMistake twins for each other: other parent (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzymistrMistake twins for each other: other relatives (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzymistsMistake twins for each other: older siblings (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=rarely or never
dzyofbirWould have agreed to zygosity test at birth (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes definitely, 2=yes maybe
dzyofnowWould agree to zygosity test if offered now (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 0=no, 1=yes definitely, 2=yes maybe
dzyoldRecoded likeness changed as twins grown older (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=become more similar, 2=remained the same, 3=become less similar
dzypeasRespondent opinion of twin likeness (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=alike as two peas in a pod, 2=as alike as brothers and sisters, 3=not much alike
dzyphot2Recoded tell twins apart in photos (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=no often confuse them, 2=yes but sometimes hard, 3=yes easily tell them apart
dzyphotoTell twins apart in photos (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegernominal0=no often confuse them, 1=yes easily tell them apart, 2=yes but sometimes hard
dzyphysiPhysical differences not visible (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dzyprobsDifferences because of birth problems/accident/illness (4 Year), see value labelsparentiteminteger nominal0=no, 1=yes, 2=don't know, 3=there are no differences
dzyprofZygosity told by health professional (4 Year), 1MZ 2DZ parentitemintegerordinal1=MZ, 2=DZ
dzysureRespondent knows zygosity for sure (4 Year), 1Y 0N parentitemintegernominal0=no, 1=yes
dzyteet2Recoded differences in teeth coming through (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegerordinal 1=matching teeth within a few days, 2=not matching or not within a few days
dzyteethDifferences in teeth coming through (4 Year), see value labelsparentitemintegernominal 1=matching teeth on same side within a few days, 2=matching teeth on opposite sides within a few days, 3=different teeth within a few days, 4=not within a few days of each other, 5=teeth have not come through yet
dzytogetTwins mistaken when together (4 Year), see value labels parentitemintegerordinal1=yes often, 2=yes sometimes, 3=no almost never, 4=not mistaken for one another
dzytypDifferent blood groups (4 Year), 1Y 0Nparent itemintegerordinal0=no (same), 1=yes (different)
dzyyouZygosity opinion of respondent (4 Year), 1MZ 2DZ parentitemintegerordinal1=MZ, 2=DZ