TEDS Data Dictionary

The 12 Year Inferences Web Test

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This page describes the Inferences test that was included in the 12 Year twin web test battery.

Description of Test

In this test of language ability, twins were asked to make inferences about the possible causes of given situations. Twins were asked to select two correct responses from a list of four possibilities. There were 11 items in the test. The items, together with the responses and correct answers, are shown in detail in the table of test items at the bottom of this page.

Each item started with a statement, consisting of two sentences, describing a situation. The first sentence described the initial context, while the second sentence described a later outcome; the question that followed asked for possible reasons for the outcome. From the four possible answers that were offered, only two were plausible or likely in the given context. Each item was presented in the following way:

  1. The initial statement (two sentences) and then the question were played from an audio recording.
  2. The statement and question were presented in text on the screen.
  3. The four possible answers (A,B,C,D), which were the response options, also appeared as text on the screen.
  4. Each of the four answers in turn was played from an audio recording; while it was being played, the letter next to it (A/B/C/D) was highlighted on the screen.
  5. The twin selected two answers by clicking on them, then clicked on "OK". If the twin attempted to select three answers, or if the twin attempted to click "OK" after selecting zero or one answer, then a warning appeared and the item remained on screen.

As usual, a tutorial (including a practice item) was played before the test starts. The tutorial was used to establish whether the computer's sound was turned on, in order to discourage twins from attempting the test without sound.

Each item had a time limit of 70 seconds in which a twin had to answer. There were no branching or discontinue rules: each twin was presented with all 11 items, in numerical order.

Test Rules

  • Scoring
    For each question, selection of the two correct answers gains a score of 3; selection of only one correct answer gains a score of 1; selection of no correct answers gains a score of 0.
    The maximum total score for the test is 33.
  • Ordering of items
    Items are presented in ascending order of item number. There are no branching or discontinue rules.
  • Timeout rule
    Each item has a time limit of 70 seconds within which the twin must select two answers and click on "OK"; timing starts after the four answers have all been played (in audio). If 70 seconds pass without the twin clicking on "OK", then the selected answers (if any) are submitted as the twin's response. The twin may still receive a non-zero score at this point: if two answers were selected, they are scored in the usual way; if one answer was selected, it receives one mark if correct. However, if no answers were selected, then the item is forfeited (with zero score). When the timeout occurs, the item is removed from the screen, to be replaced with a "next item" link to allow the twin to continue the test.

Item Variables

The item variables relating to the Inferences test, as listed in the table below, were generated automatically by programs on the web server during the course of the test. Note that the dataset only includes data for completed tests. If a twin started the test but left it unfinished, then the data for the test were not used. Note also that the variable holding the total test score was also generated automatically on the web server, so this is treated as an item variable, not a derived variable.

In most cases the values of these variables have been left unaltered, although some have been recoded during data cleaning as follows. See the web data cleaning page for further details.

  • For timed out items, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -1, and the item answer time is recoded from 70 to missing (item scores are 0)
  • For items that crashed or malfunctioned in any way, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -4, and the item score is recoded from missing to 0.
  • For instances of crashed or otherwise compromised tests, the status flag is recoded from 2 to 3, the data flag is recoded from 1 to 0, and all item variables are recoded to missing (test data deleted)
  • For twins identified as random responders in this test, the status flag is recoded from 2 to 4, the data flag is recoded from 1 to 0, and all item variables are recoded to missing (test data deleted)

The test start and end dates and times, and item answer and download times, have not been retained in the dataset.

linstat1/2 Test status: outcome of test 0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=successfully completed, 3=test crashed or otherwise compromised, 4=random responses
lindata1/2 Data flag: is test data present in the dataset? 0=no, 1=yes
lintot1/2 Total score for this test, out of 33. 0 to 33 (integer values)
linstdt1/2 Start date of the test [not in dataset] Date values
linsttm1/2 Start time of the test [not in dataset] Time values
linendt1/2 End date of the test [not in dataset] Date values
linentm1/2 End time of the test [not in dataset] Time values
linsess1/2 Number of sessions (at the computer) used by the twin to complete the test. Integer values of 1 or above
lintime1/2 Time taken to complete the test, in seconds Integer values (number of seconds)
lin01an1/2 through to lin11an1/2 Item responses (see table of items below for details) 1=A only, 2=B only, 3=C only, 4=D only, 5=A and B, 6=A and C, 7=A and D, 8=B and C, 9=B and D, 10=C and D (responses selected).
Also -1=item timed out, -4=item crashed.
lin01sc1/2 through to lin11sc1/2 Item score (see table of items below for details) 0=neither response correct, 1=one response correct, 3=both responses correct
lin01at1/2 through to lin11at1/2 Answer time: length of time (in seconds) taken by the twin to respond to this item [not in dataset] Integer values (number of seconds)
lin01dt1/2 through to lin11dt1/2 Download time: length of time (in seconds) between the end of the previous item and the start of this item; time needed to download files for this item [not in dataset] Integer values (number of seconds)

Test Items

The numbering of the items, shown in the table below, equates to the numbering used in the item variables. This is the same as the order in which items were presented to twins in the test.

itemstatement sentencesquestionresponse A response Bresponse Cresponse Dcorrect responses
1Jack went to a Mexican restaurant. He left without giving a tip. Jack didn’t leave a tip because:The restaurant was closed when he arrived.He only had enough money to pay for the meal.The food and service were excellent.He was dissatisfied with the service.B, D
2The sun was shining when the Robertsons started out for the picnic. Unfortunately, they had the picnic in the living room.They had the picnic in the living room because:They didn’t like to eat at a picnic table.Their car broke down and had to be fixed. It was a beautiful sunny day.It rained heavily all afternoon. B, D
3Mary waited for more than half an hour for Jim at the pizza restaurant. When she came home, she refused to take any phone calls. Mary didn’t want to talk on the phone because:She was angry and wouldn’t listen to any excuses.Jim hurt her feelings by not meeting her.She didn’t want anyone from the pizza restaurant calling. She had to help Jim with his homework.A, B
4Bob and Ray rode on a crowded bus to the shopping centre. They told the story of Bob’s bad luck to a policeman.The talked to a policeman because:Bob didn’t have enough money for the cinema. They were unlucky to get on a crowded bus.Bob’s wallet was stolen on the bus.Bob lost his money sometime before they got to the shopping centre. C, D
5Eric had wanted a moped for a very long time. He was really grateful for his Uncle Fred.Eric was grateful for Uncle Fred because:Uncle Fred bought himself a moped.He gave Eric a moped for his birthday.He warned Eric’s mother about the dangers of riding a moped.He loaned Eric the money to buy a moped.B, D
6Fred and Ann met at the cinema. They were unhappy when they didn’t get to see the film.They didn’t get to see the film because: The projector broke down.They were out of popcorn.Cinemas are closed in the afternoon. The film was sold out.A, D
7On his lunch-break, Mr Brown was happy to see a restaurant ahead. He walked out of the sandwich shop with a sandwich and a drink. Mr Brown went to the sandwich shop because:A restaurant does not serve lunch.He did not have enough time for a big lunch.He couldn’t get enough to eat at a restaurant.The restaurant had gone out of business.B, D
8Susan took the bus downtown because it was her mother’s birthday. She left the fashionable shops with tears in her eyes. Susan cried because:She lost her money on the bus.She didn’t have enough money for a present.She hurt her knee getting off the bus.The shops were closed because it was Friday.A, B
9Steve worked harder than anyone else on his project. He met with his teacher after school to talk about his bad grade.Steve met with the teacher because:The teacher never graded Steve’s project. Steve did not feel he had done a sloppy job.He realised he might have misunderstood the assignment. His work was better than anyone else’s. B, C
10Janice made sure that all the stock was returned to the exact places on the shelves. A week later, Mr Jones gave Janice her last paycheck. Janice received her last paycheck because:She cost the store too much money.Summer was coming to an end, and Janice was going to college.She was much too conscientious for a job like that. Mr Jones had to let some employees go because business was slow.B, D
11George carefully made a list of everything he would need while backpacking in the woods. On the trail, George panicked when he opened his backpack. George panicked because:He had seen a snake on the trail.He had left the map of the trail behind.He had forgotten to include a first aid kit.He had misplaced the list of things to take.B, C