TEDS Data Dictionary

The 12 Year Mathematics Web Test

Contents of this page:


This page describes the Mathematics test that was included in the 12 Year twin web test battery.

Description of Test

This was an extended version of the Mathematics web test that was previously used in the 10 Year study. The 10 Year version of the test was extended by the addition of 6 harder items (at National Curriculum level 8) at the end of each of the three sub-tests. In addition, the branching rules were modified for sub-test 2. In other respects, the test was unchanged.

The test consisted of a series of mathematics questions. The questions are presented in full in the table below.

The question format varied from item to item. Some questions required a numerical response, where the twin had to type a number in a box then click on "OK". In other questions, a set of possible responses (consisting of pictures, text or numbers) were presented on screen, and the twin had to select one or more answers. In these cases, if one answer was required then the twin simply clicked on it; if two or more answers were required, the twin clicked on the chosen responses then clicked on "OK".

The test comprised 3 sub-tests:

  1. Understanding number (33 items)
  2. Non-numerical processes (25 items)
  3. Computation and knowledge (37 items)

The items from the different sub-tests were intermingled in the test as a whole. A twin was presented with an item from sub-test 1, then an item from sub-test 2, then an item from sub-test 3, and so on. However, the branching and discontinue rules (described below) applied independently within each sub-test. Hence a twin might branch up in one sub-test while branching down in another; and a twin might continue with items from one sub-test after another sub-test had discontinued.

Test Rules

  • Scoring
    For each question, the correct response is given a score of 1, and any incorrect response is given a score of 0. The maximum total score for the test is 95.
    If at any point in a sub-test a twin branches up, and does not subsequently branch down again, then any lower items skipped due to branching (in the same sub-test) are credited towards the score, as though they had been answered correctly.
  • Branching rules
    The branching rules apply independently within each of the sub-tests. The detailed branching rules for each sub-test are tabulated below, but the general principles of the branching are as follows:
    • A branch point consists of 3 selected consecutive items (in item number order) in a sub-test.
    • Each sub-test has two branch points:
      1. The first branch point occurs at the very start of the sub-test, and is placed at an intermediate level of difficulty (National Curriculum Level 4 or 5).
      2. The second branch point is placed at a higher level of difficulty (National Curriculum Level 6).
    • If the three items of a branch point are all answered incorrectly, move down to a basal point at a lower level.
    • If some items of a branch point are answered correctly and some incorrectly, move on to the basal point directly following the branch point.
    • If all three items of a branch point are answered correctly, then:
      1. For the first branch point,
        move up directly to the second branch point.
      2. For the second branch point,
        move on to the basal point directly following the branch point.
    • At a basal point, the twin proceeds upwards (in ascending order of sub-test item number) either until the end of the sub-test is reached, or until the twin discontinues the sub-test (see below). Note that the 3 items of the second branch point are treated as normal items (not branching items) if they are reached by continuation after a basal point.
    The exact branching rules for each sub-test are tabulated below:
    Sub-test Branch Branch point items If all incorrect go to: If some correct go to: If all correct go to:
    1 1 1401, 1402, 1403 Basal point 1101 Basal point 1404 Branch point 1601, 1602, 1603
    2 1601, 1602, 1603 Basal point 1404 Basal point 1604
    2 1 2501, 2502, 2503 Basal point 2101 Basal point 2504 Branch point 2605, 2606, 2701
    2 2605, 2606, 2701 Basal point 2504 Basal point 2801
    3 1 3401, 3402, 3403 Basal point 3101 Basal point 3404 Branch point 3601, 3602, 3603
    2 3601, 3602, 3603 Basal point 3404 Basal point 3604
    No item is presented more than once, and no further branching occurs after a basal point has been reached. Here is an example sequence of items in sub-test 1:
    1401, 1402, 1403 (branch up), then 1601, 1602, 1603 (branch down), then 1404 upwards (omitting 1601-1603 as already attempted) until discontinuing; items 1101 up to 1304 are credited because they were skipped due to upward branching.
  • Discontinue rule
    Discontinue the sub-test after three consecutive items are answered incorrectly (with zero score). Note that this rule does not apply while in a branching point: if the three consecutive items of a branch point are incorrect, then a downward branch occurs rather than discontinuing (see above). The discontinue rule only applies after a basal point has been reached, as described above.
    The discontinue rule applies independently within each sub-test. Hence one sub-test may discontinue while the other sub-tests continue.
  • Timeout rule
    A timeout of 5 minutes applies to each item. After 5 minutes with no response, the item is forfeited with zero score, and a "next item" screen appears. On resuming the test, the twin is taken to the next item in sequence as described above.

Item Variables

The item variables relating to the Maths test, as listed in the table below, were generated automatically by programs on the web server during the course of the test. Note that the dataset only includes data for completed tests. If a twin started the test but left it unfinished, then the data for the test were not used. Note that the variable holding the total test score was also generated automatically on the web server. It is therefore treated as an item variable (it did not have to be derived as at age 10).

In most cases the values of these variables have been left unaltered, although some have been recoded during data cleaning as follows. See the web data cleaning page for further details.

  • Where possible raw item response strings have been converted or recoded into numeric values or categories.
  • For timed out items, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -1, and the item answer time is recoded from 300 to missing (item scores are 0)
  • For items skipped due to the discontinue rule, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -2, and the item score is recoded from missing to 0.
  • For items skipped and credited due to upward branching, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -3 (the item score is already recorded as 1 on the web server).
  • For items that crashed or malfunctioned in any way, the item response variable is recoded from missing to -4, and the item score is recoded from missing to 0.
  • For instances of crashed or otherwise compromised tests, the status flag is recoded from 2 to 3, the data flag is recoded from 1 to 0, and all item variables are recoded to missing (test data deleted)
  • For twins identified as random responders in this test, the status flag is recoded from 2 to 4, the data flag is recoded from 1 to 0, and all item variables are recoded to missing (test data deleted)

The test start and end dates and times, and item answer and download times, have not been retained in the dataset.

lmastat1/2 Test status: outcome of test 0=not started, 1=started but not finished, 2=successfully completed, 3=test crashed or otherwise compromised, 4=random responses
lmadata1/2 Data flag: is test data present in the dataset? 0=no, 1=yes
lmawave1/2 Wave of data collection 1 (1st main wave, 2006), 2 (2nd main wave, 2007), 3 (follow-up wave, 2008)
lmatot1/2 Total score for this test, out of 95. 0 to 95 (integer values)
lmastdt1/2 Start date of the test [not in dataset] Date values
lmasttm1/2 Start time of the test [not in dataset] Time values
lmaendt1/2 End date of the test [not in dataset] Date values
lmaentm1/2 End time of the test [not in dataset] Time values
lmasess1/2 Number of sessions (at the computer) used by the twin to complete the test. Integer values of 1 or above
lmatime1/2 Time taken to complete the test, in seconds Integer values (number of seconds)
lmXXXan1/2 * Item response See table of items below: response coding varies from item to item. Also, for all items,
-1=item timed out,
-3=credited due to upward branching,
-4=item crashed.
lmXXXsc1/2 * Item score (see table of items below for details) 0=incorrect, 1=correct
lmXXXat1/2 * Answer time: length of time (in seconds) taken by the twin to respond to this item [not in dataset] Integer values (number of seconds)
lmXXXdt1/2 * Download time: length of time (in seconds) between the end of the previous item and the start of this item; time needed to download files for this item [not in dataset] Integer values (number of seconds)

* XXX is the item number, as tabulated below.

Item numbering and item references

This section explains the meaning of the item numbers and reference numbers, which are shown in the first two columns of the table of items below. The item numbers (shortened from 4 to 3 digits) are also incorporated into the item variable names, as described above.

Each item number comprises 4 digits, of the form AB0C as follows:

  • A (first digit): this identifies the sub-test (1, 2 or 3).
  • B (second digit): this identifies the National Curriculum Level of the item, according to the NFER booklets from which the items were taken. The levels are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The higher the level, the greater the difficulty of the question.
  • 0 (third digit is always a zero)
  • C (fourth digit): these are arbitrary sequence numbers, to distinguish between items in the same sub-test and at the same National Curriculum Level.

For the variable names tabulated above, the item number is shorted to ABC (the third digit, zero, has been removed).

The reference numbers shown in the table below can be used to identify the NFER booklet items that were used for this test (see the 12 year measures page for full details of the booklets used). Each reference has the form YY-ZZ as follows:

  • YY is the NFER booklet number: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14
  • ZZ is the item number within the given booklet. These item numbers range from 1 to roughly 50.

Test Items

Item no.Ref.Item textPictureCorrect responseRaw response coding
11017-7This is a number pattern.
Type the next three numbers in the boxes.
4 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 3 , 4 , __ , __ , __
(no picture)need all 3 answers in the correct sequence:
4, 3, 4
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|z|
12017-3Find two odd numbers that add up to 8.
Type these numbers in the boxes.
Remember, both numbers must be odd.
(no picture)one of the following:
1 + 7,
7 + 1,
3 + 5,
5 + 3
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|
12027-16One of these squares has one quarter coloured orange.
Click on it.
Maths web test item image the bottom-left shape
(3rd option)
Numeric: shapes coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (top-left to bottom-right)
12039-41Type these numbers in the boxes in order, starting with the smallest.
60, 16, 6, 66, 36
(no picture)need all 5 correct, in the right order:
6, 16, 36, 60, 66
String: numbers as entered, recorded as v|w|x|y|z|
13018-16Look at this number pattern.
Type the missing numbers in the boxes.
__ , __ , 9, 12, 15, 18
(no picture)need both correct, in the right order:
3, 6
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|
13028-17Type in the box the figures for the number two hundred and fifty two. (no picture)252 Numeric: number as entered
13038-32Look at the numbers.
Find the number that is closest to 77 and click on it.
Maths web test item image 75
(4th option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
13049-1Type in the three missing numbers in this pattern.
__ , 10, 15, __ , __ , 30, 35
(no picture)need all 3 correct, in the right order:
5, 20, 25
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|z|
14018-8A girl was born on the 8th of April 1980.
How old was she on the 8th April 1993?
Type in the answer.
(no picture)13 Numeric: number as entered
14029-38What fraction of the shape is shaded?
Click on the answer.
Maths web test item image ¼
(one quarter)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
14038-34You are going to break this bar of chocolate into four quarters.
How many squares will there be in each quarter?
Type in the answer.
Maths web test item image 3 Numeric: number as entered
14049-28Click on the correct answer.
27 to the nearest 10 is__
Maths web test item image 30
(3rd option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
15018-23Work out the answers and type them in the boxes.
7 x 100 = __
14 x 100 = __
37 x 100 = __
(no picture)need all 3 correct, in the right order:
700, 1400, 3700
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|z|
15028-28Type the missing number in the box.
15 x 6 = 90
__ x 6 = 96
(no picture)16 Numeric: number as entered
15039-16Look at the number 6085.
Change the order of the figures around to make the biggest number possible.
Type in the answer.
(no picture) 8650 Numeric: number as entered
150410-16Fill in the missing numbers by typing in the boxes.
__ + 1 = 11
__ - 1 = 11
__ x 1 = 11
(no picture)need all 3 correct, in this order:
10, 12, 11
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|z|
150510-19Which of these lengths is closest to the length of a real bath?
Click on it.
Maths web test item image 2.2m
(2nd option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
150610-24Type 17, 36 and 612 in the correct boxes.Maths web test item image either of these two correct sequences:
612, 17, 36 or
612, 36, 17
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|z|
150710-29Click on the box in which the times are in the order that they occur in a day.Maths web test item image the top
(1st) option
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (top to bottom)
16018-31Type the missing number in the box.
27 + 27 + 27 + 27 + 27 = 27 x ___
(no picture)5 Numeric: number as entered
16029-11The first machine multiplies all numbers by 6.
The second machine changes them all back again.
Click on what the second machine does.
Maths web test item image ÷6
[divide by 6]
(4th option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
16039-17Estimate how much orange juice there is in this jug.
Give your answer in millilitres.
Type in the answer
Maths web test item image any number in the range 230 to 340 Numeric: number as entered
160411-36Type the correct number in each box.Maths web test item image need all four correct:
0, 0, 1, 1
String: numbers as entered, recorded as w|x|y|z|
170110-39This shows part of a tape measure.
What length is marked by the arrow, in metres?
Click on the answer.
Maths web test item image 1.79m
(1st option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
170211-30Type in the answer.
1.25 x 100 = ___
(no picture)125 Numeric: number as entered
170311-44These three numbers are alike in some ways:
9, 36, 81.
Click on the two ways in which they are alike.
Maths web test item image Need both correct:

They can all be divided exactly by 3 (2nd option),

They are all square numbers (5th option)
String: two responses selected, recorded as x|y| (response options are numbered 1 to 6, top to bottom)
170411-47What fraction of this circle is shaded?
Click on the answer.
Maths web test item image 1/8
[one eighth]
(1st option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
180112-41Complete the table below for the equation y = 2x - 3 Maths web test item image need both correct answers, in the right sequence:

3, 5
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|
180214-29The numbers put into this machine are combined and come out as a single number.
The table shows what has happened for some numbers.
Complete the last line of this table.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image 52 Numeric: number as entered
180314-37Work out the value of x.
Click on your answer.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image 4.5 (third option) Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left-to-right, top then bottom)
180413-47Denise has thought of two numbers.
The numbers added together make 23.
The smaller number subtracted from twice the larger number makes 22.
What are Denise's numbers?
(no picture)need both correct (in either order):

8, 15
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|
180514-42A straight line joins the point (4,6) to the point (10,18).
What are the coordinates of the mid-point of the line?
(no picture) the coordinates must be in the correct order:

String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|
180614-48Look at this graph.
Which one of these could be the equation for the graph?
Click on your answer.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image B: y = x - 2
(second option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
(left-to-right, top then bottom)
21017-1Which is the longest drinking straw?
Click it.
Maths web test item image 3rd straw down from the top Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (top to bottom)
22016-4One of these shapes has four corners that are the same.
Click on this shape.
Maths web test item image the bottom-left shape (rectangle) Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (left to right, top then bottom)
22026-9One of these shapes does not have three sides.
Click on this shape.
Maths web test item image the middle-bottom shape Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
22038-4This man is walking along a path.
When he comes to the letter B, he turns right and walks a little further.
Which letter does he come to?
Click on it.
Maths web test item image E
(bottom of diagram)
Numeric: responses coded 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E
22049-3Click on each shape that has only 1 curved side and 2 straight sides.Maths web test item image need both correct:

the top-right and bottom-left shapes
(3rd and 4th options)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
23019-45Click on the shape with the largest number of right-angled corners.Maths web test item image the bottom-middle shape
(5th option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
250110-26Which card appears the same when turned upside down?
Click on it.
Maths web test item image 8 of diamonds
(top-middle picture)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
25029-23The picture below shows half of a symmetrical pattern.
Click on the picture opposite which shows the other half of the pattern.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image the top-right picture
(3rd option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
25038-9I start at the place marked with an A and walk South-West.
Click on the number I come to.
Maths web test item image 3 Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 as shown in picture
250411-31These shapes are alike in some ways.
Click on 2 ways in which they are alike.
Maths web test item image need both correct:

they all have 4 sides (1st option),

they all have at least 1 right angle (4th option)
String: two responses selected, recorded as x|y| (response options are numbered 1 to 5, top to bottom)
250511-40Three corners of a square are found at P (4,5), Q (2,3), R (4,1).
Where is the fourth corner?
Type in the answer.
Maths web test item image Need both correct, in the right sequence:
(6, 3)
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|
26018-18The letter E is turned clockwise through one right angle.
Click on the answer.
Maths web test item image the bottom-right (3rd) option Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3 (left to right)
26028-30Look at the four different kinds of shapes.
Imagine fitting shapes of the same kind together.
Without leaving gaps, which of these shapes will fit together with shapes of the same kind?
Click on the shape(s).
There may be more than one.
Maths web test item image need all 3 correct:
1st, 2nd and 3rd options
String: up to four responses selected, recorded as x|y|z| (response options are numbered 1 to 4, left to right)
26039-15Click on the reflection of this shape.Maths web test item image the 2nd shape from the top Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (top to bottom)
26049-27Click on the 2 shapes that have the same area.Maths web test item image need both correct:

the top-left (1st) shape,

the bottom-left (4th) shape
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
26059-33The shape below is about to turn 3 right angles anticlockwise.
Click on where the dot will be on the shape opposite.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image the top-right square Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (left to right, top then bottom)
260611-42Which of these shows a reflection?
Click on it.
Maths web test item image the top-right pattern
(2nd option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
270111-35Mark all the angles that are equal to X.
Click on the arrows in the picture that point at the angles you think are the same as X.
Maths web test item image need all three answers:

the angle directly opposite X,

and the two acute angles in the bottom-right corner
String: grid numbers representing areas clicked on the image, recorded as x|y|z|;
the three correct responses are grid references 26, 33, 41
280110-35A man walked around this building.
He drew a sketch at each point.
What point was he at when he drew these sketches?
Click on the correct letter for each sketch
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image need all three answers:

B (top diagram),

A (bottom left),

C (bottom right)
String: grid numbers representing areas clicked on the image, recorded as x|y|z|;
the three correct responses are grid references 32, 65, 71
280213-28Click on one line on this shape to show it split into two congruent parts. Maths web test item image anywhere on the fourth vertical line from the left (right-hand side of the third square from the left) String: grid number representing the area clicked on the image, recorded as x|;
correct responses include grid references 37, 90, 105, 109, 126, 143, 160, 166, 177 (but it is not clear which part of the picture each refers to)
280313-36Look at this shape.
ABCD is a rectangle.
P is halfway between C and D.
Q is halfway between A and B.
What fraction of rectangle ABCD is shaded?
Click on the correct answer.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image 1/8
(third option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (left to right)
280413-35This net can be made into a 3D shape.
Click on the name of the shape.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image cone
(third option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (left to right)
280514-47Only two of these nets can be folded up to make boxes without lids.
Which nets are they? Click on them.
Maths web test item image need both correct:

the top-left shape, and the bottom-left shape
(first and fourth options)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
280612-50Look at this block of flats.
Paul took a photograph of these flats from a helicopter flying directly overhead.
What would these flats look like in his photograph?
Click on the correct picture.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image the bottom-middle shape
(fifth option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (left to right, top then bottom)
280712-46The letter X is always the same distance from point A.
It is rotated through 360° around point A.
It starts at point B and passes through points C, D and E.
Work out the shape of the path it takes.
Click on the name of this shape.
Maths web test item image
Maths web test item image circle
(fourth option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (left to right)
31016-2Click on the shape which is below the square.Maths web test item image the oval shape at the bottom Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top to bottom)
32016-5Double each of the numbers and type your answers in the boxes.Maths web test item image need all 3 correct, in this order:
4, 6, 8
String: numbers as entered, recorded as x|y|z|
32026-18Work out the answer and type it in the box.
6 - 2 = __
(no picture)4 Numeric: number as entered
32038-5Click on each even number and then click on the OK button.Maths web test item image need all 3 correct:

8, 56, 44
(2nd, 4th and 5th options)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
32049-2Natalie had 8 biscuits.
She gave 6 to her friends.
How many did she have left?
Type in the answer.
(no picture) 2 Numeric: number as entered
32059-32Click on each of the even numbers in the box.Maths web test item image need all 4 correct:

78 (top-left),

32 (top-right),

50 (bottom-middle),

10 (bottom-right)
String: grid numbers representing areas clicked on the image, recorded as w|x|y|z|;
the four correct responses include grid references 1, 5, 6,11, 17, 59, 62 (but it is not clear which parts of the picture these relate to)
33018-230p has to be shared equally between 3 children.
How much will each child receive?
Type in the answer.
(no picture) 10 Numeric: number as entered
33029-9Tapes cost £7 each.
How much do 5 tapes cost?
Type in the answer.
(no picture) 35 Numeric: number as entered
33039-19What is the difference in price?
Type in the answer.
Maths web test item image 5 Numeric: number as entered
34018-7Look at this picture of Leon and Emma.
What is the difference in height?
Type in the answer.
Maths web test item image 5 Numeric: number as entered
34029-4Mira sorts her money into piles.
She has: four £1 coins, two 10p coins and five 2p coins.
How much money does she have altogether?
Click the answer.
Maths web test item image £4.30
(2nd option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
34038-11What is the total cost of 6 books that cost £7 each? Type in the answer.(no picture)42 Numeric: number as entered
34048-15What number is 3 less than 200?
Type in the answer.
(no picture)197 Numeric: number as entered
34058-19Work out the answer to this sum and type it in the box.
64 + 905 = __
(no picture)969 Numeric: number as entered
34068-35One of these numbers can be divided exactly by five.
Click on it.
Maths web test item image 65
(4th option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right)
34079-14Click on the hexagon.Maths web test item image the top-left shape
(1st option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
34089-30What is the total of 680 and 192?
Type in the answer.
(no picture)872 Numeric: number as entered
35019-6Type in the answer.
76 - 39 = __
(no picture)37 Numeric: number as entered
350210-18Type in the answer.
563 + 797 = __
(no picture)1360 Numeric: number as entered
350311-21Type in the answer.
149 + 785 = __
(no picture)934 Numeric: number as entered
350411-23Click on the time that is the same as 4:25 pm.Maths web test item image 16:25
(the 4th option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (top to bottom)
350511-43Which of these is not a quadrilateral?
Click on it.
Maths web test item image A
(the 1st option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
350611-50What is the total cost of 8 books that cost £9 each?
Type in the answer.
(no picture)72 Numeric: number as entered
36018-14Type in the answer.
47 x 2 = ___
(no picture)94 Numeric: number as entered
36029-40Type in the answer.Maths web test item image 23 Numeric: number as entered
36039-4484 stamps are shared equally between 6 children.
How many stamps will each child have?
Type in the answer.
(no picture)14 Numeric: number as entered
360410-27Jodie is making a model aeroplane.
It takes her 1¼ hours to stick it together, and then ½ an hour to paint it.
How long has it taken altogether?
Click on the answer.
Maths web test item image 1 ¾ hours
[one and three quarter hours]
(4th option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (top to bottom)
360510-30All 4-sided shapes are called…?
Click on the correct answer.
Maths web test item image quadrilaterals Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (left to right, top then bottom)
370110-21Click on all the acute angles.Maths web test item image need both correct:

bottom-left angles
String: up to five responses selected, recorded as x|y|z| (response options are numbered 1 to 5, left to right, top then bottom)
370210-41Type in the answer.Maths web test item image 54 Numeric: number as entered
370311-49Which of these give the same answer?
Click on them.
Maths web test item image need both correct answers:

25% of £10
(1st option),

½ of £5
(2nd option)
String: up to four responses selected, recorded as x|y|z| (response options are numbered 1 to 4, top to bottom)
380112-3Kerry has made this letter V for part of a display sign.
Each square = 1cm².
What is the area of the letter?
Maths web test item image 22 Numeric: number as entered
380212-4How many different combinations of main meals and desserts are there?
Type in your answer.
Maths web test item image 12 Numeric: number as entered
380313-46This propeller has rotational symmetry.
What is the size of the angle x?
Type in your answer.
Maths web test item image 120 Numeric: number as entered
380414-33Work out an approximate value for 802.6 / 3.8 by rounding 802.6 to the nearest ten and 3.8 to the nearest whole number.
Type in your answer.
(no picture)200 Numeric: number as entered
380513-32In a box there are the following packets of crisps: 7 chicken, 4 salt and vinegar and 2 cheese and onion.
Anna takes out a packet without looking.
What is the probability that it is cheese and onion?
Click on the correct answer.
Maths web test item image 2/13
(second option)
Numeric: responses coded 1, 2, 3, 4 (left to right)
380613-29A crate holds 18 bottles.
How many crates are needed to hold 666 bottles?
Type in your answer.
(no picture)37 Numeric: number as entered