TEDS Data Dictionary

TEDS Booklets and Questionnaires

This page contains convenient links to all the booklets and questionnaires (and some other study documents) that are available in pdf form within this data dictionary. Clicking on each link will open the pdf document in a new browser window.

The documents linked below include, in the second column, the plain (not annotated) booklets/questionnaires, as used in the original studies; and also, in the third column, annotated versions showing variable names and item coding, both for raw data and for analysis datasets.

Where indicated, there are separate documents showing dataset coding and raw data coding. Where this is not indicated, both dataset coding and raw data coding are annotated within the same document. In all these documents, the general convention is to use blue type for raw data variables and coding, and red type for dataset variables and coding.

Study Original booklets (not annotated) Annotated booklets Other documents
1st Contact Parent booklet (full version),
Short booklet (used for phone interviews)
Parent booklet Social class coding rules,
Booklet coding rules (used during data entry)
Covering letter sent with the booklet
Information leaflet sent with the booklet
2 Year Parent booklet,
Child booklet
Parent booklet,
Child booklet
Sources of behaviour items at 2, 3 and 4
3 Year Parent booklet,
Child booklet
Parent booklet,
Child booklet
Coding rules for the drawing task
Sources of behaviour items at 2, 3 and 4
4 Year Parent booklet,
Child booklet
Parent booklet,
Child booklet
Sources of behaviour items at 2, 3 and 4
In Home Child score sheet,
Parent questionnaire,
Post-visit questionnaire
Child test score sheets,
Parent questionnaire,
Post-visit questionnaire
Guidance for the Bayley behaviour ratings
7 Year Twin test score sheet,
Parent booklet,
Teacher questionnaire
Parent booklet coding,
Twin test score sheet coding,
Teacher questionnaire coding
Parental consent form,
Child interview script,
Child interview stimulous booklet,
coding rules for the similarities and vocabulary twin tests,
Parent interview script,
coding rules for parent qualifications and SOC ratings.
8 Year Parent questionnaire Parent questionnaire coding -
9 Year Parent booklet,
Child booklet,
Teacher booklet
Parent booklet coding,
Child booklet coding,
Teacher booklet coding
10 Year Teacher questionnaire Teacher questionnaire coding Parental consent postcard,
Web guidance sheet for families
12 Year Parent booklet,
Child booklet,
Teacher questionnaire,
Parent NC levels questionnaire
Parent booklet coding,
Child booklet coding,
Teacher questionnaire coding
TOWRE twin telephone test: interview script and stimulous sheets.
Parental consent form,
information sheet and web guidance sheet sent to families.
14 Year Parent booklet,
Child booklet,
Teacher questionnaire
Parent booklet coding,
Child booklet coding,
Teacher questionnaire coding
(Documents used in wave 1 only)
Parental consent form
and information sheet sent to families.
Parent SLQ questionnaire: wave 1 and wave 2 versions. Parent SLQ questionnaire dataset coding,
Parent SLQ questionnaire raw data coding
16 Year Web study environment and wellbeing questionnaires part A, part B, part C, part D. Web study environment and wellbeing questionnaires, with coding: part A, part B, part C, part D. Web study information sheets: postal version, parent web version, twin web version.
GCSE study results questionnaires: cohort 1 version and cohort 2/3/4 version. GCSE raw data coding,
GCSE dataset coding
Behaviour/LEAP study booklets:
wave 1 parent,
wave 1 twin,
wave 2 parent,
wave 2 twin.
Booklet study item variables:
parent booklet coding,
twin booklet coding
(covering both waves)
Booklet study information sheet (both waves).
LEAP-2 study:
parent booklet,
twin booklet
LEAP-2 booklet item variables:
parent booklet coding,
twin booklet coding
LEAP-2 study letter and consent form
18 Year Twin questionnaire: cohort 1, cohort 2, cohort 3 and cohort 4 versions Twin questionnaire coding
(provides coding information for all four cohort versions)
Questionnaire study: Twin consent form
Twin contact study: Twin contact details
Web studies: FFMP questionnaire FFMP item coding Web study information sheets:
Perception, FFMP, Bricks, Kings Challenge, Navigation
21 Year TEDS21 questionnaires:
Parent (phase 1 only), Twin phase 1 and phase 2
TEDS21 questionnaires, dataset coding:
Parent, Twin phase 1 and phase 2
TEDS21 questionnaires, raw data coding:
Parent, Twin phase 1 and phase 2
TEDS21 information sheets: parent, twin phase 1, twin phase 2
Letters/consents (postal versions): parent, twin phase 1 letter and consent, twin phase 2
- Covid study questionnaires, with coding: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, phase 4 Covid study information sheets: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, phase 4, and email invitation: phase 1
[G-game study: no questionnaire] G-game information sheet and email invitation
26 Year TEDS26 twin questionnaire
(paper version)
TEDS26 item coding TEDS26 measures in detail, overlap with other studies, information sheet, email invitation
[CATSLife study: no questionnaire] CATSLife TMB tests: vocabulary, matching, word pairs, numbers;
CATSLife information sheet, online consent, feedback questions
Study Original booklets (not annotated) Annotated booklets Other documents