TEDS Data Dictionary

14 Year Measures

Contents of this page:


The tables below summarise the measures used in the 14 Year study. Each measure is identified by the web/telephone test name, or by the section heading and page number in the booklet/questionnaire. The number of items in each measure is shown, but note that some of these items have two or more parts, giving two or more item variables.

The final column of each table shows dataset scales that are related to each measure; each variable name here is a link that will take you to the relevant item in the 14 Year derived variables page.

Child Test Measures

The table below refers to the web tests and the language tests (pdf).

Test type Test No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Web test:
(Science test)
24 On-line Assessment of Scientific Enquiry Skills (OASES).

Test of Scientific Enquiry skills, based on the UK National Curriculum. Items were selected by Claire Haworth to cover the different domains of the Scientific Enquiry skill at a range of levels including GCSE questions.

Items were drawn from various sources:
The TIMSS Study (1995, 1999 and 2003): items 4, 6-8, 12, 15, 16, 20-23
Past papers of the UK National Curriculum tests: items 9-11, 17
The NFER Science Assessment Series (1 and 2): items 13, 18, 19
Past papers of GSCE tests from Edexcel (items 1, 2), AQA (items 14, 24), OCR (item 5) and Gateway (item 3).

For a full description of the test, see the Science web test page.
Most of the web sites listed below offer free downloads of test/exam papers. Adjusted Science test score: nsctota1/2

Science test mean item answer time nscatm1/2
Web test:
Cognitive (non-verbal)
Pattern Game
(Ravens Matrices)
30 Ravens Standard Progressive Matrices.

This test included 30 items in all, divided into 4 sub-tests (sub-tests C, D and E having 6 items each, sub-test F having 12 items).
This test is broadly similar to the 12 Year version of the Ravens web test, except that sub-test F has been expanded by including the even-numbered items (at 12, only the odd-numbered items were included).

For a full description of the test, see the Ravens web test page.
Raven, J.C., Court, J.H., and Raven, J. (1996), Manual for Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Adjusted Ravens test score: nrvtota1/2

Ravens test mean item answer time nrvatm1/2
Web test:
Cognitive (verbal)
Word Quiz
27 WISC-III-PI Vocabulary Multiple-Choice.

This is a revised version of the Vocabulary web test that was used in the 12 Year study: the first three items have been removed in order to shorten the test; the remaining items have been re-ordered to improve the difficulty gradient; the branching has been removed; and the discontinue rule modified.

For a full description of the test, see the Vocabulary web test page.
Kaplan, E., Fein, D., Kramer, J., Delis, D., and Morris, R. (1999), WISC-III as a Process Instrument (WISC-III-PI), New York: The Psychological Corporation. Adjusted Vocabulary test score: nvctota1/2

General cognitive ability score (g), based on the Vocab and Ravens scores:

Vocabulary test mean item answer time nvcatm1/2

Overall web test times (for entire test battery):
Telephone Language test Multisyllabic Word Repetition 15 Taken from Catts (1986). - -
Telephone Language test Non-word Repetition (1) 18 The nonword repetition test in the CTOPP. - -
Telephone Language test Non-word Repetition (2) 30 A harder version of the CNRep developed by Gathercole and Baddeley. - -
Telephone Language test Spoonerisms 14 Drawn from the York Adult Battery, used in adult dyslexia assessments. - -
Telephone Language test Speech Rate 4 Stimuli and procedure taken from Hulme and colleagues, who used words of up to 4 syllables in primary-school aged children (McDougall, Hulme, Ellis and Monk, 1994), and up to 5 syllables with adults (Hulme et al., 1997). - -
Telephone Language test Tongue Twisters 14 Subtest from the NEPSY. - -

Child Booklet Measures

The table below refers to pages and items in the child booklet (pdf).

Booklet section, pages No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Please answer these questions about your home,
page 1
6 CHAOS (Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale) at home,
adapted from the full-length version as in the TEDS 9 Year booklets. (We have changed the bedtime routine back to the original question about morning routines.)
Matheny, Wachs, Ludwig and Phillips (1995). Bringing order out of chaos: Psychometric characteristics of the Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 429 - 444. Chaos scale: ncchato1/2
Which of the following activities do you do,
page 2
6 Extra-curricular activities. Created by Nicole Harlaar, Bonny Oliver and Claire Haworth in TEDS. -
... think about the parent you spend the most time with,
pages 2-3
  1. Parental discipline (first 6 items), derived from Deater-Deckard et al (1998).
  2. Parental feelings (last 7 items): a shortened version of the parental feelings questionnaire (PFQ) from Deater-Deckard (2000).
  1. Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., and Pettit, G. S. (1998). Multiple risk factors in the development of externalising behaviour problems: Group and individual differences. Development and Psychopathology, 10, 469 - 493.
  2. Deater-Deckard, K. (2000). Parenting and child behavioural adjustment in early childhood: A quantitative genetic approach to studying family processes. Child Development, 71, 468 - 484.
Parental discipline scales:
ncdisnegt1/2, ncdispost1/2, ncdisavot1/2
Parental feelings scales:
ncparnegt1/2, ncparpost1/2, ncpart1/2
Please give your answers ... ,
pages 3-4
18 Conners DSM-IV symptom subscales for adolescent self-report. Conners C.K. (2003): Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised: Technical Manual. New York: Multi-Health System Inc. Conners scales: ncconhit1/2, ncconint1/2, ncconnt1/2
Think about your twin ... ,
page 4
10 Very Important People scale.
Items taken from Parker and Asher (1993). The same 10 items are repeated with respect to the child's co-twin, best friend and parent.
Parker, J.G., and Asher, S.R. (1993) Friendship and Friendship Quality in Middle Childhood: Links with Peer Group Acceptance and Feelings of Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction. Developmental Psychology, 29(4), 611-621. -
Now think about your closest friend ... ,
page 5
10 -
Thinking about the parent/guardian you spend the most time with ... ,
pages 5-6
10 -
Below is a list of things that some children do to other children.,
page 6
16 Multidimensional Peer Victimisation Scale Mynard, H., and Joseph, S. (2000). Development of the Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 169-178. Victimisation scales:
ncvicph1/2, ncvicpr1/2, ncvicso1/2, ncvicve1/2
In my Science classes ... ,
page 7
12 Education.
Educational expectation questions from 9 year booklet. Science and Maths items taken from Fraser & Butler Kahle (2007).
Fraser, B.J., & Butler Kahle, J. (2007) Classroom, Home and Peer Environment Influences on Student Outcomes in Science and Mathematics: An Analysis of Systematic Reform Data. International Journal of Science Education. iFirst Article: DOI: 10.1080/09500690601167178. -
In my Maths classes ... ,
page 8
12 -
In my English classes ... ,
page 9
11 -
My parents think ... ,
page 10
3 Parental attitudes to education (child-reported). - -
What courses do you hope to follow?,
page 10
6 Educational courses planned by the child. - -
Questions about your physical development,
pages 11-12
  1. Self-reported height and weight (2 items).
  2. PDS Pubertal Scale (9 items).
Petersen Pubertal Development Scale, Petersen AC, Crockett L, Richards M, Boxer A. A self-report measure of pubertal status: reliability, validity, and initial norms. J Youth Adolesc.1988; 17 :117–133
  1. BMI: ncbmi1/2
  2. Puberty: npubtot1/2,
    Menstruation onset age: ncpub5age1/2

Parent Measures

The table below refers to pages and items in the parent booklet and the SLQ questionnaire (pdfs).

Booklet pages, item numbers No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Parent booklet,
pages 1-2,
items 1-18
18 Conners: parent rating scale, revised (CPRS-R).
This 18-item DSM-IV ADHD symptom subscale taken from the revised parent Conners’ rating scale was used as the measure of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.
Conners C.K. (2003): Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised: Technical Manual. New York: Multi-Health System Inc. Conners scales:
npconhit1/2, npconint1/2, npconnt1/2
Parent booklet,
page 2,
items 1-5,
Please answer these questions about your home
5 CHAOS (Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale) at home,
adapted from the full-length version as in the TEDS 9 Year booklets. (We have changed the bedtime routine back to the original question about morning routines.)
Matheny, Wachs, Ludwig and Phillips (1995). Bringing order out of chaos: Psychometric characteristics of the Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 16, 429 - 444. Chaos scale:
Parent booklet,
pages 2-3,
items 1-16
16 Multidimensional Peer Victimisation Scale.
Items have been re-worded so that this scale can be administered to parents and teachers.
Mynard, H., & Joseph, S. (2000). Development of the Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 169-178. Victimisation scales:
npvicph1/2, npvicpr1/2, npvicso1/2, npvicve1/2
Parent booklet,
pages 3-4,
items 1-20
20 APSD (Antisocial Process Screening Device) Frick, P. J., & Hare, R. D. (2001). Antisocial Process Screening Device. Toronto: Multi Health Systems. APSD scales:
npapsdt1/2, npcalt1/2, npimpt1/2, npnart1/2
Parent booklet,
page 5,
Parents have many ways of helping their children behave well ... ,
items 1-6
6 Parental discipline, derived from Deater-Deckard et al (1998). Deater-Deckard, K., Dodge, K. A., Bates, J. E., & Pettit, G. S. (1998). Multiple risk factors in the development of externalising behaviour problems: Group and individual differences. Development and Psychopathology, 10, 469 - 493. Parental discipline scales:
npdisnegt1/2, npdispost1/2, npdisavot1/2
Parent booklet,
page 5,
Every parent experiences all sorts of positive and negative feelings towards their children,
items 1-7
7 Parental feelings: a shortened version of the parental feelings questionnaire (PFQ) from Deater-Deckard (2000). Deater-Deckard, K. (2000). Parenting and child behavioural adjustment in early childhood: A quantitative genetic approach to studying family processes. Child Development, 71, 468 - 484. Parental feelings scales:
npparnegt1/2, npparpost1/2, nppart1/2
Parent booklet,
pages 6-8,
items 1-38
38 The Adolescent Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ), Ages 12-15 years
Items selected from Baron-Cohen et al (2006).
S. Baron-Cohen, R. A. Hoekstra, R. Knickmeyer and S. Wheelwright, (2006) The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) - Adolescent Version Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 36:343-350 AQ total score: npaqt1/2
Test Results (twin 1 and twin 2),
page 1
3 National Curriculum levels from tests (SATs) and teacher assessments, as reported at the end of school Key Stage 3. The contemporary documents are no longer available online but the National Curriculum descriptions, archived on 10 August 2011, are available at: The National Archives: National Curriculum) -
Teacher Assessments (twin 1 and twin 2),
pages 1 and 2
11 KS3 achievement composites: npks3t2a1/2, npks3t3a1/2, npks3tall1/2

Imputed foreign language assessed in cohort 1: nslla1r1/2
page 2,
question 1
2 Languages used by the parents with their twins at home. - -
page 2,
question 2
1 The main language used at school. - -
page 2,
question 3
3 Languages studied by the twins at school. - -

Teacher Questionnaire Measures

The table below refers to pages and items in the teacher questionnaire (pdf).

Booklet pages, item numbers No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Page 1 5 School background questions:
  • Type of school (1 item)
  • Setting/streaming (3 items)
  • Average class size (1 item)
- -
Pages 1-2,
items 1-18
18 Conners: parent rating scale, revised (CPRS-R).
This 18-item DSM-IV ADHD symptom subscale taken from the revised parent Conners’ rating scale was used as the measure of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms.
Conners C.K. (2003): Conners’ Rating Scales-Revised: Technical Manual. New York: Multi-Health System Inc. Conners scales:
ntconhit1/2, ntconint1/2, ntconnt1/2
Page 2,
items 1-16
16 Multidimensional Peer Victimisation Scale.
Items have been re-worded so that this scale can be administered to parents and teachers.
Mynard, H., & Joseph, S. (2000). Development of the Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 169-178. Victimisation scales:
ntvicph1/2, ntvicpr1/2, ntvicso1/2, ntvicve1/2
Pages 2-3,
items 1-20
20 APSD (Antisocial Process Screening Device) Frick, P. J., & Hare, R. D. (2001). Antisocial Process Screening Device. Toronto: Multi Health Systems. APSD scales:
ntapsdt1/2, ntcalt1/2, ntimpt1/2, ntnart1/2
Page 3,
Academic Achievement,
items 1-2
2 Special Educational Needs.
Child has SEN statement/on SEN register
- -
Pages 3-4,
National Curriculum Levels
(not numbered)
19 National Curriculum levels (1 to 8 plus 'exceptional performance') for English, Mathematics, Science and up to two Modern Foreign Languages.
Teachers are now given the option of giving an 'overall performance' level, as an alternative to specifying separate levels for each attainment target within each subject.
UK National Curriculum web site: http://curriculum.qca.org.uk/) Achievement composites: nt2a1/2, nt3a1/2