TEDS Data Dictionary

TEDS Polygenic Scores

Contents of this page:


Polygenic score variables now form part of the TEDS dataset. Each polygenic score is derived from genotypic data but relates to a specific phenotypic trait. A polygenic score is a numeric variable derived from multiple measurements of variation at different positions within the genome, taking account of their predictive power in relation to the given phenotypic trait.

The polygenic scores are derived from the TEDS twin genotypic dataset, which is briefly described on the DNA and genotyping studies page. As described on that page, this is a combined OEE + Affymetrix genotype dataset, giving the maximum possible sample size for TEDS twins with available data. The sample comprises 10,346 individual twins, including 3320 genotyped twin pairs (all DZ) and 3706 unpaired twins (mainly MZ but also some DZ). Hence, the sample includes a total of 7026 unrelated twins (one per pair).

This page includes a tabulated list of polygenic scores that have been derived for the TEDS twins and that are available for researchers to use in analysis. There is also a description of the polygenic score variables, and a summary of covariates that are typically used alongside the polgenic scores.

For reasons of page length, and ease of searching, the less-commonly-used polygenic scores for physical health traits are listed on a separate page of physical trait scores.

Detailed descriptions of the construction of the genotypic dataset and the derivation of the polygenic scores are beyond the scope of this page. However, links to relevant papers are provided below - essential technical details may be found in the on line supplements for these papers. These papers should also be cited in publications based on results of analysis of the TEDS polygenic scores.

  1. Genotype processing, QC, imputation and harmonisation of the dataset (see paper supplement):
    Selzam, McAdams et al (2018). Evidence for gene-environment correlation in child feeding: Links between common genetic variation for BMI in children and parental feeding practices. PLoS genetics, 14(11), e1007757,
    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007757
  2. Calculation of polygenic scores with LDpred (see paper supplement):
    Selzam, Ritchie et al (2019). Comparing Within-and Between-Family Polygenic Score Prediction. American Journal of Human Genetics, 105(2), 351-363,
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2019.06.006

Please note that the polygenic score data is the raw LDpred output variable, and is not adjusted for any covariates. The polygenic scores should be adjusted for these covariates (ancestry PCs and chip) using the regression method, and z-standardised prior to further analysis.

Data sharing

Please refer to the TEDS data access policy on the main TEDS web site.

The list below includes all available polygenic scores in TEDS. Any of these may be requested within a collaborator data request.

TEDS policy is to share polygenic scores only as listed on this page, derived using LDpred or LDpred2 as shown. Similarly, only those covariates listed below are available for sharing alongside the polygenic scores. If you wish to use a new or updated polygenic score that is not listed, we will consider creating the new score using LDpred2 for addition to the TEDS dataset.

Requests to make new polygenic scores by other methods (i.e. other than LDpred2) will not normally be considered. Exceptions may be made for genetic consortia.

If you need further input about analysis of polygenic scores in your data request, please consult with Andrea Allegrini (a.allegrini@ucl.ac.uk) and consider asking him to be a collaborator and co-author.


The polygenic scores should be analysed alongside a set of covariates. These are generally included as background variables in any dataset used for analysis of genotypes or polygenic scores.

As mentioned above, each polygenic score should be adjusted for these covariates (ancestry PCs and chip) using the regression method, and z-standardised prior to further analysis. These covariate variables are listed in the table below.

Covariate variable name(s) Values Description
PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7, PC8, PC9, PC10 Continuously variable, decimal numeric values. The values are both positive and negative, with mean 0 for each variable. The standard deviation is roughly 0.01 for each variable. The distributions are normal. These are the first 10 principal components of the genotype data. These are typically used to make corrections for population stratification (ancestry) in analysis.
chiptype Coded numeric categories: 1=Affymetrix, 2=OEE Denotes the type of chip on which the twin's DNA was genotyped (Affymetrix or OEE)
batchnumber Coded numeric categories: 0=Affymetrix, 1=OEE batch 1, 2=OEE batch 2, 3=OEE batch 3, 4=OEE batch 4, 5=OEE batch 5, 6=OEE batch 6, 7=OEE DZ cotwin batch. Denotes the batch in which the twin's DNA was genotyped. The Affymetrix genotyping (coded 0) was carried out at the Sanger Institute, and we assume there was a single batch as we do not have batch metadata. The OEE genotyping was carried out at KCL in six main batches for unrelated twins (coded 1 to 6) plus a further batch for genotyped DZ co-twins (coded 7).
DZtwinpair Numeric integer values: 0, 1 Denotes whether the twin was one of a genotyped DZ twin pair: 1=yes, 0=no.
selectunpaired Numeric integer values: 0, 1 This variable is used to filter the sample of unrelated twins, by selecting each unpaired genotyped twin plus one randomly-selected twin from each genotyped DZ twin pair. Coded 1=yes, 0=no: filter on value 1 for the 7,026 unrelated twins.

Polygenic score variables

All TEDS polygenic scores have been derived using LDpred or, for more recent scores, LDpred-2. The method used (LDpred or LDpred-2) to generate any given score is shown in the list below.

Earlier versions of TEDS polygenic scores, derived using LDpred, were previously made available at three thresholds. However, the TEDS dataset now includes polygenic scores only at threshold-1 for LDpred, and in a comparable format for LDpred-2. Hence, there is now only one available variable for each polygenic score.

Each polygenic score variable has decimal numeric values, which may be positive or negative. The variables are not standardised, so the means, standard deviations and ranges vary from one polygenic score to another. The values vary continuously and are normally distributed.

The polygenic scores are raw, and have not been adjusted for the ancestry principle components (see covariates above). This adjustment will typically need to be done by the researcher, prior to analysis.

The variable prefix is generally the same as the prefix of the name of the raw file from which the score was taken; this filename in turn is derived from the filename of the summary stats that were used in the computation of the score. These names are descriptive of the trait and of the source of the summary stats. Because the names are descriptive, and because they can be referenced using the table below, the variables have not been given variable labels in the dataset.

The name of each polygenic score variable typically follows this pattern, with some variations: [trait]_[author][year], where "author" and "year" refer to the publication of the GWAS study that produced the summary statistics from which the polygenic score was derived. Additional information is sometimes included in the variable name. For the older LDpred scores, the variable name may be extended to [trait]_[author][year]_FRCT1, indicating that the score was derived at threshold 1. Examples of variable names may be seen in the list below.

Polygenic scores list

The list below includes polygenic scores that are most commonly used in relation to mental health, cognition and psychological traits, and additionally BMI and SES traits. There is a separate page listing polygenic scores for other physical illnesses and traits.

In the table below, polygenic scores are sorted in ascending alphabetical order of trait category, then trait, then variable name.

As well as scrolling and searching alphabetically, you can use your web browser's search facilities (Ctrl+F) to search for key words. You can also follow these links to trait category sub-headings:

Cognitive traits

Trait: Childhood Intelligence, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: ChildIQ_CHIC2014, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 450966, Sample size: 15164
Heritability (h2): 0.202, Standard error (se): 0.05, Z-score (h2/se): 4
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23358156, Publication year: 2014
Note: GWAS re-run after excluding TEDS IDs in discovery sample

Trait: Cognition: Cognitive aspects of educational attainment, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Cognitive_Demange2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 369859, Sample size: 257700
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-020-00754-2, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognition: cognitive performance, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Cognitive_performance_Lee2018, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1107707, Sample size: 257828
Heritability (h2): 0.209, Standard error (se): 0.007, Z-score (h2/se): 29.9
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0147-3, Publication year: 2018

Trait: Cognition: executive function, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: ExecutiveFunction_Hatoum2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 840302, Sample size: 427037
Heritability (h2): 0.104, Standard error (se): 0.002, Z-score (h2/se): 52
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/674515v2.full.pdf, Publication year: 2022

Trait: Cognition: memory performance, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: MemoryPerformance_Davies2016, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1178908, Sample size: 112067
Heritability (h2): 0.05, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 8.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201645#Abs1, Publication year: 2016
Note: This score has higher values for lower performance, and may need to be reverse-coded for analysis.

Trait: Cognition: Non-cognitive aspects of educational attainment, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Noncognitive_Demange2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 369859, Sample size: 510795
Heritability (h2): 0.0637, Standard error (se): 0.0021, Z-score (h2/se): 30.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-020-00754-2, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognition: population, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Cognitionpopulation_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 488646, Sample size: 27638
Heritability (h2): 0.24, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognition: reaction time, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: ReactionTime_Davies2016, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1178919, Sample size: 111483
Heritability (h2): 0.11, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 18.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201645#Abs1, Publication year: 2016
Note: This score has higher values for lower performance, and may need to be reverse-coded for analysis.

Trait: Cognition: verbal numeric reasoning (VNR), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: VNR_Davies2016, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1178814, Sample size: 36035
Heritability (h2): 0.31, Standard error (se): 0.018, Z-score (h2/se): 17.2
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201645#Abs1, Publication year: 2016

Trait: Cognition: within-sibs, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Cognitionws_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 488643, Sample size: 27638
Heritability (h2): 0.14, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: matrix pattern recognition, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Matrix_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 11365
Heritability (h2): 0.155, Standard error (se): 0.04, Z-score (h2/se): 3.9
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: memory pairs-matching (episodic memory), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Memory_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 331679
Heritability (h2): 0.04, Standard error (se): 0.002, Z-score (h2/se): 20
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: reaction time (perceptual motor speed), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: RT_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 330024
Heritability (h2): 0.074, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 24.7
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: symbol digit substitution (information processing speed), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Symbol_digit_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 87741
Heritability (h2): 0.11, Standard error (se): 0.008, Z-score (h2/se): 13.8
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: tower rearranging, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Tower_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 11263
Heritability (h2): 0.114, Standard error (se): 0.038, Z-score (h2/se): 3
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: trail-making test B (executive functioning), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: TMTB_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 78547
Heritability (h2): 0.149, Standard error (se): 0.009, Z-score (h2/se): 16.6
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive test: verbal numerical reasoning (also called fluid intelligence), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: VNR_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363755, Sample size: 171304
Heritability (h2): 0.212, Standard error (se): 0.008, Z-score (h2/se): 26.5
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Cognitive: genomic g, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: g_Fuente2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 363759, Sample size: 246890
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32895543/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Education: difference between language and maths performance, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: E2_Rajagopal2023, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 778026, Sample size: 30982
Heritability (h2): 0.18, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 18
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9829693/, Publication year: 2023
Note: Higher scores for language relative to maths grades

Trait: Education: overall school performance, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: E1_Rajagopal2023, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 778026, Sample size: 30982
Heritability (h2): 0.29, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 29
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9829693/, Publication year: 2023

Trait: Education: population, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Educationpopulation_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496734, Sample size: 123084
Heritability (h2): 0.14, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Education: within-sibs, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Educationws_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496732, Sample size: 123084
Heritability (h2): 0.04, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Educational Attainment: self-reported Attainment, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: EA_self_report_Davies2016, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1178899, Sample size: 111114
Heritability (h2): 0.21, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 35
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp201645#Abs1, Publication year: 2016

Trait: Educational Attainment: Years of Education (EA2), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: EA2_Okbay2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499944, Sample size: 328918
Heritability (h2): 0.12, Standard error (se): 0.004, Z-score (h2/se): 30
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature17671, Publication year: 2016

Trait: Educational Attainment: Years of Education (EA3), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: EA3_Lee2018_no23andme, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1211019, Sample size: 766345
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0147-3, Publication year: 2018

Trait: Educational Attainment: Years of Education (EA4), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: EA4_no23andme_Okbay2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1137789, Sample size: 765283
Heritability (h2): 0.12-0.16, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01016-z, Publication year: 2022
Note: The scores were created based on the effective sample size per variant as suggested by Okbay

Trait: Intelligence (IQ3), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: IQ_Savage2018, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 497059, Sample size: 266453
Heritability (h2): 0.19, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 19
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0152-6, Publication year: 2018
Note: Sample excludes TEDS individuals and the two dbGaP datasets due to some issues

Trait: Intelligence: fluid intelligence score, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: fluid_intelligence_score_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 108818
Heritability (h2): 0.236, Standard error (se): 0.0124, Z-score (h2/se): 19
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Intelligence: performance IQ, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: PerformanceIQ_Eising2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 586986, Sample size: 15230
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202764119, Publication year: 2022
Note: Phenotypes were normalised by rank-transformation. Genomic control correction was applied. Sumstats excluded TEDS twins.

Trait: Language: difference between Danish and English grades, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: E4_Rajagopal2023, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 778026, Sample size: 30982
Heritability (h2): 0.08, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 8
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9829693/, Publication year: 2023
Note: Higher scores for Danish relative to English grades

Trait: Language: difference between oral and written grades (English and Danish), Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: E3_Rajagopal2023, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 778026, Sample size: 30982
Heritability (h2): 0.13, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 13
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9829693/, Publication year: 2023
Note: Higher scores for oral relative to written exams

Trait: Language: non-word repetition, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Nonwordrepetition_Eising2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 591219, Sample size: 12828
Heritability (h2): 0.131, Standard error (se): 0.039, Z-score (h2/se): 3.4
Published study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202764119, Publication year: 2022
Note: Phenotypes were normalised by rank-transformation. Genomic control correction was applied. Sumstats excluded TEDS twins.

Trait: Language: phoneme awareness, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Phonemeawareness_Eising2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 589461, Sample size: 12411
Heritability (h2): 0.249, Standard error (se): 0.04, Z-score (h2/se): 6.2
Published study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202764119, Publication year: 2022
Note: Phenotypes were normalised by rank-transformation. Genomic control correction was applied. Sumstats excluded TEDS twins.

Trait: Maths: highest-level maths class completed, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Maths_highest_class_completed_Lee2018, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1913, Sample size: 430439
Heritability (h2): 0.165, Standard error (se): 0.005, Z-score (h2/se): 33
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0147-3, Publication year: 2018
Note: Sumstats based only on top 10,000 SNPs

Trait: Maths: self-reported ability, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Maths_ability_self_report_Lee2018, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1913, Sample size: 564692
Heritability (h2): 0.156, Standard error (se): 0.005, Z-score (h2/se): 31.2
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0147-3, Publication year: 2018
Note: Sumstats based only on top 10,000 SNPs

Trait: Reading: non-words, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Nonwordreading_Eising2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 590433, Sample size: 13030
Heritability (h2): 0.257, Standard error (se): 0.028, Z-score (h2/se): 9.2
Published study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202764119, Publication year: 2022
Note: Phenotypes were normalised by rank-transformation. Genomic control correction was applied. Sumstats excluded TEDS twins.

Trait: Reading: spelling, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Spelling_Eising2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 588287, Sample size: 14874
Heritability (h2): 0.234, Standard error (se): 0.031, Z-score (h2/se): 7.5
Published study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202764119, Publication year: 2022
Note: Phenotypes were normalised by rank-transformation. Genomic control correction was applied. Sumstats excluded TEDS twins.

Trait: Reading: words, Trait category: Cognitive
Variable name: Wordreading_Eising2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 587394, Sample size: 23470
Heritability (h2): 0.193, Standard error (se): 0.021, Z-score (h2/se): 9.2
Published study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202764119, Publication year: 2022
Note: Phenotypes were normalised by rank-transformation. Genomic control correction was applied. Sumstats excluded TEDS twins.

Mental Health traits

Trait: ADHD (previously labelled PGC2019), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: ADHD_Demontis2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1069013, Sample size: 53293 (19099 cases, 34194 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.2398, Standard error (se): 0.0151, Z-score (h2/se): 15.9
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30478444/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: ADHD, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: ADHD_Demontis2023, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1072462, Sample size: 47382 (8691 cases, 38691 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.14, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 14
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-022-01285-8, Publication year: 2023

Trait: Anorexia nervosa (previously labelled PGC2019), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: AnorexiaNervosa_Watson2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1056205, Sample size: 72517 (16992 cases, 55525 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.11-0.17, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31308545/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Anxiety, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Anxiety_Purves2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 867317, Sample size: 84217 (26104 cases, 58113 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.324, Standard error (se): 0.031, Z-score (h2/se): 10.5
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31748690/, Publication year: 2019
Note: This score has higher values for lower risk, and may need to be reverse-coded for analysis.

Trait: Anxiety and stress (previously labelled as PTSD), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Stress_Meier2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1064538, Sample size: 29056 (9831 cases, 19225 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.28, Standard error (se): 0.027, Z-score (h2/se): 10.4
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31116379/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Autism Spectrum Disorder (previously labelled iPsych2018), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: ASD_Grove2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1154844, Sample size: 46351 (18382 cases, 27969 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.118, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 11.8
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30804558/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: ASD_PGC2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 456246, Sample size: 15954 (7387 cases, 8567 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.33, Standard error (se): 0.04, Z-score (h2/se): 8.3
Published study: https://molecularautism.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13229-017-0137-9, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Bipolar Disorder (previously labelled PGC2021), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Bipolardisorder_all_cases_Mullins2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 993279, Sample size: 413466 (41917 cases, 371549 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.186, Standard error (se): 0.008, Z-score (h2/se): 23.3
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8192451/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Bipolar Disorder I (previously labelled PGC2021), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Bipolardisorder_BDI_Mullins2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 973265, Sample size: 475038 (25060 cases, 449978 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.209, Standard error (se): 0.009, Z-score (h2/se): 23.2
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8192451/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Bipolar Disorder II (previously labelled PGC2021), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Bipolardisorder_BDII_Mullins2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 968918, Sample size: 370856 (6781 cases, 364075 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.116, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 11.6
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8192451/, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Depression, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Depression_Howard2019_UKBonly, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 965349, Sample size: 500199 (170756 cases, 329443 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.089, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 29.7
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-018-0326-7, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Depression: depressive Symptoms, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: DepressiveSympt_Okbay2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 475871, Sample size: 161460
Heritability (h2): 0.091, Standard error (se): 0.007, Z-score (h2/se): 13
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3552#access, Publication year: 2016

Trait: Depression: Ever depressed for a whole week, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Ever_depressed_for_a_whole_week_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 109229 (58468 cases, 50761 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.0991, Standard error (se): 0.0122, Z-score (h2/se): 8.1
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Depression: Frequency of depressed mood in last 2 weeks, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Frequency_of_depressed_mood_last_2_weeks_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.0405, Standard error (se): 0.00343, Z-score (h2/se): 11.8
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Depression: MDD, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: MDD_excl23andme_PGC2018, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 498245, Sample size: 173005 (59851 cases, 113154 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.087, Standard error (se): 0.004, Z-score (h2/se): 21.8
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0090-3, Publication year: 2018
Note: 23andme samples removed (75607 cases, 231747 controls)

Trait: Depression: non-cancer illness code, self-reported, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: self_reported_depression_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337159 (19195 cases, 317964 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.0787, Standard error (se): 0.0108, Z-score (h2/se): 7.3
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Depression/anxiety: Seen a psychiatrist for nerves, anxiety, tension or depression, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Seen_a_psychiatrist_for_nerves_etc_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 335888 (38008 cases, 297880 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.0859, Standard error (se): 0.00769, Z-score (h2/se): 11.2
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Depression/anxiety: Seen doctor (GP) for nerves, anxiety, tension or depression, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Seen_doctor_GP_for_nerves_etc_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 335108 (115328 cases, 219780 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1026, Standard error (se): 0.00586, Z-score (h2/se): 17.5
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Externalising, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Externalizing_Linner2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 973312, Sample size: 1045957
Heritability (h2): varies between contributing traits, Standard error (se): varies between contributing traits, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00908-3, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Health satisfaction, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Health_satisfaction_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.0924, Standard error (se): 0.00855, Z-score (h2/se): 10.8
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017
Note: This score may need to be reverse-coded for analysis.

Trait: Health: Overall health rating, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Overall_health_rating_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.1, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/blog/2017/7/19/rapid-gwas-of-thousands-of-phenotypes-for-337000-samples-in-the-uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017
Note: This score may need to be reverse-coded for analysis.

Trait: Health: Self-rated Health, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: SRH_Hill2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499990, Sample size: 111749
Heritability (h2): 0.13, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 21.7
Published study: https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/46/3/994/2670320, Publication year: 2016

Trait: Multiple disorders: cross-trait psychiatric (ADHD, ANO, ASD, BIP, MD, OCD, SCZ, TS combined), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Crossdisorder_PGC2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 357885, Sample size: 727126 (232964 cases, 494162 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.11 to 0.28 (varies with trait), Standard error (se): 0.01 to 0.04 (varies with trait), Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7077032/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Multiple disorders: MDD and BIP, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: MDD_BP_no23andme_noUKB_Coleman2020, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 856489, Sample size: 280214
Heritability (h2): 0.0795, Standard error (se): 0.0035, Z-score (h2/se): 22.7
Published study: https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(19)31813-X/fulltext#secsectitle0040, Publication year: 2020
Note: Sumstats from GWAS excluding 23andme and UKB participants

Trait: Multiple disorders: MDD and Bipolar type 1, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: MDD_BP1_Coleman2020, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1834, Sample size: 519179
Heritability (h2): 0.059, Standard error (se): 0.0025, Z-score (h2/se): 23.6
Published study: https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(19)31813-X/fulltext#secsectitle0040, Publication year: 2020
Note: Sumstats based only on top 10,000 SNPs

Trait: Multiple disorders: MDD and Bipolar type 2, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: MDD_BP2_Coleman2020, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1793, Sample size: 501767
Heritability (h2): 0.0584, Standard error (se): 0.0025, Z-score (h2/se): 23.4
Published study: https://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223(19)31813-X/fulltext#secsectitle0040, Publication year: 2020
Note: Sumstats based only on top 10,000 SNPs

Trait: Multiple disorders: total child psychiatric problems, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: total_child_psychiatric_problems_Neumann2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 837658, Sample size: 38418
Heritability (h2): 0.054, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 5.4
Published study: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0273116, Publication year: 2022

Trait: OCD, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: OCD_Consortia2017, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1117536, Sample size: 9725 (2688 cases, 7037 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.28, Standard error (se): 0.04, Z-score (h2/se): 7
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/mp2017154, Publication year: 2017

Trait: OCD, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: OCD_PGC2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 498602, Sample size: 9725 (2688 cases, 7037 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.28, Standard error (se): 0.04, Z-score (h2/se): 7
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28761083, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Panic disorder, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Panicdisorder_Forstner2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 861696, Sample size: 10240 (2248 cases, 7992 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.28, Standard error (se): 0.057, Z-score (h2/se): 4.9
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31712720/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: PTSD (previously labelled PGC2019), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: PTSD_Nievergelt2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1151472, Sample size: 45526 (12080 cases, 33446 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.05, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 5
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6783435/, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Schizophrenia, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: SCZ_Pardinas2018, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 487423, Sample size: 105318 (40675 cases, 64643 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.24, Standard error (se): 0.0068, Z-score (h2/se): 35.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0059-2, Publication year: 2018

Trait: Schizophrenia (previously labelled PGC2022), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Schizophrenia_Trubetskoy2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1100223, Sample size: 130644 (53386 cases, 77258 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.24, Standard error (se): 0.007, Z-score (h2/se): 34.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04434-5, Publication year: 2022

Trait: Sleep disorders, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Sleep_disorders_ICD10_G47_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499425, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.13, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/blog/2017/7/19/rapid-gwas-of-thousands-of-phenotypes-for-337000-samples-in-the-uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: sleep duration, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: sleep_duration_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 128266
Heritability (h2): 0.0737, Standard error (se): 0.00457, Z-score (h2/se): 16.1
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Sleep problems: Insomnia, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Insomnia_Hammerschlag2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499153, Sample size: 113006
Heritability (h2): 0.11, Standard error (se): 0.009, Z-score (h2/se): 12.2
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28604731, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Sleep problems: Insomnia, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Insomnia_Jansen2018, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 479925, Sample size: 386533
Heritability (h2): 0.07, Standard error (se): 0.002, Z-score (h2/se): 35
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0333-3, Publication year: 2018

Trait: Sleep problems: Insomnia symptoms, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Insomnia_symptoms_LANE2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499714, Sample size: 112586
Heritability (h2): 0.206, Standard error (se): 0.011, Z-score (h2/se): 18.7
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27992416, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Sleep: excessive daytime sleepiness, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Daytime_sleepiness_LANE2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499938, Sample size: 112586
Heritability (h2): 0.084, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 14
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27992416, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Sleeplessness / insomnia, Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Sleeplessness_insomnia_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.0615, Standard error (se): 0.00371, Z-score (h2/se): 16.6
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Tourette syndrome (previously labelled DongmeiYu2019), Trait category: Mental Health
Variable name: Tourette_Syndrome_Yu2019, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1176158, Sample size: 14307 (4819 cases, 9488 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.21, Standard error (se): 0.024, Z-score (h2/se): 8.8
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30818990/, Publication year: 2019

Behavioural traits

Trait: Aggression , Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Aggression_Hill2021, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 906378, Sample size: 80931
Heritability (h2): 0.0331, Standard error (se): 0.0038, Z-score (h2/se): 8.7
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-021-01480-x, Publication year: 2021
Note: Sumstats are from GWAS re-run without TEDS participants

Trait: Alcohol dependence, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Alcoholdependence_Walters2018, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 985336, Sample size: 38686 (10206 cases, 28480 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.09, Standard error (se): 0.019, Z-score (h2/se): 4.7
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30482948/, Publication year: 2018

Trait: Alcohol intake frequency, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: alcohol_intake_frequency_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 336965
Heritability (h2): 0.0796, Standard error (se): 0.004, Z-score (h2/se): 19.9
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/blog/2017/7/19/rapid-gwas-of-thousands-of-phenotypes-for-337000-samples-in-the-uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Alcohol: former alcohol drinker, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: former_alcohol_drinker_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 21894 (11518 cases, 10376 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1543, Standard error (se): 0.0541, Z-score (h2/se): 2.9
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Alchohol use disorder, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Alcohol_use_disorder_Mallard2020, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1112682, Sample size: 334944
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2020.20091390, Publication year: 2020

Trait: Cannabis use disorder, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: cannabis_use_disorder_Johnson2020, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1071797, Sample size: 357806 (14080 cases, 343726 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.067–0.121, Standard error (se): 0.006–0.011, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33096046/, Publication year: 2020

Trait: Risk - Automobile speading, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Risk_AutoSpeeding_Linner2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500760, Sample size: 404291
Heritability (h2): 0.079, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 26.3
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30643258, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Risk - Drinks per week, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Risk_DrinksAWeek_Linner2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500760, Sample size: 414343
Heritability (h2): 0.085, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 28.3
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30643258, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Risk - Ever smoker, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Risk_EverSmoker_Linner2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500760, Sample size: 518633
Heritability (h2): 0.109, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 36.3
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30643258, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Risk - First PC from automobile speading, drinks per week, ever smoker, sexual partners, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Risk_PC1_Linner2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500760, Sample size: 315894
Heritability (h2): 0.156, Standard error (se): 0.004, Z-score (h2/se): 39
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30643258, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Risk - Risk tolerance, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Risk_RiskTolerance_Linner2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500760, Sample size: 466571
Heritability (h2): 0.045, Standard error (se): 0.001, Z-score (h2/se): 45
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30643258, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Risk - Sexual partners, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Risk_NumberSexualPartners_Linner2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500760, Sample size: 370711
Heritability (h2): 0.128, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 42.7
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30643258, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Risk taking, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: risk_taking_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 325821 (82808 cases, 243013 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.0947, Standard error (se): 0.00679, Z-score (h2/se): 13.9
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Same-sex behaviour, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Same_sex_behaviour_Ganna2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496428, Sample size: 408995
Heritability (h2): 0.324, Standard error (se): 0.109, Z-score (h2/se): 3
Published study: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/365/6456/eaat7693.full, Publication year: 2019

Trait: Same-sex behaviour: female, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Same_sex_behaviour_female_Ganna2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496529, Sample size: 220170
Heritability (h2): 0.466, Standard error (se): 0.183, Z-score (h2/se): 2.5
Published study: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/365/6456/eaat7693.full, Publication year: 2019
Note: Only valid for analysis with female participants

Trait: Same-sex behaviour: male, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Same_sex_behaviour_male_Ganna2019, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496464, Sample size: 188825
Heritability (h2): 0.371, Standard error (se): 0.147, Z-score (h2/se): 2.5
Published study: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/365/6456/eaat7693.full, Publication year: 2019
Note: Only valid for analysis with male participants

Trait: Smoking: age smoking initiation, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Age_of_smoking_TAG2010, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 450936, Sample size: 47961
Heritability (h2): 0.0665, Standard error (se): 0.0185, Z-score (h2/se): 3.6
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20418890, Publication year: 2010

Trait: Smoking: cigarettes per day, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: CPD_TAG2010, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 451117, Sample size: 68028
Heritability (h2): 0.0563, Standard error (se): 0.0136, Z-score (h2/se): 4.1
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20418890, Publication year: 2010

Trait: Smoking: current tobacco smoking, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: current_tobacco_smoking_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337030
Heritability (h2): 0.0589, Standard error (se): 0.00367, Z-score (h2/se): 16
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: ever smoked, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: ever_smoked_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 336067 (202585 cases, 133482 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1212, Standard error (se): 0.00589, Z-score (h2/se): 20.6
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: ever smoked, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: Ever_smoking_TAG2010, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 450973, Sample size: 74035
Heritability (h2): 0.0754, Standard error (se): 0.0065, Z-score (h2/se): 11.6
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20418890, Publication year: 2010

Trait: Smoking: ex-smokers, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: tobacco_smoking_exsmoker_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 83133 (30184 cases, 52949 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1276, Standard error (se): 0.0195, Z-score (h2/se): 6.5
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: number of cigarettes currently smoked daily (current cigarettes smokers), Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: cigarette_smoked_daily_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 23205
Heritability (h2): 0.1611, Standard error (se): 0.0512, Z-score (h2/se): 3.1
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: number of cigarettes reviously smoked daily, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: cigarette_smoked_daily_previously_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 78291
Heritability (h2): 0.1155, Standard error (se): 0.0252, Z-score (h2/se): 4.6
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: pack years, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: pack_years_smoking_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 101726
Heritability (h2): 0.1246, Standard error (se): 0.0165, Z-score (h2/se): 7.6
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: pack years smoking as proportion of lifespan exposed to smoking, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: pack_years_smoking_lifespan_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 101726
Heritability (h2): 0.1379, Standard error (se): 0.0179, Z-score (h2/se): 7.7
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Smoking: past tobacco smoking, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: past_tobacco_smoking_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 310749
Heritability (h2): 0.0898, Standard error (se): 0.00425, Z-score (h2/se): 21.1
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Time spent at the computer, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: time_spent_computer_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 261987
Heritability (h2): 0.0967, Standard error (se): 0.00417, Z-score (h2/se): 23.2
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Time spent watching TV, Trait category: Behavioural
Variable name: time_spent_watching_tv_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 319740
Heritability (h2): 0.0962, Standard error (se): 0.00424, Z-score (h2/se): 22.7
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Personality traits

Trait: Fed-up feelings, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: fed_up_feelings_1960_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 330552 (134127 cases, 196425 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1095, Standard error (se): 0.00673, Z-score (h2/se): 16.3
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Guilty feelings, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: guilty_feelings_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 328769 (92945 cases, 235824 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.09, Standard error (se): 0.00693, Z-score (h2/se): 13
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Irritability, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: irritability_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 322668 (90282 cases, 232386 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1174, Standard error (se): 0.0122, Z-score (h2/se): 9.6
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Miserableness, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: miserableness_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 331856 (141755 cases, 190101 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.107, Standard error (se): 0.00759, Z-score (h2/se): 14.1
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Mood swings, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: mood_swings_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 329428 (148601 cases, 180827 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1075, Standard error (se): 0.00637, Z-score (h2/se): 16.9
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Morning/evening person (chronotype), Trait category: Personality
Variable name: chronotype_morning_vs_evening_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 301143
Heritability (h2): 0.1185, Standard error (se): 0.00555, Z-score (h2/se): 21.4
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Neo-conscientiousness, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: NEO-CONSCIENTIOUSNESS_NTR2012, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 497525, Sample size: 17375
Heritability (h2): 0.0728, Standard error (se): 0.0297, Z-score (h2/se): 2.5
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21173776, Publication year: 2012

Trait: Neo-openness to experience, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: NEO-OPENNESS_NTR2012, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 436342, Sample size: 17375
Heritability (h2): 0.106, Standard error (se): 0.0267, Z-score (h2/se): 4
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21173776, Publication year: 2012

Trait: Nervous feelings, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: nervous_feelings_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 328725 (77767 cases, 250958 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1299, Standard error (se): 0.0111, Z-score (h2/se): 11.7
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Neuroticism, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: Neuroticism_Luciano2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 500849, Sample size: 329821
Heritability (h2): 0.108, Standard error (se): 0.005, Z-score (h2/se): 21.6
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-017-0013-8, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Neuroticism, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: Neuroticism_no23andme_Nagel2018, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1090633, Sample size: 390278
Heritability (h2): 0.1, Standard error (se): 0.003, Z-score (h2/se): 33.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-018-0151-7, Publication year: 2018
Note: Sumstats from GWAS excluding 23andme participants

Trait: Neuroticism, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: Neuroticism_SSGAC2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 475862, Sample size: 170911
Heritability (h2): 0.0881, Standard error (se): 0.0068, Z-score (h2/se): 13
Published study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27089181, Publication year: 2016

Trait: neuroticism score, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: neuroticism_score_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 274108
Heritability (h2): 0.12, Standard error (se): 0.00857, Z-score (h2/se): 14
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Sensitivity/hurt feelings, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: sensitivity_hurt_feelings_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 327832 (182340 cases, 145492 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.0953, Standard error (se): 0.00654, Z-score (h2/se): 14.6
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Tense/highly strung, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: tense_highly_strung_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 327232 (56012 cases, 271220 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1243, Standard error (se): 0.0107, Z-score (h2/se): 11.6
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Wellbeing, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: SWB_Okbay2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 427033, Sample size: 298420
Heritability (h2): 0.047, Standard error (se): 0.004, Z-score (h2/se): 11.8
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3552#access, Publication year: 2016
Note: 23andme cohort not included (93,454); betas were re-calculated to remove the contribution of TEDS individuals that overlapped between discovery and target sample; original summary stats file = SWB_Full.txt.gz

Trait: worrier/anxious feelings, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: worrier_anxious_feelings_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 328717 (186559 cases, 142158 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.1293, Standard error (se): 0.0128, Z-score (h2/se): 10.1
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Worry too long after embarassment, Trait category: Personality
Variable name: worry_too_long_embarassment_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 323766 (154615 cases, 169151 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.103, Standard error (se): 0.007, Z-score (h2/se): 14.7
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

SES traits

Trait: Household Income, Trait category: SES
Variable name: Income_Hill2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499990, Sample size: 112151
Heritability (h2): 0.11, Standard error (se): 0.007, Z-score (h2/se): 15.7
Published study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982216311198, Publication year: 2016

Trait: Social Deprivation (Townsend Index), Trait category: SES
Variable name: SocDepriv_Hill2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499990, Sample size: 112151
Heritability (h2): 0.21, Standard error (se): 0.005, Z-score (h2/se): 42
Published study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982216311198, Publication year: 2016
Note: This score may need to be reverse-coded for analysis.

Trait: Townsend deprivation index, Trait category: SES
Variable name: townsend_dep_index_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 336798
Heritability (h2): 0.0319, Standard error (se): 0.002, Z-score (h2/se): 16
Published study: NA, Publication year: 2017

BMI, height, weight

Trait: Birth weight, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: BirthWeight_EGG2016, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499994, Sample size: 143677
Heritability (h2): 0.1, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 16.7
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/nature19806, Publication year: 2016

Trait: BMI, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: BMI_GIANT2018, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 868323, Sample size: 681275
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/03/02/274654, Publication year: 2018
Note: summary stats formatted because LDpred cannot handle very small pvalues (pval less than 0.000000001 recoded as 0.000000001)

Trait: BMI, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: BMI_Locke2015, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 451611, Sample size: 339224
Heritability (h2): 0.14, Standard error (se): 0.01, Z-score (h2/se): 14
Published study: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v518/n7538/full/nature14177.html, Publication year: 2015

Trait: BMI, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: Body_mass_index_BMI_21001_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499425, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.25, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: BMI: childhood, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: ChildhoodBMI_EGG2015, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 450894, Sample size: 35668
Heritability (h2): 0.2421, Standard error (se): 0.0221, Z-score (h2/se): 11
Published study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26604143/, Publication year: 2015

Trait: BMI: childhood, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: ChildhoodBMI_Vogelzang2020, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 1083936, Sample size: 39620
Heritability (h2): 0.23, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1008718, Publication year: 2020

Trait: BMI: population, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: BMIpopulation_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496721, Sample size: 140883
Heritability (h2): 0.21, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: BMI: within-sibs, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: BMIws_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496716, Sample size: 140883
Heritability (h2): 0.2, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Childhood obesity, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: ChildObesity_EGG2012, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 449792, Sample size: 13848 (5530 cases, 8318 controls)
Heritability (h2): 0.41, Standard error (se): 0.04, Z-score (h2/se): 10.3
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.2247, Publication year: 2012

Trait: Height, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: Height_Yengo2022, LDpred version: 2
Number of SNPs coordinated: 909436, Sample size: 28645
Heritability (h2): approx 0.5, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05275-y, Publication year: 2022

Trait: Height: population, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: Heightpopulation_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496517, Sample size: 149174
Heritability (h2): 0.41, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Height: standing, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: Height_GIANT2018, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 427030, Sample size: 693529
Heritability (h2): -, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/03/02/274654, Publication year: 2018

Trait: Height: standing, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: Standing_height_50_UKB2017, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 499422, Sample size: 337199
Heritability (h2): 0.46, Standard error (se): 0.02, Z-score (h2/se): 23
Published study: http://www.nealelab.is/uk-biobank, Publication year: 2017

Trait: Height: within-sibs, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: Heightws_Howe2021, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 496503, Sample size: 149174
Heritability (h2): 0.34, Standard error (se): -, Z-score (h2/se): -
Published study: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.05.433935v1.full.pdf, Publication year: 2021

Trait: Waist-to-hip ratio, Trait category: BMI
Variable name: WHR_Shungin2015, LDpred version: 1
Number of SNPs coordinated: 451380, Sample size: 224459
Heritability (h2): 0.11, Standard error (se): 0.006, Z-score (h2/se): 18.3
Published study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25673412, Publication year: 2015