The Children of TEDS Study (CoTEDS)
If you are interested in becoming part of CoTEDS, please register for further information by clicking here:
SIGN UP TO CoTEDSAs TEDS twins become adults, increasing numbers will also become parents. More than 25 years since the twins were first enrolled as infants by their parents, we are excited to invite the twins to enrol in a new TEDS project - this time as the parents!
The Children of TEDS twins - helping us to better understand child development!
In March 2016 TEDS launched the next generation of research, a study called Children of TEDS, or CoTEDS for short. We now have hundreds of children involved and are always looking to invite new babies! Recently, CoTEDS was awarded renewed funding from the Medical Research Council to continue our research for the next 5 years.
The aim of CoTEDS is to collect data on the development of the TEDS twins’ children. This makes TEDS the world’s first ever twin study to include information on both twin parents and their offspring from birth. We send questionnaires to both our TEDS twins and their co-parents, to ask about how their children are getting on as they grow up, and parent’s experience of raising their children.
CoTEDS is specifically designed to collect data from children at the same ages as their parents were when they took part in TEDS. We can then compare data collected from TEDS twins as they grew up to data we’re now collecting from their children. This provides a unique opportunity to examine how different behaviours and traits are passed down through generations, with reference to the influence of both genes and the environment. We will also be able to study the roles that parents play in their child’s development – and the role children play in the development of our twins as parents!
If you are a parent, or will soon become a parent, we would love for your children to take part in CoTEDS. We also love to receive photos!
It doesn’t matter how much or how little you have been involved in TEDS in the past. This is a new opportunity to be involved in important, ground-breaking research.
If you are interested in becoming part of CoTEDS, please register for further information by clicking on the Sign Up link above.

Three generations: TEDS twins Jonathan and Catherine with their parents and their children (two of which are also twins!)
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Freephone: 0800 317029 (answerphone out of office hours)
Text: 07557 846 823
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TEDS Research Centre
16 De Crespigny Park
London SE5 8AF