TEDS Data Dictionary

26 Year Measures

The TEDS26 data collection has now finished, and we welcome requests from collaborators to use the new measures. As these data are new, any proposed use of the measures should first be discussed with Thalia Eley (thalia.eley@kcl.ac.uk) to ensure that there is no overlap with TEDS analysis being undertaken for the MRC grant. For details of how to make a data request, see the TEDS data access policy.

The CATSLife data collection started in January 2023 and is likely to finish by the end of 2023. The usual TEDS 2-year period of exclusive TEDS use will then apply to the CATSLife data: the measures will not be available for sharing for a period of 2 years after the end of data collection, or until results from the measures have been published, whichever occurs first.

Contents of this page:


The table below summarises the measures used in the 26 Year study. This study comprises the twin Mental Health Questionnaire (MHQ), also known as TEDS26, and the CATSlife twin web study. The measures from these two studies are tabulated under separate headings below.

In each table, measures are listed in the order that they appeared to participants, in the online TEDS26 questionnaire and in the CATSLife web battery.

The final column of each table shows derived variables that are related to each measure; each variable name here is a link that will take you to the relevant paragraph in the 26 Year derived variables page.

TEDS26 overlap with other study cohorts

Many parts of the questionnaire were copied or adapted from a similar mental health questionnaire used by the GLAD study (Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression) at KCL. The GLAD reference paper is given below.

More generally, measures used in TEDS26 were designed as much as possible to overlap with the same or similar measures used in other study cohorts, to aid future collaborations. The relevant studies are summarised in this table:

Study Reference paper DOI number and link
Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD) Davies et al (2019). The Genetic Links to Anxiety and Depression (GLAD) Study: Online recruitment into the largest recontactable study of depression and anxiety. Behav Res Ther 2019 Dec;123:103503. 10.1016/j.brat.2019.103503
Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) Boyd et al (2012). Cohort Profile: The ‘Children of the 90s’—the index offspring of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children. International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 42, Issue 1, February 2013, Pages 111–127. 10.1093/ije/dys064
COVID‐19 Psychiatry and Neurological Genetics (COPING) Study Young et al (2022). Depression, anxiety and PTSD symptoms before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Psychological Medicine, 1-14. 10.1017/S0033291722002501
Dunedin Study Poulton, Moffitt & Silva (2015). The Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study: overview of the first 40 years, with an eye to the future. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 50, 679–693 (2015). 10.1007/s00127-015-1048-8
UK Biobank Mental Health Assessment (UKBB) Davis et al (2020). Mental health in UK Biobank – development, implementation and results from an online questionnaire completed by 157 366 participants: A reanalysis. BJPsych Open, 6(2), E18. 10.1192/bjo.2019.100

Additionally, many TEDS26 measures were chosen for continuity with measures used in earlier TEDS studies. Details of the overlaps with other cohorts and prior waves of TEDS are listed in TEDS26 overlapping measures (pdf).

TEDS26: Mental Health Questionnaire

In the table below, the order of measures refer to the online version of the twin mental health questionnaire. The "Blocks" are the headings under which the measures were organised in the design of the web instrument. In most cases, each block contained a single, distinct measure. However, there are also blocks containing more than one measure; where this is the case, the measures are presented as a numbered list in the "description of measure" column. Some measures had quality control items added; these are mentioned in the "description of measure" column, but are not included in the "no. of items" column.

A paper version of the questionnaire was made available on request, but it was rarely used, hence there is no reference to page numbers. The number of items shown in the table is an approximation for some measures in which certain questions had multiple parts. Some measures contained branching questions, with the result that not all twins answered all possible questions; the branching points are give in the annotated questionnaire (pdf).

Block No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Consent 1 6-part question acting as a statement of consent by the twin, if all parts were answered positively and the page was submitted.
[For admin use: NOT IN DATASET]
Questions devised by TEDS researchers, in consultation with the KCL Ethics Committee. -
Contact details 5 Confirmation of twin postal address, email address and mobile phone number. The questions were devised for the purpose of updating the TEDS administrative system.
[For admin use: NOT IN DATASET]
Questions devised by TEDS researchers. -
CoTEDS 7 Questions devised by the CoTEDS study team, to identify twins with children (or expecting children) who might participate in the CoTEDS (Children of TEDS) study.
[For admin use: only 2 items retained in the dataset]
Questions devised by CoTEDS and TEDS researchers. -
Demographics 12
  1. Marital/relationship status (1 item)
  2. Education and employment (7 items).
    Includes education level, employment status and income, payment of university fees, and benefits.
  3. Ethnic origin (1 item)
  4. Gender and sexual orientation (3 items)
Ethnic origin: from the ONS recommended ethnic origin group question for use in England (https://gss.civilservice.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/P3-Ethnic-Group-June-16-1.pdf).

Gender and sexual orientation: questions taken from the GLAD questionnaire.

All other questions devised by TEDS researchers.
The employment category responses are based on the major groups in the SOC classification: see SOC 2000 (Standard Occupational Classification 2000).
NEET category, Economic Vulnerability score, and SES composite:
Medical history 4
  1. Height and weight (2 items)
  2. Covid-19 infection and recovery (2 items).
  1. Height/weight questions devised by TEDS researchers.
  2. Covid questions devised by UK Biobank team
PHQ-15 15 Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15).
A measure of somatic and physical health conditions used to detect the presence of medically unexplained somatic symptoms related to psychological distress.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L., & Williams, J. B. (2002). The PHQ-15: validity of a new measure for evaluating the severity of somatic symptoms. Psychosomatic medicine, 64(2), 258-266 Total scale:
General Mental Health 5 After 2 introductory items about mental distress, there were 2 multi-part questions designed to assess lifetime diagnoses of common mental health conditions or neurodevelopmental disorders. Questions devised by GLAD researchers. -
MFQ 13 Moods and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ-13). A screening tool for current depression symptoms.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Angold, A., Costello, E. J., Messer, S. C., Pickles, A., Winder, F., and Silver, D. (1995). The development of a short questionnaire for use in epidemiological studies of depression in children and adolescents. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 5, 1-12 Total scale:
CIDID 28 Composite International Diagnostic Interview for Depression, Short Form (CIDID or CIDI-SF-MDD).
Adapted for TEDS from the version used by GLAD. Designed for lifetime assessment of major depressive disorder, using DSM-5 and ICD-11 checklists. Also includes some atypical depression items.
Kessler RC, Andrews G, Mroczek D, Ustun B, Wittchen HU. The World Health Organization composite international diagnostic interview short‐form (CIDI‐ SF). Int J Methods Psychiatr Res 1998; 7(4): 171–85 Derived diagnoses:
Atypical Depression:
GAD10 10 Generalised Anxiety Disorder assessment, 10-item version (GAD10). A severity measure of current generalised anxiety disorder symptoms.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Craske M, Wittchen U, Bogels S, Stein M, Andrews G, Lebeu R. (2013). Severity measure for generalized anxiety disorder, Adults. American Psychiatric Association Total scale:
CIDIA 18 Composite International Diagnostic Interview for Anxiety (CIDIA).
Adapted for TEDS from the version used by GLAD. Designed for lifetime assessment of generalised anxiety disorder, using adapted DSM-5 and ICD-11 checklists.
Kessler RC, Andrews G, Mroczek D, Ustun B, Wittchen HU. The World Health Organization composite international diagnostic interview short‐form (CIDI‐ SF). Int J Methods Psychiatr Res 1998; 7(4): 171–85 Derived diagnosis for Generalised Anxiety:
Specific Phobias 12 Specific Phobia: a lifetime measure.
Adapted for TEDS from the version used by GLAD. Designed for lifetime assessment of social phobias.
Derived diagnosis:
Social Phobias 13 Social Phobia: a lifetime measure.
Adapted for TEDS from the version used by GLAD. Designed for lifetime assessment of specific phobias.
Derived diagnosis:
Panic Disorder 14 Panic Disorder: a lifetime measure.
Adapted for TEDS from the version used by GLAD. Designed for lifetime assessment of panic disorder.
Derived diagnosis:
Agoraphobia 12 Agoraphobia: a lifetime measure.
Adapted for TEDS from the version used by GLAD. Designed for lifetime assessment of agoraphobia.
Derived diagnosis:
GAD2 2 Generalised Anxiety Disorder assessment, 7-item version (GAD-7), reduced to 2 items (GAD-2).
A measure of current anxiety symptoms. The GAD-7 is a screening tool commonly used in research and clinical practice, mapping onto generalised anxiety disorder symptoms outlined in the DSM-IV. After piloting in TEDS, the measure was reduced from 7 to 2 items, partly to avoid repetition with the other anxiety measures (see above).

Note that the GAD2 is used, along with the PHQ2 below, to screen for administration of the following WASAS measure.
Spitzer, R. L., Kroenke, K., Williams, J. B., & Löwe, B. (2006). A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: the GAD-7. Archives of internal medicine, 166(10), 1092-1097 Total scale:
PHQ2 2 Patient Health Questionnaire, 9-item version (PHQ-9), reduced to 2 items (PHQ-2).
A measure of current depression symptoms. The PHQ-9 is a screening tool commonly used in research and clinical practice, mapping onto major depressive disorder symptoms outlined in the DSM-IV. After piloting in TEDS, the measure was reduced from 9 to 2 items, partly to avoid repetition with the other depression measures (see above).

Note that the PHQ2 is used, along with GAD2 above, to screen for administration of the following WASAS measure.
Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L., & Williams, J. B. W. (2001). The PHQ-9 - Validity of a brief depression severity measure. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16, 606-613 Total scale:
WASAS 6 Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WASAS).
A measure of functional impairment resulting from mental health difficulties.

Screened by the GAD2 and PHQ2 above, and only administered to twins reporting sufficient current symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.
Marks, I. M. Behavioural psychotherapy: Maudsley pocket book of clinical management. Wright/IOP Publishing, 1986 Total scale:
CTS 5 Childhood Trauma Screener, short 5-item version (CTS-5).
A measure of adversities, including abuse or neglect, in childhood.
[Variable names use the abbreviation CTQ for childhood trauma questionnaire.]
Glaesmer H, Schulz A, Häuser W, Freyberger HJ, Brähler E, Grabe H-J. The childhood trauma screener (CTS)-development and validation of cut-off-scores for classificatory diagnostics. Psychiatrische Praxis 2013; 40(4): 220-6 Total scale:
ATS 15 Two measures, collectively referred to as the Adult Trauma Screener (ATS). The items of both measures were developed by the UK Biobank Mental Health study team.
  1. Adult Traumatic Events (5 items).
    A measure of exposure to traumatic life events in adulthood.
  2. Domestic Abuse (10 items).
    A measure of intimate partner violence.
  1. Frissa S, Hatch SL, Fear NT, Dorrington S, Goodwin L, Hotopf M. Challenges in the retrospective assessment of trauma: comparing a checklist approach to a single item trauma experience screening question. BMC psychiatry. 2016; 16(1): 20
  2. Khalifeh H, Oram S, Trevillion K, Johnson S, Howard LM. Recent intimate partner violence among people with chronic mental illness: findings from a national cross-sectional survey. Br J Psychiatry, 2015, Sep, 207(3): 207-12
Abuse flags:
  1. for traumatic events:
  2. for domestic abuse:
PCL6 6 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-6).
A measure of current PTSD symptoms. An abbreviated version, using 6 items from the full PCL-C.
Weathers, F. W., Litz, B. T., Herman, D. S., Huska, J. A., & Keane, T. M. (1993, October). The PTSD Checklist (PCL): Reliability, validity, and diagnostic utility. In annual convention of the international society for traumatic stress studies, San Antonio, TX (Vol. 462). Total scale:
Life Events 20 Based on the Coddington Life Events Checklist and adapted for TEDS. A measure of events or situations (both positive and negative) that occurred in the past year.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Coddington, R. D. (1972). The significance of life events as etiological factors in the diseases of children: II: a study of a normal population. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 16, 205-213 Counts of life events:
Self Harm 14
  1. Self harm screener (2 items)
  2. Self harm in the past year (12 items)
Measures of both suicidal feelings and self-harm actions during the past year.

Administered in two blocks: the first block of 2 items was used to screen twins to whom the second block of 12 items would be administered.
  1. Paykel, E. S., Myers, J. K., Lindenthal, J. J., & Tanner, J. (1974). Suicidal feelings in the general population: a prevalence study. Br J Psychiatry, 124(0), 460-469
  2. Madge, N., Hewitt, A., Hawton, K., Wilde, E. J. D., Corcoran, P., et al (2008). Deliberate self-harm within an international community sample of young people: comparative findings from the Child & Adolescent Self-harm in Europe (CASE) Study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 49(6), 667-677
SDQ 25 Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).
A measure of recent emotional and behavioural difficulties.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Goodman, R. (1997) The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire: A Research Note. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 38, 581-586 Subscales:
Subjective Wellbeing 3 Subjective Wellbeing (quality of life). Includes two euthymic ('positive emotion') questions and one eudemonic ('meaning') question. Items were taken from the UK Biobank and GLAD Study mental health questionnaires. Overall mean scale:
BDD 7 Body Dysmorphic Disorder: the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (BDD-DCQ).
A brief assessment of the cognitive and behavioural symptoms associated with extreme concern about physical defects. It aims to assess body dysmorphic disorder without establishing a diagnosis.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Oosthuizen P, Lambert T, Castle DJ, Dysmorphic concern: Prevalence and associations with clinical variables. Aust NZ J Psychiatry 1998; 32:129–132 Total scale:
ED screener 12 Eating Disorders: a screener devised by the PGC eating disorder group.
Lifetime assessments of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder, mapping onto DSM-5 criteria.
Bespoke measure developed by the PGC for the UK Biobank study BMI at lowest weight: zmheatd02bmi1/2
Derived diagnoses:
  1. Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ): 13 items.
    A measure of chronotype designed to calculate the midpoint of sleep based on reported sleep and wake times.
  2. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory (PSQI): 2 items.
    The 2 selected items from this measure relate to recent sleep quality.
  1. Roenneberg, T., Wirz-Justice, A., & Merrow, M. (2003). Life between clocks: daily temporal patterns of human chronotypes. Journal of biological rhythms, 18(1), 80-90
  2. Buysse, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry research, 28(2), 193-213
SPEQ 24 Specific Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ), 2 subscales:
  1. Paranoia (15 items)
  2. Hallucinations (9 items)
Assessment of the key types of experiences associated with psychosis.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Ronald, A., Sieradzka, D., Cardno, A. G., Haworth, C. M. A, McGuire, P., Freeman, D. (2014). Characterization of psychotic experiences in adolescence using the Specific Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ): Findings from a study of 5000 16-year-old twins. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40, 868-77
(reference applies to both subscales)
  1. Paranoia:
  2. Hallucinations:
MDQ 6 Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ).
A screening tool that assesses symptoms of mania and hypomania.
Hirschfeld R, Williams J, Spitzer RL, et al. Development and validation of a screening instrument for bipolar spectrum disorder: the Mood Disorder Questionnaire. Am J Psychiatry. 2000;157:1873-1875 Symptom counts:

Mania screener:
Mania and Hypomania diagnoses:
ADHD 11 Conners, 3rd edition self-report version.
A measure of ADHD symptoms in adulthood. The 11 inattention items were included.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Conners, C. K. (2008): Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3) Manual. New York: MHS Assessments. Total scale:
RAADS 6 Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale, 14 item self evaluation questionnaire (RAADS-14).
A screening tool for Autism Spectrum Disorder in adult populations. Reduced from 14 to 6 items for this questionnaire, retaining 3 socio-communicative and 3 non-social items.
Eriksson, J. M., Andersen, L. M., & Bejerot, S. (2013). RAADS-14 Screen: validity of a screening tool for autism spectrum disorder in an adult psychiatric population. Molecular autism, 4(1), 49 Total scale and subscales:
ICU 7 Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICUT).
Reduced from 24 to 7 items for this questionnaire.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Frick, P. J. (2004). The Inventory of Callous-Unemotional traits: Unpublished rating scale Total scale and subscales:
Hormonal Contraception 12
  1. Hormonal Contraception: 4 items.
    Questions relating to past and present use of hormonal contraceptives.
  2. Premenstrual Symptoms Impact Survey (PMSIS): 6 items.
    A measure of the impact of premenstrual symptoms on quality of life.
  3. 2 questions inviting expression of further interest in TEDS surveys related to these measures.
    [For admin use: these 2 items not in dataset]
Note that this entire block was only administered to twins who gave the response 'female' in the gender question Demographics block above).
  1. Questions devised by collaborative researchers in KCL.
  2. Wallenstein, G. V., B. Blaisdell-Gross, K. Gajria, A. Guo, M. Hagan, S.G. Kornstein, and K. A. Yonkers. 2008. Development and Validation of the Premenstrual Symptoms Impact Survey (PMSIS): A Disease-Specific Quality of Life Assessment Tool. Journal of Women's Health 17(3): 439-50.
  3. Questions devised by TEDS researchers.
PMSIS total scale:
Alcohol Use 7 Adapted version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).
A measure of lifetime and current alcohol use.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
The first 3 screening items were devised by TEDS researchers.
Subsequent items were adapted from this reference:
Reinert, D.F., & Allen, J.P. (2007) The alcohol use disorders identification test: an update of research findings. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 31(2), 185-199
AUDIT scale:
Drug Use (Cannabis) 3 Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST).
A measure of recent cannabis use.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Cuenca-Royo, A. M., Sánchez-Niubó, A., Forero, C. G., Torrens, M., Suelves, J. M., & Domingo-Salvany, A. (2012). Psychometric properties of the CAST and SDS scales in young adult cannabis users. Addictive Behaviors, 37(6), 709-715 -
Smoking Behaviours 15 Smoking and Vaping.
A measure of lifetime and current nicotine use.
  1. 1 screening item (ever smoked cigarettes or vapes)
  2. 6 items about cigarette use
  3. 8 items about vaping
  • 5 items (cigarette use item 6, and vaping items 5-8) were adapted from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC) Youth Tobacco and E-Cigarette survey.
  • 1 item (cigarette use item 5) was taken from this reference:
    Heatherton, T. F., Kozlowski, L. T., Frecker, R. C., & Fagerstrom, K. O. (1991). The Fagerström test for nicotine dependence: a revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire. British journal of addiction, 86(9), 1119-1127
  • The remaining items were devised by TEDS researchers.
Diet 3
  1. Special diets (vegan / vegetarian / pescatarian): 1 item
  2. Food allergies: 2 items
All questions devised by TEDS researchers. -
Exercise 3 Measurement of frequency of exercise in a typical week.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Questions devised by TEDS researchers. Scale:
Physical Illness Diagnosis 4 Single item measures of lifetime diagnoses of various physical illnesses. Questions devised by GLAD researchers. -
SASPD 9 Standardised Assessment of Severity of Personality Disorders (SASPD).
Assesses symptoms in relation to ICD-11 criteria used for diagnosis.
Olajide, K., Munjiza, J., Moran, P., O'Connell, L., Newton-Howes, G., Bassett, P., et al (2018). Development and psychometric properties of the Standardized Assessment of Severity of Personality Disorder (SASPD). Journal of Personality Disorders, 32(1), 44-56 Scale:
Hedonia 10 Specific Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ), hedonia subscale.
Assessment of aspects of anticipatory pleasure associated with psychosis.

A quality control item was inserted in this measure.
Ronald, A., Sieradzka, D., Cardno, A. G., Haworth, C. M. A, McGuire, P., Freeman, D. (2014). Characterization of psychotic experiences in adolescence using the Specific Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (SPEQ): Findings from a study of 5000 16-year-old twins. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 40, 868-77 Scale:
Feedback 3 Questions designed to collect twin feedback about the administration of the questionnaire.
[For admin use: NOT IN DATASET]
Questions devised by TEDS researchers -
Voucher preference 1 Question relating to the twin's preferred voucher reward.
[For admin use: NOT IN DATASET]
Question devised by TEDS researchers -

CATSLife Web Study

The table below lists the measures (cognitive tests) in the order that they were presented to twins in this web study. See the TestMyBrain and Spatial Spy pages for further details. The number of items excludes practice or demonstration items. In Spatial Spy, the items were interactive activities referred to as "missions", some of which comprised more than one task.

Note: when using these data, please credit The Many Brains Project and TestMyBrain in any papers, posters, or publications related to the TMB tests or data collected by TMB tests. Example citation: All tasks were selected from and hosted on The Many Brains Project's web-based cognitive testing platform, TestMyBrain (Germine et al., 2012; The Many Brains Project).

Test No. of items Description of measure References Related scales
Vocabulary 20 TestMyBrain Vocabulary test.
See the vocabulary test specification (pdf) and the TestMyBrain activities page for more details.
  1. Germine, L., Nakayama, K., Duchaine, B. C., Chabris, C. F., Chatterjee, G., & Wilmer, J. B. (2012). Is the Web as good as the lab? Comparable performance from Web and lab in cognitive/perceptual experiments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19(5), 847-857
  2. The Many Brains Project. TestMyBrain Cognitive Tests. URL: www.manybrains.net
Matching Shapes and Numbers (indefinite) TestMyBrain Digit Symbol Matching test.
See the matching shapes and numbers test specification (pdf) and the TestMyBrain activities page for more details.
In this test, participants were asked to respond to as many items as possible within a time limit of 90 seconds, hence the number of items presented was highly variable and without any fixed limit.
Remembering Word Pairs 25 TestMyBrain Verbal Paired Associates Memory test.
See the remembering words test specification (pdf) and the TestMyBrain activities page for more details.
Remembering Numbers 20 TestMyBrain Forward and Backward Digit Span test.
See then remembering numbers test specification (pdf) and the TestMyBrain activities page for more details.
Spatial Spy 9 This was a shortened and adapted version of the "Navigation Study" that was used in TEDS at age 18+ years. In the 26 Year Spatial Spy version, there were 3 mission types and 3 missions of each type, hence 9 missions in all. The 3 mission types included were:
  1. Orientation direction
  2. Orientation landmarks
  3. Map reading no memory
See the Spatial Spy page for detailed descriptions.
Developed by the TEDS team of researchers. -
Feedback 2 Quality control questions (pdf), asking whether twins had experienced distractions during the tests. Questions devised by researchers -