TEDS Data Dictionary

2 Year Data Returns

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This page summarises data returns in the 2 Year booklet study.

Most of the figures in the table below are based on information logged in the TEDS admin database. However, figures for 'data in the dataset' are based on the final analysis dataset itself.

Lost 2 Year Data

The table below shows discrepancies between the number of families that returned the booklets, and the number of families with data in the dataset.

In the case of the 1994 cohort, the discrepancy is relatively small (around 40 families), and this is typical of TEDS studies in general. Small discrepancies of this sort arise because of logging errors, unusable booklets, and loss of data.

In the case of the 1995 cohort, the discrepancy is large: the data are missing for nearly 700 families. This is because NOP Numbers, the organisation hired for the data-entry, failed to return one or more files of entered data; these data were subsequently found to be irretrievably lost.


The figures shown in the table below are numbers of families (twin pairs). Note that families in the 1996 cohort were not contacted for this study.

Cohort (birth year of twins): 1994 1995 TOTAL
Original ONS sample 5640 5710 11350
2 Year booklets sent 5241 5405 10646
2 Year booklets returned 3568 3440 7008
Percentage of booklets returned 68.1% 63.6% 65.8%
Data in the dataset 3526 2760 6286