TEDS Data Dictionary

The 18 Year Fashion Food and Music Preferences Web Questionnaire

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This page describes the questionnaire, about fashion, food and music preferences, that was the activity of the 18 Year FFMP twin web study.


The Fashion Food and Music Preferences (FFMP) study consisted of the questionnaire as described below and administered as a web activity. It consisted of 118 questionnaire items, which are listed in full in the FFMP questionnaire (pdf). The images displayed for the Fashion questions are shown below. The items of the questionnaire were grouped into the following broad measures (see also the measures page):

  1. Background (5 items)
  2. Fashion preferences (9 items)
  3. Food preferences (104 items)
  4. Music preferences (11 items)

Within the web application, the measures were divided into "tasks" or sections as follows:

  1. Background
  2. Fashion
  3. Food part 1
  4. Food part 2
  5. Food part 3
  6. Music

Questionnaire responses were submitted together at the end of each of these sections. Hence, if the activities were interrupted (e.g. by closing the browser) then any response recorded so far within the current section would be lost; on resuming again at a later time, the respondent would start again at the beginning of the same section.

As shown in the FFMP questionnaire (pdf), each section was divided into one or more web pages, generally with several questions presented on each page. In each question, twins were asked to respond, using the mouse, generally by selecting options presented on screen using radio buttons or check boxes. In two cases (ranking fashion styles and ranking music genres), responses were made by dragging and dropping boxes into a preferred order. In one case (when specifying other allergies), twins would enter a text response from the keyboard. Having made responses on a given web page, a twin would proceed to the next page by clicking on a button.

Web Questionnaire Rules

This simple questionnaire had few special rules. There was no discontinue rule and no time-out rule. As described in the 18 year web activities page, twins were required to complete an on line consent form after the initial login and before starting the questionnaire.

The items were presented on screen either individually or in groups with a variety of response formats (see the FFMP questionnaire (pdf)). Every item was compulsory: if any item on a page was not answered, it was not possible to click the button to proceed to the next page of items. The pages of items were presented in a fixed order that was the same for all twins.

The questionnaire contained very limited branching, restricted to a few items (about milk, tea, coffee and wine) where responses to follow-up questions were only sought where an appropriate response had been given to an initial question.

Twins were encouraged to complete the questionnaire in one session, especially as the questionnaire was short (typically taking 15 minutes). However, as described above, the questionnaire was divided into sections, and responses were submitted at the end of each section. Hence, if the questionnaire was halted mid-way through, for example by closing the browser, then responses would only be lost from the current section if incomplete; in this case, a twin would re-start the questionnaire at the start of the same section on logging in again.

Dataset Item Variables

The item variables relating to the FFMP questionnaire, as described in the table below, were generated automatically by programs on the web server. Additional derived variables relating to this questionnaire are described on the 18 year derived variables page. Note that the dataset only includes data for completed sections of this questionnaire. If a twin started the questionnaire but left it unfinished, then data would only have been submitted for completed sections. The start and end dates/times have not been retained in the dataset.

For detailed variable names, see the FFMP item coding (pdf). For a complete list of 18 Year study variables, see the 18 year variables page. For details of every question, including the wording of the question and the response options, see the FFMP questionnaire (pdf).

The variable names all begin with the prefix rcf followed by the following letters that denote the section of the questionnaire:

  • cn: consent
  • bg: background
  • fas: fashion
  • fd1: food part 1
  • fd2: food part 2
  • fd3: food part 3
  • mus: music
VariablesExplanation Values
rcfsttm1/2 Start date and time of the FFHP activities [not in dataset] Date-time values
rcfentm1/2 Date and time when the FFHP activities were stopped (whether completed or not) [not in dataset] Date-time values
rcfcndata1/2, rcfbgdata1/2, rcffasdata1/2, rcffd1data1/2, rcffd2data1/2, rcffd3data1/2, rcfmusdata1/2 Data flag: was the given section of the questionnaire completed and submitted? 0=no, 1=yes
rcfcnsttm1/2, rcfbgsttm1/2, rcffassttm1/2, rcffd1sttm1/2, rcffd2sttm1/2, rcffd3sttm1/2, rcfmussttm1/2 Start date and time of the given section of the questionnaire Date-time values
rcfcnentm1/2, rcfbgentm1/2, rcffasentm1/2, rcffd1entm1/2, rcffd2entm1/2, rcffd3entm1/2, rcfmusentm1/2 End date and time of the given section of the questionnaire Date-time values
(XXXX is a string of 4 or 5 characters specific to each item)
Questionnaire item response a given item from the Background section of the questionnaire (varies between items)
(X is the fashion style number, 1 to 8)
Questionnaire item response for Fashion style ratings: how much do you like style X 10-point Likert scale, from 1=not at all to 10=a lot
(X is the fashion style number, 1 to 8)
Questionnaire item response for ranking Fashion styles: rank the 8 styles in order 1 to 8
(XXXX is a string of 4 or 5 characters specific to each item)
Questionnaire item response a given item from the Food part 1 section of the questionnaire (varies between items)
(XXXX is a string of 4 or 5 characters specific to each item)
Questionnaire item response a given item from the Food part 2 section of the questionnaire 0=not applicable, 1=dislike a lot, 2=dislike a little, 3=neither like nor dislike, 4=like a little, 5=like a lot
(XXXX is a string of 4 or 5 characters specific to each item)
Questionnaire item response a given item from the Food part 3 section of the questionnaire (varies between items)
(XX is the music genre number, 01 to 10)
Questionnaire item response for Music genre ratings: how much do you like genre XX 10-point Likert scale, from 1=not at all to 10=a lot
(XX is the music genre number, 01 to 10)
Questionnaire item response for ranking Music genres: rank the 10 genres in order 1 to 10

Images used for fashion styles

Refer to the FFMP questionnaire (pdf) for details of the questions in which these image were used. These are the same images that were used in the web activity, and are displayed with the same image size.

Qnr item no.Fashion styleImage
6 Style 1: Urban urban
7 Style 2: Emo / Goth emo-goth
8 Style 3: Hipster / Trendy hipster-trendy
9 Style 4: Boho / Indie boho-indie
10 Style 5: Luxe Sport luxe sport
11 Style 6: Preppy / Elegant / Chic preppy-elegant-chic
12 Style 7: Rocker / Grunge rocker-grunge
13 Style 8: Athletic / Casual athletic-casual